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  • Mitten bead on the Christmas tree - video

The symbol of this year is the Yellow Dog, and in order to attract happiness and luck to the house to decorate the New Year tree you need homemade toys. Beautiful Christmas toys made of beads are easy to do with your own hands, and the Christmas tree with them will be especially elegant.

New Year's beaded crafts

One of the main decorations for the Christmas tree is multicolored balls. Christmas balls made of beads can be completely different, and make them very simple. Consider several different ways:

Balls of beads and lace

You need to prepare:

  • beads;
  • sequins;
  • lace( can be replaced with organza);
  • plastic bag;
  • thread and needle.

How to do:

  1. The package will act as a basis. It needs to be crumpled to make a ball.
  2. For the shape of the toy to be more or less even, you need to wrap the crumpled bag with string. For reliability, you can secure the workpiece with glue. It should be applied in some places on a string.
  3. instagram viewer
  4. The prepared material( lace or tulle) is wound on a ball from a bag, and gradually in the process we sew chaotically on sequins and beads.
  5. At the top, we make a loop with a tape or a thick thread.

Transparent bead


  • beads and beads;
  • wire( originally looks colored);
  • cutting pliers;
  • inflatable ball.

How to do:

  1. We begin to string beads and beads of different colors and sizes on a long wire in a chaotic manner;
  2. We inflate a ball to the size of your bead's Christmas tree toy;
  3. Wrap the ball with wire with beads. For braiding beads, Christmas tree balls are not at all necessary; we do as we like.
  4. In order to keep the toy on the tree, you can use a ribbon, or make a hook from the same wire.
  5. In order for the toy to remain in the correct shape, in one place during the winding, the wire must be twisted neatly. It is in this place that the hook or ribbon will be attached.

It is impossible to wind the wire too tightly, otherwise the ball will burst.

The branches of the New Year tree can be decorated with various original Christmas-tree decorations made of beads.

See also: In harmony with nature - wooden housing construction

Christmas wreath on the Christmas tree

You need to prepare:

  • wire;
  • beads( red, green, gold);
  • clippers;
  • tape;
  • pliers( not to use).

How to do:

  1. The wire must be wrapped several times around 3-4 fingers. To make a ring.
  2. Need to cut another 3 pieces of wire of the same length( 30-40 cm).The edge of these segments twist on one side.
  3. On the other hand, we begin to string the beads. Each part has its own color. At the end of the wire should be left free edge.
  4. Now we need to weave a braid from these three parts.
  5. The free edge of the wire is twisted with pliers and joined together.
  6. Cut off the extra edge.
  7. At the junction of the edges of the wire we tie the tape. It is she who will keep this Christmas beaded toy on the branch.

Be sure to place an amazing snowman next to the Christmas wreath.

Christmas tree toy made of beads - an angel

Angel figurines are one of the invariable attributes of the New Year holidays. It is very simple to make such a Christmas tree toy out of beads with your own hands, and we will tell exactly how:

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You need to prepare:

  • white bead( head);
  • gold-colored beads( wings);
  • beads of different colors and shapes( bottom);
  • glass beads;
  • pins;
  • wire;
  • pliers.

How to do:

  1. Begin to make this Christmas bead toy, the scheme of which is below, from the head. On a large segment of the wire we string a white bead. To make the bead not “run away”, you need to make a small ring on the edge of the wire and clamp it with pliers. It is in this little ring thread will be threaded.
  2. Now we need a long oval bead( angel's body), which we string along behind the head.
  3. To make hands, between the head and the corset you need to fasten the wire, and in each hand in turn, put on 1 golden round + 1 elongated white +1 gold + 1 elongated white + 1 gold. The edge of the wire is threaded into the last white bead.
  4. Angel skirt is made from pins. Beads of different shapes and colors are strung on each of them, after which with the help of wire pins are interconnected through the eye of the pin. At the bottom of the skirt, between the pins add large beads.
  5. Wings are made separately from golden beads and fastened to the back.

Having made a wonderful angel, do not forget to make Santa Claus and a tender Snow Maiden.

Asterisk on a Christmas Tree

Anyone can decorate the tree with a Christmas star made with their own hands.

Necessary to prepare:

  • thin wire;
  • thick wire;
  • beads of different sizes, colors and shapes;
  • beads, also different.

How to do:

  1. Make a star contour using thick wire, using pliers.
  2. At the junction of the ends of the wire, make a small ring for the tape. On her toy will hang on the Christmas tree.
  3. The base of the star now needs to be wrapped with a thin wire. In the process we randomly add different beads and beads.
  4. Attach the ribbon to the ring and the toy is ready!
Read also: Detailed master class in making Christmas toys from light bulbs

Master class on making dogs from beads

The company puppy will make other cute animals.

How to improve the old Christmas ball

If you do not have time to figure out how the Christmas balls are made from the beads according to the scheme, you can simply improve the old ones! On a ball that has already lost its beauty, you can make a “cape of beads.

Need to prepare:

  • beads 2 colors;
  • several large beads;
  • Christmas ball;
  • fishing line.

How to do:

  1. We make a ring out of beads. It should fall on the Christmas tree toy. For this, beads of different colors are used, in any order.
  2. The line must be tied into a knot, and the free edge is passed through the next few beads.
  3. On the edge of the line that you just passed, we string the beads and make a ring out of it. The size of this ring should correspond to the height of the Christmas tree toy. When it is ready, we will pass the line on the first bead of this ring.
  4. We sell the line through several beads in the main ring. And again we draw the edge. Make another ring, only slightly smaller than the previous one. It is very important to skip the line through several beads of the first ring approximately in the middle so that the “petals” touch each other.
  5. Repeat these rings until all the petals close.
  6. Put it on the ball. We draw the working edge of the fishing line in the lower part of one of the petals and string beads on it and thread through one bead of the next petal. Repeat until the circle closes.
  7. Tie a knot, and you're done!

Bead mitten on the Christmas tree - video

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