How to connect a wireless keyboard to a TV: what problems may arise

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Modern technology is designed so that you can attach a mouse, keyboard, etc. to it. With their help, through the TV you can use applications of different directions.

How to connect a wireless keyboard to a TV

The content of the article

  • How to connect a wireless keyboard to a TV
  • How to connect a wireless keyboard to Smart TV
    • What problems may arise and how to fix them

How to connect a wireless keyboard to a TVConsider several options for connecting a wireless keyboard to a TV:

  • In order to connect it, you must perform the following steps: go to the Settings menu, select the System and go to the Device Manager, and then select the Keyboard item. But this connection will be possible only if the TV supports this function.

Important! Before connecting a wireless keyboard, you first need to study the instructions and find out which device will correspond to this TV model.

  • If the TV has a function such as Bluetooth, the connection is made by turning it on through the Menu and Device Manager. After launching this command, the TV will start searching for the keypad, when it is detected, it will ask you to connect, which you should agree to.
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How to connect a wireless keyboard to Smart TV

How to connect a wireless keyboard to Smart TVWhen connecting a wireless device to Smart TV, you do not need to specifically install programs or drivers. It is enough to perform a number of actions:

  1. In the USB connector, turn on the transceiver, which is included when buying a wireless keyboard.
  2. On the keypad, press the ON button, and then Connect.
  3. A message about connecting this device will pop up on the TV screen and a cursor will appear, which will indicate the beginning of work.

If this connection does not occur, then you should: in the "Device Manager" select "Keyboard" and in the window that opens when the keyboard name pops up, you will need to be prompted to agree. As a result, “Connection established” appears.

What problems may arise and how to fix them

How to connect a wireless keyboard to Smart TVThere may be problems connecting a wireless device to the TV. To eliminate them, you should:

  • Read the TV instructions, finding out which device models are suitable for this device. If nothing is indicated in it, then use the Internet to search for this information.

Important! In most cases, they should have a common producer.

  • Flash TV using the Internet or a flash card.

You can flash the TV using the Internet: in the Menu, select “Support”, and then “Software Update”. Click on “Update Now”, the TV will find the new firmware and the prompt “Install” will pop up on the screen, which should be answered with consent. After automatic installation, the TV itself will turn off and on, only after that you can start watching. After this step, try reconnecting the keyboard.

Flash TV firmware: using the World Wide Web, the manufacturer’s website should download the latest firmware for your TV model. Format the USB flash drive in FAT32 format, copy the firmware to it and open this file. The application will automatically start and install. Insert the flash card into the usb port of the TV, go to the Menu and select “Software Update”, and then “Update Now”. The TV will find the firmware on the flash card and install it.

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