It is important to know how to cut Kalanchoe

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Kalanchoe is a plant that can be seen in many apartments. And there is an explanation: almost all its varieties are unpretentious and able to exert a healing effect on the body. However, even the most picky flower needs proper care. This is watering, fertilizer, soil loosening, pruning. Pruning process is simple, but in order not to harm the flower, you need to know how to cut Kalanchoe, namely the sequence of the procedure and the best time for this.

What is pruning Kalanchoe at home and why is it needed?

Pruning Kalanchoe is the removal of excess leaves or peduncles. It is necessary to give the flower a neat round shape. Growing in the form of a small bush, the plant looks more original than a long, thin stem with chaotic branches extended upward.

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In addition to the decorative purpose, pruning Kalanchoe at home is necessary to create the most favorable conditions for the life of the plant. The accumulated juice inside the flower is distributed evenly along the branches, filling the leaves. The plant becomes juicy and more resistant to drying and wilting.

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Cutting Kalanchoe is of three types:

  • initial;
  • prophylactic;
  • after flowering.

For cutting the flower is better to use a sharp table knife or stationery blade. Breaking the leaves by hand can damage the plant and it will wither.

How to cut Kalanchoe depending on the type of flower

Depending on the type Kalanchoe, the rules for pruning are different. To date, more than 200 plant species are known, however, few can grow at home. The most common is the Blossfeld variety, which blooms with bright red flowers. Pruning its extra leaves can be done in limitless quantities. Even if all the adventitious branches and leaves are cut off, leaving only the “stump”, this flower after a while will again be covered with thick leaves.

The situation is more difficult with the Kalanchoe varieties, blooming white and yellow flowers. Such its varieties are quite rare and whimsical. Excessive leaf removal can be disastrous for the plant. Before pinching Kalanchoe rare species, it is necessary to accurately determine its variety.

As a rule, competent pruning of Kalanchoe occurs painlessly for a flower. However, in the event of a wound on the stem in the form of rotting, sprinkle this place with a small amount of wood ash.

Initial and preventive pruning

A young plant should be tweaked almost as soon as it has taken root and started to grow. On each of the Kalanchoe shoots, it is necessary to cut one by one - two upper leaflets. This is the initial pruning of the flower. Further, as needed, prophylactic pruning will already occur: new shoots will appear on the cleavage site, on which leaves will be formed. This procedure must be repeated until the plant takes a neat round or bush shape.

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In winter, in particular, after November, it is desirable to stop pruning. It will be possible to resume the procedure in late spring, however, at this time the flower may bloom, and then pruning will be contraindicated.

Preventive pruning can be carried out immediately when new leaves are formed on the shoots. It is not necessary to wait when they grow up.

During the initial formation of the flower should not keep it in a strongly illuminated room. In bright light, the plant quickly gives rise to growth, resulting in its overgrowth.

Pruning Kalanchoe after blooming

After blooming pruning Kalanchoe is made not only to remove excess leaves, but also to free the flower from the peduncles. The leaves are removed, as in normal pruning: one or two extreme on the stems.

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Before cutting the Kalanchoe after flowering, you must make sure that all its flowers are completely bloomed. Flower stalks should be removed at the very base so that the plant does not start to rot. They must be removed every single plant after each flowering.

This procedure stimulates new growth of stems ready for flowering. Upon completion of pruning Kalanchoe after flowering, the plant needs a period of rest. This is the time when watering should be reduced and there should be no direct sunlight. The time it takes for the flower to come to life is about 20 to 40 days.

Pruning leaves and peduncles is best done in the morning, preferably before noon.

Timely pruning Kalanchoe will provide a lush and rich bush with regular flowering. Literate pruning is the health of the flower.

Video about Kalanchoe

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