- 1. Decorate the area with wooden figures of birds or animals
- 2. Crafts for the soul
- 3. Useful stuff
- 4. Take care of our smaller brothers - wooden bird feeder
- 5. Original and simple clothes hanger
- 6.A flower bed for giving from
- 7. A useful hand-made article - a swedish candle
- 8. Wooden tic-tac-toe
- 9 for fun activities. Unusual garden paths
Many ideas for inspiration and creativity can be found in various sources. Resourceful people successfully adapt a lot of seemingly useless objects and make of them real works of art. Numerous such creations adorn the cottage and garden plots and surprise the guests. Why not learn to use the materials that are always at hand at any cottage, for example, wooden saws, beautiful snags, small polents? Today we will look at 9 woodwork ideas for giving and garden , which you can do with your own hands and try to inspire you to create a new masterpiece.

1. Decorating a site with wooden figures of birds or animals
Before we consider more practical ideas on the use of various wood materials, let's show a little imagination and decorate our site with simple but very cute little animals. From the most common materials, at no cost, you can make a beautiful decor for a flower bed and involve your child in the process. Let him come up with exactly how the wooden hero will look like, what size it will be, and where it will dwell, and you will only have to collect it from various fragments. We will make an owl family sitting on a branch. We need :
- In the first place, of course, the sketch of the future crafts. Visualization is a very useful thing, with its help you will quickly orient yourself in the amount of material needed and its size.
- Wooden branch with an average thickness of about 50 cm;
- One large saw cut and one medium size;
- Four small thin saws:
- Two small knots or twigs;
- Two small saw cut, divided in half;
- Fasteners.
- Hacksaw.
Let's start with the big owl. Before you firmly connect the elements together, lay them out and see how it will look. You may want to change or add something. A large saw will serve as the trunk of the bird. On it you need to place two small cuts, which will become the eyes, and a knot that will be a beak. More interesting and volumetric is the work of handicrafts, if the elements protrude slightly behind the common contour. Wings can be of arbitrary shape, you may be able to come up with more interesting material for their execution. We took a small saw cut, divided it in half with a hacksaw, cleaned the edges of the bark and tried to make a notch at the edges imitating feathers.
It's time to fasten the details of the to the body. To do this, you can use small nails and a hammer, but if you plan to do crafts with a child, it is better to use "liquid nails".The same technology makes the owl smaller. If you wish, you can add a very small owl. Then all the birds are mounted on a branch, or on a stump. If you want to place them in the middle of a bed, you can fix a branch on a wooden stick, so that the structure is a letter “T” and towers above the green areas. Unlike us, do not forget that owls have legs. You can make them in the same way as the wings or from ordinary branches of a suitable form. In addition to owls, there are still a lot of simple figures in terms of manufacturing. Very funny will look like a small hare with ears sticking up.

2. Crafts for the soul
Surely there is a place on your summer cottage or garden plot, in the house or on the street, or in the gazebo, which you want to decorate somehow, but at the same time make it unusual. We offer to decorate any surface with a craft in the eco-style. The essence of the method consists in laying absolutely any pattern or image from the cuts of a tree of different sizes. We need:
- Plywood Sheet;
- Liquid Nails;
- Varnish;
- Jigsaw or handsaw;
- Many thin cuts of different sizes.
To get started, come up with a picture, , which will please you and lift your spirits with your look. Now you need to transfer the sketch from paper to sheet plywood, adhering to the scale. When the drawing is ready, attach it to the place of attachment and estimate the size. Perhaps the crafts will be too bulky or, on the contrary, so small that it will be lost against the background of a long wall. At this stage it is fixable. After adjustment, you can start cutting out the plywood base. Now it remains to glue the wooden circles with glue and enjoy your work. Try to pick up fragments so that between them remained the minimum gaps. This will have a positive effect on the finished product. To protect wooden crafts, after drying glue, open it with clear varnish. You can experiment a little and make some details multi-colored; in addition to cuts, you can use decorative glass pebbles or sea pebbles. You can make a bulk composition - first glue the main layer, and then glue down the subsequent parts in a staggered manner, adding smaller and smaller fragments.
If you have an old mirror in your country house, can use this principle to arrange it in a beautiful frame. It is necessary to glue the mirror in the center to the sheet of plywood, leaving the edges free for attaching the cuts. Usually, if the mirror has a round shape, then the frame repeats its contour. And you try to use the opposite method - enclose a round mirror in a square frame and see how unusual it will become after reincarnation.

