Growing seedlings of Bulgarian pepper in the country - video

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Video Tips for growing peppers in the greenhouse at the cottageBulgarian pepper is a very thermophilic and capricious culture, which must be maintained constantly. Especially pepper needs attention when watering. This video will teach many novice gardeners to grow large fruits and enjoy their harvest, despite that time, planting of seedlings will be carried out in the open field or in the greenhouse. The most important thing is to keep the pepper from strong drafts and learn how to water it properly.

See also:How to make a greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands?

A good example of productive plants confirms that only properly created agrotechnical conditions for seedlings lead to the desired results - large and juicy fruits.

See also:Eremurus - a perennial flower for growing in the country

Rules for planting pepper seedlings - read this article!

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