How to wash a stainless steel thermos inside of tea

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Thermos in the modern world - things are almost indispensable, there are models not only for preserving hot tea, but also for eating, because not everyone has the opportunity to warm up their lunch at work. The flask is most often made of stainless steel, as it retains heat well inside itself and is not subject to change. After a long use of the thermos, its surface may be covered with bloom from the tea or an unpleasant smell may appear if food particles are caught in hard-to-reach places.

Suitable tools for effective cleaning

Thermoses are made either from stainless steel or from reflective glass, if you are the owner of the first type, you need to prepare for the frequent formation of tea raid. Capacity from stainless steel absorbs smells and impurity better, therefore it is more difficult to wash it from them. Not everyone knows what to do in this case, but skillful housewives have already identified the most effective means suitable for this purpose, each of them involves the use of scrap materials.

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Citric acid

Citrus fruits are often used to remove unpleasant odors and clean contaminated surfaces; in the case of a thermos, they are also very effective. First, you can use citric acid: 2 tablespoons of powder should be poured into a flask and pour boiling water to the highest possible level. Then it needs to be closed with a lid and left overnight.

Secondly, you can use the fresh fruit itself, for this you need to cut it into slices and pour boiling water on it, close the lid and leave overnight. In the morning, you need to pour out the remaining liquid, throw out the lemon and wash the container with ordinary detergent. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out the procedure several times to remove persistent tea deposits. Unpleasant odor is usually eliminated after the first lemon treatment.

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Baking soda

This product is available to any housewife, one pack of soda can be stored for many years in the kitchen without work, but it is perfectly suited for removing contamination and odors on dishes. It is necessary to prepare a solution based on the ratio of 1 tablespoon of soda to 1 cup of hot water. The resulting mixture is poured into a flask, tightly closed with a lid and left overnight. In the morning, soda solution should be poured out, and the container cleaned with dishwashing detergent.

Soda will effectively clean the internal surface of plaque and odor.

There is another option to wash the thermos using soda, in addition you will need to use pearl barley. The flask needs to be filled with boiling water, add half a glass of cereal and a couple of teaspoons of soda, then close it with a lid and shake well. In this case, the barley plays the role of a kind of soft washcloth, which easily cleans the walls of the flask.

Table vinegar

Another effective tool that can be used not only when cooking, but also to clean stainless steel thermos from plaque. Fill the flask three-quarters with hot water, the rest of the amount with a 9% acetic acid. Close the lid and shake the thermos thoroughly to mix the liquids. Leave it to cool for a couple of hours, shaking occasionally. After time, pour out the solution and rinse the inside of the flask with cool water. Acetic acid can quickly clean a thermos without leaving a trace of plaque or odor, in addition, the pungent smell of vinegar is easily weathered after drying of the thermos.

Denture Cleaning Tablets

This method has been used recently, but it also copes with contamination very effectively. You will first need to buy pills at the pharmacy, they are inexpensive. To clean a thermos, it is necessary to fill it with boiling water and dissolve 2 - 3 tablets in it. This mixture is left overnight, and pours out in the morning. After that, you need to wash the thermos using ordinary detergent in warm water.


To extend the life of the thermos and not to damage it during washing, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. After each use of the thermos, thoroughly rinse it with a soap solution, if necessary, use a dishware brush to wash off the hard residue. Such prevention will prevent the formation of plaque and odor.
  2. Do not use bleaching detergents for kitchen surfaces, they can clean the thermos, but there is a possibility of damaging the rubber parts on its cover or even the seams.
  3. Do not use abrasive cleaning agents - sand, egg shells, metal brushes, etc. They may scratch the surface and the thermos will keep it warm.
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