3. Useful little things
Everyone, without exception, drink tea at the cottage, prepare lunches and dinners and gather in the family circle. The apartment has all the necessary stuff that will make this process as comfortable as possible - various tacks, podschivka and so on. At the dacha, such hands usually do not reach such details, which causes the surface of the table or tablecloth to suffer when a hot frying pan or kettle is placed on it. It’s time to do away with it and in just a couple of hours do your own hands with a lot of coasters for hot. Depending on their field of application, the shape and size is determined by your needs. Consider a method of manufacturing the simplest stand, for which we will need :
- Base;
- Adhesive;
- Wooden circles;
- Hacksaw.
On the same principle as in the above paragraph, we cut the base out of plywood and glue wooden saws to it. Such simple crafts can easily withstand high temperatures. Small coasters on plywood base fit hot cups or a small kettle. It is much more convenient to put a pan or frying pan on the more massive coasters, which will also hold more weight. For their basis, you can use a large, but not very thick, saw cut. It is recommended that remove the bark immediately, because it will peel off during operation. The cut can be left in its original form only slightly sanding it with fine sandpaper and opened with varnish. It is possible to paint something on it , if you know how - to make an artistic burning out and varnish it. And you can just paste over the entire surface in small circles. The ends of the stands of the can be wrapped with a string or thin twine with a thicker surface, having previously been coated with glue. So, crafts will look more neat and complete.
If you have the patience and small skills of working with a drill, you can make the flexible stand of the most different configuration. Bead weaving skills will also be useful. What we need :
- Thick fishing line or kapron thread;
- Wooden saws of small size not less than 1 cm thick;
- Drill and fine drill;
- Vice;
We will to weave an stand in the same way as bead bracelets are woven. To do this, in each circle it is necessary to drill a through hole at the end. All parts are small, holding them with your hands is dangerous and uncomfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to clamp each circle in a vice. Drill enough to use a thickness of 2 mm. If the process of connecting parts causes you to have difficulties, look for weaving schemes on the Internet and act on them. Not necessarily the whole stand will be woven with a whole cloth. It can consist of interconnected fragments, so much easier do crafts for the first time. After the end of the work you need to securely tie the edges of the thread or fishing line. In the latter case, you can gently cauterize the ends with a match.

4. We take care of our smaller brothers - a wooden bird feeder
At any time and under any conditions, it is necessary to maintain humanity and love for nature, which will surely answer you the same. That is why, coming to your garden or suburban area, do not forget about the locals. can be used to quickly and simply build an original feeder for birds from a single log. In addition to it, we will need :
- Saw;
- Jigsaw;
- Half-round chisel;
- Hammer;
- Rope;
- Two studs with a loop at the end;
- Self-tapping screws.
The log should be with an diameter of at least 30 cm, otherwise it will simply be inconvenient to work with.
- On both sides of the log with a chainsaw, saw off circles about 1.5-2 cm thick;
- For the entire length of the log, it is necessary to cut a wedge, the angle of which is approximately 45 °;
- Remove the wedge and make many transverse and longitudinal cuts in the remaining inside of the log, without reaching the edges along the contour to 5 cm;
- Using a hammer and chisel, remove the sawn core;
- It should be hollow inside log with a triangular window;
Try to level the inner surface as much as possible, you can perform grinding with coarse sandpaper. Now you need to make side walls, so that the feeder is not blown by the wind, and the feed for the birds is not spread throughout the district. Yes, and water, thus, the feeder will fall much less. We will use those two saws, which are cut off at the very beginning.
- Attach them to a hollow log and on the inside with a pencil, transfer its contour to the saw;
- Jigsaw the marked part with an electric jigsaw;
- Insert the plugs and secure them with self-tapping screws;
Now you need to take care of fasteners. For this, mounting loops are suitable, which are screwed on top of the feeders on the sides. At this stage, it is important for to position the of the loop correctly, so that the feeder does not lean forward much and the feed does not spill out. Find the optimal position. It remains to attach a rope or a metal chain to the hinges and hang it on a branch. It will be very interesting for you to observe how the birds behave.

