How to configure serger: thread tension, stitch and cut to size

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Following the acquisition of overlock immediately want to get to work. But no need to hurry! To get a quality job, you need to carefully treat the setting of such a delicate device. Adjust the sewing machine should be in stages.

How to configure serger before sewing

The content of the article

  • How to configure serger before sewing
    • thread tension
    • Stitch size and cut
  • How to get high-quality line
  • Solving General Problems
  • Lubrication and cleaning overlock

Compared with a sewing machine, overlock device is of great complexity. Setting up of many criteria the assembly, and repairs of mechanisms subject to a skilled artisan. A number of papers (e.g., interaction of the looper) own to implement very problematic. But often no work to repair or adjust the units is required, you just need to perform a proper infusion of tension Izod yarns that provide quality work machine.

thread tension

Overlock yarn tensionPreviously overlock adjustment was difficult, since all the actions governed by the conical coil springs, closed under the car body. Today, the availability of the necessary controls on the external panel facilitates balanced exposure values.

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Professionals advise to hold tension adjustment using whole parameters on the controller. The division between them is needed in order to adjust a stitch for a specific type of work.

To thread tension (trehnitochny serger) was optimal, it is necessary to achieve the correct position of the regulator on the sewing machine.

Exposed figures 2 to 4 will lead to a weak tension, the values ​​from 4 to 5 - average tension, elevation of 6 to 7 provides strong tension.

Important! All controls should be placed on the same spot, and all dressed in their thread of one number and structure.

Stitch size and cut

Overlock stitch sizeTo get a quality weld, it is advisable to determine the width and stitch length. The presence of the universal mode provides standard work on overlock on most fabrics. To perform small seams machine are optional.

Apply the biggest indicators is required in cases where a larger amount of tissue necessary to accommodate within the stitch. At the minimum values ​​work quite difficult: due to optimal tension going on its periodic truncation.

How to get high-quality line

overlock lineIn order to achieve optimal settings need a small knitwear for checking the quality of the stitching. Stitch material and examine the resulting seam carefully.

You should first examine loops left needle. The presence of a wrinkled tissue suggests a strong thread tension of the left needle. It is necessary to weaken it, gradually changing the control parameters. Each change to check stitching to complete disappearance of wrinkles in the fabric.

In the next step the device settings need to be checked for evenness line: Position the fabric so that the needle was in the middle, stretch the ends to the sides - a ladder of thread requires an increase in tension.

Important! We need to focus on the left needle thread, since it is responsible for a loop connection with each other.

If it is properly tensioned, the line will be high-quality. Finding the right indicator of the left thread, it is necessary to duplicate it in the right thread. This principle is suitable for all types of matter, the values ​​for the right and left should be the same.

The last stage - to determine where the intertwined looper thread (end segment of tissue). The line must be flat with a smooth pattern between stitches. There is a loop off the edge of the material suggests that the looper threads are stretched slightly, it is necessary to pull them and recheck on the other piece of fabric. If you are the only one loop of the looper, it is necessary to tighten up its thread. In some cases it is necessary to immediately pull one another and reduce the looper (better start to weaken, then pull).

Solving General Problems

overlockIf the buttonhole The material does not move, then foot presses the fabric is very weak. When working with a too thin matter, it is necessary that the pressure foot was minimal or fabric will wrinkle.

  • Obmetyvaya thick material, pressing of the foot must be increased.
  • Broken says incorrect refueling. looper thread should be refueled with the utmost care. In certain types of machines can only fill a curved forceps - the process is fairly complex.
  • Using the scheme will surely insert the thread on the necessary places, skipping one attachment will result in non-uniformity of the seam.
  • Breakage can result from improperly selected thread. Yarn used are also important to work on the overlock, they are indicators of obmetochnyh seams. Different quality and thickness affect the change in the seam pattern. It is better not to use thick or cotton thread. The thin and flexible to easily pass through the fabric being sewn, the needle loopers. The same thread recommended for tapered bobbins.
  • Entanglement is possible due to the wrong thread wound on a spool. It is necessary to check the direction of the course of the thread.

Skipped stitches can be due to the fact that:

  • the needle is bent or unsharp. A dull needle is determined by the holding nail by the thumb tip of the needle circle. If the needle is bent, it will feel the nail. The same can be done with a magnifying glass. If a defect is not necessary to straighten the needle - this is unacceptable to fine tune overlock.
    It is important to examine what the needle is in the machine and use only those categories and brands that are recommended by the manufacturer.
    the needle is incorrectly inserted;
  • the needle may not be used according to the recommendations of the manufacturer, is incorrect;
  • weak pressing of foot tissue;
  • Pass one of the thread fasteners.

Lubrication and cleaning overlock

overlockProlonged use of the machine makes it necessary to clean the compartments loopers and other places available for the accumulation of contaminants (cropping, feathering, oil stains). Lubricate and clean the serger, you can own hands. Today there are a large number of video, which shows how to perform these procedures. No matter Chinese, corporate or industrial ispolzute serger.

To clean the hair is better to use a hard brush. It is necessary to avoid excessive amounts of oil from the needle, it may damage the material. Accuracy is required for lubrication of components in contact with matter.

The lubricant must be carried out one time in months, with frequent application time of 30 days. Lubricator can be (better) replace medical syringe, it will provide access to difficult places with a little oil consumption.

The scheme can be found instructions for lubrication, but it is better lubrication to expose all of the available space.

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