Secrets and intricacies of growing plectrantus at home is able to successfully develop even with the most minimal care. The main value of the plectrantus is in the beautiful leaves, which, depending on the species, can be monotonously green or have various edging and veins of a contrasting color.

Botanical description of the plectranthus

Plectrant flowers have practically no value. They are sufficiently small and inconspicuous.

Room mint shoots falling, densely leafy, with a tetrahedral stem. But there are also other types of Plectranthus with erect stems. They are more like small shrubs.

The following species are most common in room culture:

  • Bush;
  • Ertendali;
  • ; Coleous;
  • South.

The first of these, the shrub pleckrantus, is also known as the molar tree.

If you grind its leaves, they emit a strong odor, a good deterring moth. The remaining three species - ampelous plants, which can be planted in various hanging pot and pots.

Growing conditions

Growing plectrantus at home is not particularly difficult. Spurflower is quite suitable for very busy people or beginner gardeners, as it requires minimal care.

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House Mint requires intense but diffused lighting. Only variegated forms usually need more light. In winter, the lighting for plectrantus should be equally intense.

If the plant at this moment suffers from a lack of light, its shoots will grow and become thin and weak.

In summer, a pot with shtrotsvetnik can be taken out into the garden or put on the terrace. Placement should be chosen so that the plant does not fall into direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can cause significant burns on the leaves.


In the period of intensive growth of room mint moderate watering is required. When the summer heat comes, you can water more often. Watering and humidity for plectrantus in winter should be significantly reduced. If this is not done, the risk of fungal diseases increases. For irrigation it is best to use separated water at room temperature.

It is impossible to completely dry room mint, it will lead to the precipitation of most of the leaves and the plant will lose its decorative appearance.


The stem of the flowers does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil. Worst culture develops in heavy airtight loam. The composition of the soil for plectrantus may be as follows:

  • 1 part of leafy ground;
  • 1 part of pure river sand or, in its absence, perlite;
  • 1 part of deoxidized peat.
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If there is no possibility for independent compilation of the earthy mixture, you can use universal soil for growing indoor decorative plants. Also in the pot with a plant must be equipped with good drainage.

Temperature mode

In summer, the temperature for growing the plectrantus should be within + 23-26 ° C.Moreover, the plant is very useful difference between day and night temperature indicators. In winter, the sporiferous bloom requires a cooler content, but at the same time the temperature should not fall below + 10 ° C.

Basic care measures

Growing plectrantus at home is not possible without proper care. Mint, especially young plants, has a rather intensive growth rate, so it needs annual transplantation. To carry it out best in the spring.

The new pot should not be much larger than the old one. When transplanted to an excessively large container, souring of soil that has not been absorbed by the roots may occur, which can lead to the death of the plant.

Older copies of room mint, depending on the condition, can be replanted once every 2-3 years.

During the period of intensive growth from March to August, it is recommended to feed the spore-flowering with any complex mineral fertilizer for indoor plants. It should be diluted according to the attached annotations.

The shoots of the old Plektrantrans eventually become bare. To restore the decorative appearance of the plant spend rejuvenating pruning. During it, all the old shoots are cut to a height of 8-10 cm.

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Reproduction methods

The reproduction of plectrantus at home is not particularly difficult. Like the vast majority of other indoor crops, it can be easily propagated by grafting.

For this, in spring or summer, cuttings of no more than 10 cm in length are cut from the plant. Depending on the possibilities or preferences, they can be rooted in water or substrate. When rooting in water in a small transparent container boiled water is poured. To prevent the development of putrefactive processes, a piece of charcoal is put on the bottom.

When rooting in the substrate, the cuttings are planted in a loose and nutritious earth mixture. Planting depth should not exceed 1 cm. Tops of the cuttings can be covered with a plastic bag or a glass jar. The greenhouse effect created under them will contribute to faster rooting. With any method of rooting, the first roots usually appear after 2-3 weeks.

If the rooting process took place in an aquatic environment, after the appearance of the first roots, they should immediately be planted in a soil mixture.

Seed multiplication of the plectrantus is also possible. But due to its complexity and duration, it is most often used by breeders for the development of new varieties and forms.

It is not at all difficult to grow a spectacular plectrantus plant with your own hands. The main thing is to adhere to the necessary agrotechnical measures and create the appropriate conditions for development.

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