5. Original and simple clothes hanger
There is a lot of way to make a wooden hanger by yourself - from boards, from saw cuts with hooks, just from a snag of a suitable shape and size. But we decided to consider in more detail the simplest, but very unusual way, that you really like. We will make a hanger from small logs with knots that will be framed. We will need :
- Two long and two short wooden boards;
- Solid Polentsa with knots;
- Saw;
- Planer;
- Varnish;
- Self-tapping screws;
- Screwdriver.
A set of tools, of course, not the easiest, but it is only at first glance. To ensure that the finished product does not seem too bulky and does not take up much space, we recommend to cut the log of 15-20 cm high. Each of them must have a knot, whose thickness must be at least 3 cm so that it can withstand the load. Also, do not choose too curved logs, otherwise they will protrude too much beyond the side frames and spoil the overall picture. The thickness of the wooden frame elements depends on the thickness of the logs you have found. For example, if the diameter of the log is 5 cm, then the width of the board should be at least 10 cm. After assembly, you will have only 2.5 cm of space left in front of and behind the logs.
Pre- saw firewood into billets with an allowance height. The ends of the logs should be smooth to fit to the top and bottom boards with minimal clearances. You can align the ends with a planer. But if you manage to cut off more or less exactly the same size, you can immediately varnish the surface. Now you need to enclose an log in an frame. The easiest and most convenient way to do this is as follows:
- Lay the bottom board on its end on a flat surface;
- Place side boards on each side and mark up for future fasteners. At this stage, be careful. There are two options - when the side boards are on the bottom bar, or when the bottom plate is between the side boards. The last option is preferable. First, in this way, you will hide the ugly ends of the bottom board, and, secondly, it will be much more convenient to fasten the elements together;
- In the marked places, it is necessary to do a preliminary drill-down in order to screw the screw easier;
- At this stage, you will need help, as it is very important to keep the edges perpendicular;
- Enough two mounting holes on each side;
- Pay attention, now we are assembling a structure without a top bar;
After you have screwed the sides in the bottom board, you can proceed to the attachment of logs. It is desirable to have them in the center. You can draw the line on the bottom board and try to stick to it.
- Turn the frame over and place it on the side walls. Given the diameter of the logs, drill the appropriate number of holes along the line. To facilitate the work, you can drill holes in the logs, trying to get into their center. It is recommended to do this only with on one side. Screwing them to the bottom board, you will still have the opportunity to combine the hole in the plank with the hole in the end of the pole. When it comes to the upper frame of the frame, all elements will be rigidly located on the base.
- When starting one log under the frame, fasten them with self-tapping screws.
- Turn the future hangers back over, cover the structure with the last board and fasten it to the side edges first.
- Now with a screwdriver, fasten one self-tapping screw on top of each log. Very it is important for to get into the body of the polenza together with the upper board. Then the design will be reliable and able to withstand heavy loads.
Another important point, to be considered. Since we fasten the upper and lower parts of the frame between the side plates, their length should be equal to the length of the logs + two thicknesses of long boards. To fasten an to such an shelf, the is very simple.
- Make a few drill holes at the end of the top board with such a diameter that the screw head will enter the hole.
- Screw the appropriate number of screws onto the wall, keeping the same distance as on the coat hanger.
Now hang a shelf and enjoy its extraordinary look.

6. A flower bed for giving from a rotten deck
Perhaps, after planned work, the housing and utilities services left you in the yard sawn into large packs rotten poplar, or you yourself sawed an old tree in the country and found that it became almost empty inside. Such material, of course, is no good for firewood, but for useful crafts it is what you need! From such a scattered stump, we will make full and unusual garden beds. We will need :
- Decks - quantity as desired;
- Ax;
- Hammer;
- Soil Substrate;
- Unpretentious in the care of flowers or plants.
You are lucky if almost the entire inner part of the trunk has turned into dust, retaining in integrity only the outer contour of a small thickness. As a rule, this happens rarely, so you have to personally remove the excess from the internal cavity. This should be done as follows:
- Pre-outline the contour, which should be followed to leave the wall thickness of about 5 cm;
- Now install the ax on the line and hit it hard with a hammer;
- The work is not difficult, but requires the use of force, so use reliable tools that do not break in the process and do not injure ;
- Be sure to wear glasses to protect your eyes from small slivers that will fly in different directions;
Do not strive to split off a large piece of wood at once, work will be much easier and faster if you split small pieces, moving from an already existing cavity to an outer contour.
When the work is completed, you can give the flowerbed more a well-groomed look - remove the bark, slightly clean the surface, soak a special solution from insects and moisture and open it with varnish. After drying, set the flower beds in the desired location, fill the ground and plant the plants. If you install a flowerpot on a sandwich and rubble pillow prepared in advance by , excess moisture after watering will be quickly drained away, preventing premature rotting of the deck. Much more interesting this composition looks from several beds of different sizes. And sometimes homemade flowerbeds from the tree can look like this:

