We make our site beautiful and comfortable with the help of proper planning and organization.

Think about what kind of garden you want, how much time you can devote to it? The choice of decorative buildings, plants and the concept of a paradise depend on this! Only after that proceed to planning.

Start by removing all the excess from the site, you need to dig and align with a cultivator or a rake. Without this it is impossible to do if you are going to lay a lawn, beds and flower beds. Immediately determine the place for garbage - there you can fold the torn weeds to cut the grass, and fallen leaves in autumn. After a year, when everything is rotting, you get a great fertilizer.

Read also: Ground cover plants - your summer cottage

revival Draw the plot plan, designating the house, fence, plants that are already growing on the plot, select free space on the scheme and plan where the pond, arbor, garden beds, flower beds, lawns and paths. Divide the plot into zones: a useful area, a place to rest, a vegetable garden.

Break the beds if you are going to grow vegetables and greens. With a creative approach, the garden can be turned into a vegetable flower garden. To do this, apply a fashionable method of combined landing. Plant tomatoes among the roses, and plant a bed of such a bed with tarragon, curly parsley, basil or any other greens. Peonies and gladioli look good and are less likely to get sick, surrounded by garlic and onions. A bed of eggplants or paprika can be turned into an exquisite flower bed, if you plant low-growing asters between the plants, and along the edges there is a delphinium, dwarf ornamental sunflower and spicy annual herbs.

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Want to plant fruit trees? Then immediately mark them on the plan, note that over time the trees will grow, and will cast a shadow. Remember that trees can not be planted close to the foundation of the house, the minimum distance of 2 meters. Cherries, apples and plums plant along the fence, the distance between the trees is at least 3 meters. When planting shrubs, choose an open, sunny place for currants and honeysuckle, and raspberries, gooseberries and blackberries can be planted in the shade. You can not devote much time to the garden? Make a choice in favor of ornamental trees and shrubs: conifer, lilac, jasmine, viburnum, mountain ash and barberry.

Having organized the space correctly, you will be watching the transformation from year to year and enjoy the beauty of your site.

Read the article: do-it-yourself garden design!

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