Features care at home for asplenium

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For many reasons ferns have become very popular in indoor landscaping. The green color is soothing, the carved fronds are picturesque and attract the eye, leading away thoughts from the negative. There are 800 species of ancient ferns. Asplenium is a variety of tropical plants, many of which are epiphytes growing in and in symbiosis with trees. Three varieties of asplenium have been selected for cultivation; care for them is available at home and in greenhouses.

Agrotechnika aspleniums

The most important value for keeping flowers at home is to create conditions for their development. Given that there are people in the room who are accustomed to certain conditions, a balance between interests will be required. Care for asplenium at home should provide:

  • proper illumination;
  • instagram viewer
  • sufficient humidity;
  • air exchange without drafts;
  • temperature conditions in summer and winter;
  • watering, fertilizer and soil requirements.

If we give birth to a child, we raise it, and over time it can do without help, then the houseplant will always be helpless and demand care and attention. It will benefit its presence only with careful care. A green window sill with diseased plants will not create a comfortable state.

Creating a home garden you need to find a place for each plant to taste. Asplenium in lighting does not like direct sunlight. And if the apartment has no northern windows, then it should be placed at a depth of not less than 3 m from the window. We know that healthy leaves absorb harmful substances from the air, thereby cleansing it. Therefore, it is so important to have healthy fronds. In a dark corner, the flower will stop growing and developing. In the light, the leaf plates will turn pale. Only the golden mean in the care and maintenance of asplenium will lead to success!

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To obtain the desired humidity for the plant, there are special techniques. The ideal humidity is 60%, it is a comfortable environment for humans. Create such conditions in apartments with central heating is impossible. It is necessary to use local moisturizing.

Asplenium's care technology requires frequent spraying of sheets with a fine spray. Even in winter, this wetting should be done 2 times a day. In the summer, leaves are moistened more often, and the number of approaches depends on the ambient temperature. Nearby a permanent evaporation should be arranged. It is reached by an evaporator, diapers on radiators or a pallet installed nearby with porous, moistened materials such as moss and expanded clay. When spraying you need to use only distilled soft warm water, you can use boiled water.

In a cool room, excessive wetting of asplenium in winter can cause mold. Unlike other ornamental plants, ferns love souls, but protect their fronds from touching. So it is better not to touch them again and not to stress the plant. The consequences of insufficient moisture will be drying the leaves, discoloration and the appearance of aphids. Aphid will indicate brown leaf. Fern aphid does not twist.

Watering asplenium loves sparing, without a gulf. A clod of earth should only be damp. Even in the summer they water 2-3 times a week, in the winter as required. But before fertilizing the land must be moistened. Fertilize the plant during the growing season once every 2 weeks with a special compound for ferns. It contains more extracts from organic matter and little mineral salts. Suitable fertilizer for ficuses, but in half the dose. Excessive salinization of the land will lead to the death of the plant. Water for irrigation is taken desalinated, or soft by nature with a small amount of carbonates.

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The best method of irrigation is bottom, while the plant with a pot is immersed in a container and waiting for the clod to be saturated with moisture. A field for several hours creates conditions for filtering excess liquid. Overflow and drought are equally destructive for the plant.

Of great importance in the maintenance of asplenium is clean air without drafts. Like other plants of this species, asplenium does not tolerate tobacco smoke in the room. Drifts to ferns Kostenets also contraindicated. The reaction to the wrong conditions of detention is the drying of the leaves. In this case, the plant can be freed from dried plates and create a constant humidity. The leaves will start growing again after a while. Just so healthy leaves cut is not recommended.

Replace Kostenets rarely when the need arises:

  • stops the growth of new leaves;
  • fronds begin to turn yellow;
  • intensive foliar drying occurs under the conditions of detention;
  • container tightly filled with roots.

The soil for asplenium is composed in equal proportions of peat, leaf and sod land, sand. Useful additives will be shredded sphagnum, charcoal. When transplanting choose a larger size of the pot, but not spacious. Until the roots fill the ground, the aboveground part of the plant will not develop. Transplantation of young plants is carried out annually; for adults, the dishes are changed if necessary. At the same time, a healthy plant is rolled over without destroying the coma and the substrate is not compacted.

Diseased roots must be removed and the wound disinfected. Transplant the diseased plant after cleaning into a smaller pot so that it does not acidify the earth.

Diseases and pests

Asplenium care is the constant monitoring of the condition of the plant. Despite the special composition of the juice of fern species, pests and diseases can move into a weakened plant. So, excessive watering can cause septoria, gray rot. Spots can be a signal for over-feeding of the plant. Such spots are the result of diseases of taffins or phyllostikts. The treatment of fungal sporiferous diseases is fungicides. At the time of treatment, reduce irrigation and eliminate feeding.

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Plants in dry air infect aphids and scale insects. They can be saved by insecticides or folk methods. But if nematodes are wound up in the fights, then such a plant is difficult to heal, it is better to get rid of it so as not to infect all the other plants. Nematodes can be found if a leaf with brown internal stains is moistened and put on dark paper. Small, up to 1 mm worms, visible on a black background, will begin to emerge from the plate. You can pick these fronds, stop for a while watering and spraying the plant, in some cases it helps.

Recommended varieties for indoor breeding

In conclusion, we call the varieties of aspleenium for maintenance and care in the home are most suitable. Asplenium nesting is the most common plant in culture. Epiphytic fern, has large leaves up to a meter that grow from the center, creating a funnel. This plant needs space, it is actively growing in width. Nesting like it was called for a kind of placement of creeping roots and leaves.

Asplenium, luciferous, has feathery leaves, grows very quickly, leaves are strongly dissected, hanging down. On the adventitious buds, small plants develop, which fall into the ground and take root.

Asplenium antikum, or osaka, is less common. It has feathery leaves, wavy at the edges.

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