Photos and descriptions of amazingly beautiful varieties of honeysuckle

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Honeysuckle - this is one of the earliest horticultural crops,which are grown in Russia. Berries of fruit varieties have extraordinary healing properties, and ornamental types of shrubs are great for decorating and gardening a garden plot. Most varieties bloom in early May, and the first fruits ripen in June. They contain many valuable vitamins and beneficial elements. Shrub resistant to frost, damp and shade. Some of its varieties grow and bear fruit for 50 years.

There are a large number of different varieties of honeysuckle, they are classified according to the taste of berries, the height of the shrub, ornamental and ripening. Below is a description of the varieties of honeysuckle, which are most popular in our country.

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Honeysuckle Gourmet

Early productive variety. Main characteristics:

  • bush is medium-sized, compact, oval-shaped;
  • leaves are oval, light green, densely arranged on the shoot;
  • fruits of honeysuckle Gourmet weighing 0.9 g, blue, edible, sweet-sour, not bitter;
  • small fruits;
  • yield of 2.5 kg - 3 kg;
  • good resistance to disease and frost;
  • fruits are consumed fresh and are excellent for processing;
  • bushes are used to create hedges.

Like most varieties, Honeysuckle Gourmand is a self-infertile variety. For its pollination, Malvina, Blue Spindle, Blue Bird is well suited.

Honeysuckle Malvina

High-yielding sweet variety. Main characteristics:

  • bush is medium in size, has an oval-shaped crown;
  • leaves are dark green, densely located on the shoot;
  • fruit of Malvina honeysuckle weighing 1.1 g, blue, elongated-pear-shaped, edible, sweet-sour, with a light aroma, the precipitation of fruits is insignificant;
  • yield variety - 1.5–3 kg;
  • good frost resistance;
  • fruits are consumed fresh and processed, bushes are used in garden design.

To get a good harvest of Malvina’s honeysuckle berries, it is recommended to thin out the bush every 1–2 years, and completely cut out the old branches after 7–10 years.

Honeysuckle Bakchar Pride

High-Yielding Variety. Main characteristics:

  • medium-spruce and medium-growth shrub, leaves green, oval;
  • edible fruits, weighing 1.3 g, have an elongated pod-like shape, purple-blue color, the berries have a sweet-sour taste, with a slight bitterness;
  • fruit precipitation strong;
  • honeysuckle yield Bakchar Pride - 2.5–3.5 kg;
  • high resistance to pests, diseases and frost;
  • fruits are consumed fresh, and are also used for freezing, making jam or compote.

To plant honeysuckle Bakchar's pride, preferably in a sunny and wind-protected area, to prevent premature shedding of buds, flowers and fruits.

Honeysuckle Roxane

Late variety. Key Features:

  • bush is medium-sized, has a wide-round crown, green leaves, oblong-oval;
  • fruits weighing 0.9 g, elongated-oval, blue, edible, sweet-sour, have a strawberry flavor and a rich aroma, are very easy to crumble;
  • yield of Roxana honeysuckle - 1-1.5 kg;
  • has high resistance to pests, diseases and frost;
  • berries are very useful fresh, except that they are used for processing.

Roxana honeysuckle does not tolerate water stagnation, so if there is a probability of flooding the bush, it is necessary to make a drainage. Otherwise, the shrub will develop poorly, or disappear altogether.

Honeysuckle Berel

Medium latency crop. Main features:

  • shrub tall, with an oval-shaped crown;
  • leaves are round-oval, dark green in color;
  • edible fruit, weighing 0.9 g, blue;
  • honeysuckle Berel berries are sweet and sour with a slight bitterness, do not fall for a long time;
  • variety yield is 1.8–3 kg;
  • is characterized by good resistance to pests, diseases and frost;
  • berries are used for making compote, natural juice, jam and food coloring;
  • shrub is used for decorative gardening of the garden plot.

The optimal period for planting honeysuckle Berel is autumn or early spring. Shrubs are located at a distance of 1.5–2 m from other plants. Planting pit dimensions: depth 40 cm, diameter 60 cm.

Gerd's honeysuckle

Middle early variety. Main characteristics:

  • bush is compact, medium tall, has a rounded crown;
  • leaves are oblong-oval, light green;
  • edible fruit, weighing 0.7–0.9 g, barrel-shaped, bluish-blue, sweet and sour;
  • : Gerd's honeysuckle subsidence is insignificant;
  • crop yield is 1.0–1.6 kg;
  • good resistance to diseases, pests and severe frosts;
  • berries are consumed fresh, as well as processed.

Honeysuckle Gerda winter-hardy shrub. But in order to protect the bush from early frosts and snowless winters, it is necessary to mulch it with horse humus in the area of ​​the tree trunk circle.

Orphan Honeysuckle

Decorative long flowering variety. Main characteristics:

  • bush tall - 3-4 meters in height, the leaves of honeysuckle Orphan is dark green, on the other hand gray-gray, have an ovoid shape;
  • bloom lasts from June to September, the flowers are dark red, with a soft creamy core, have a pleasant aroma;
  • decorative berries, bright red, ripen from July to October;
  • frost resistance is low, therefore it needs shelter;
  • is used for decoration of arbors and fences.

To ensure good rooting and growth of shrubs, it is recommended to plant 1 bucket of compost or humus and half a liter of wood ash when planting Sirotina honeysuckle. In addition, in the pit you need to add half a bucket of neutral peat.

Maack honeysuckle

Decorative variety. Main characteristics:

  • tall shrub, up to 5 m tall, crown straight, wide;
  • leaves are dark green in color, on the other hand light green, ovoid;
  • blooms Maacka honeysuckle in late May - early June with white flowers;
  • berries are inedible, small, round, do not fall for a long time;
  • has good frost resistance, resistance to pests and diseases;
  • is used for decorating gardens.

The lower part of the trunk at Maack's honeysuckle is most often exposed, therefore it is necessary to pruning, which contributes to the formation of a dense bush.

Honeysuckle Gokrota

Decorative, lianovodny grade. Key Features:

  • is a vine of 3-5 m in length, the upper leaves are green, resembling cuffs, inside of which there is a flower, the lower ones are ordinary, dense;
  • bloom of Hoklevit Gokrot continues from June to August;
  • flowers are large, crimson-orange;
  • fruits are inedible, pea-sized, red;
  • resistance to frost is low, it needs shelter for the winter;
  • is used for decoration of arbors, porches and other objects.

For good growth, Hoklerose Gokrot should be planted in partial shade. In direct sunlight it can only be grown with good irrigation and ground mulch. In the shade the shrub does not bloom.

All varieties are completely unpretentious in the care, so the cultivation does not cause much trouble. It is only necessary to choose the honeysuckle variety according to the description, and after a while you can enjoy the beautiful appearance of flowering shrubs or the excellent taste of fragrant fruits.

Read also: Powdery mildew control measures on the gooseberry and prevention of its spread

Decorative and edible honeysuckle - video

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