7. Useful crafts - Swedish candle
For those who like to cook in the country or in the garden plot various goodies among friends, this interesting method of breeding and maintaining hearth is useful, as a swedish candle. It is very simple to make it, and it can bring a lot of benefits, as the time of its burning is so long that you can not only boil water for tea, but also make a full dish. To make us you need very few items:
- Log;
- Saw;
- Ignition fluid.
The log must be put on the end and make two cross-cutting. The most convenient way to work chainsaw. The cutting depth of the must slightly exceed half the height of the log, otherwise it will simply break up into four parts during the burning process. If the log is wide enough, make three cuts so that they look like a snowflake from above. In the center of the sectors obtained, it is necessary to fill in a flammable liquid. After ignition, be careful - a rather high and strong flame will burst from the center of the deck. To install a vessel at the end, use wet branches that will simultaneously provide an oxygen supply to the place of fire. This method of kindling a campfire is useful in areas that are not equipped with a campfire or where there is no oven for cooking in the house.

8. For fun-filled leisure, wooden Tic-tac-toe
What to do after a hard day at the summer cottage in a circle of relatives or close friends? There are a lot of options, of course, but we offer to remember the favorite game of all, which many people symbolize with childhood, tic-tac-toe. It would seem, well, what is special about this game, but the fact that we will independently produce not only a marking field, but also chips for the moves! So, we need:
- One saw cut large;
- 18 small cuts:
- Lac;
- Burn device or paint;
- Hacksaw;
- Sandpaper.
Big saw will serve as a playing field. For this, it is necessary for to apply the markup in the form of a field of 3 × 3 cells. This can be done with a wood burner, or you can use acrylic paint. After drying, it is necessary to varnish the surface. Now you need to prepare the chips.
- A branch about 3 cm thick will fit, which you need to cut with a hacksaw into circles about 1 cm thick.
- In general, six “crosses” and “zeros” are enough for the game, but the chips may be lost, and one.dTherefore, it is recommended to do with a margin.
- "Toe" does not need markup, but on the future "crosses" on both sides you need to draw the corresponding symbol.
- Pre-need to level the surfaces after the hacksaw, rubbing it with sandpaper.
- When you finish burning or drawing icons on the chips, protect the surface with a layer of varnish. This can not be done, but so the game looks more civilized and it is pleasant to take it in hand.
After the varnish has dried, you can enjoy the unusual styling of the usual game.

9. Unusual garden paths
On any summer cottage or garden plot there are necessarily paths and paths. In the most usual case, they are trampled earthen walkways. More comfortable are the concrete paths, on which you can freely move in rainy weather. Someone is laying pavement tiles on the sand cushion, and we suggest to go in an entirely different way and to lay garden walkways made of wooden cuts. Everything is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. The process is quite time-consuming and requires serious preparation. Only with a responsible approach, wooden paths will last for many years and will look like new. We need :
- A large number of cuts;
- Sand;
- Gravel;
- Drying;
- Wood Antiseptic;
- Bitumen.
First of all, it is necessary for to prepare the place for for laying saw cuts. To do this:
- Perform the markup of future tracks;
- Remove the top layer of sod to a depth of 20-25 cm;
- Lay a layer of fine gravel, about 10 cm thick;
- Pour 10 cm thick layer of river sand on top, moisten and tamp well.
The gravel-sand pillow is very important, it will contribute to the rapid diversion of water during precipitation or snow melting. Some experts recommend to cover the trench with geotextile, which is then filled with a mixture of gravel and sand. Due to its peculiarities, textiles contribute to the removal of water from the upper layers, but does not allow rubble to mix with the soil. Before laying geotextiles, the bottom of the trench must be leveled. Now you need to prepare wood for installation. It will be exposed to intense sunlight, temperature changes, high humidity and many other external factors. Exactly how you handle and protect cuts, and determines their service life.
- The height of cuts should be 10-15 cm;
- The most durable material will be larch, slightly less durable - pine;
- In order to protect the tree from rotting with moisture, it is best to soak the preforms with hot drying oil, you can use a special antifungal impregnation;
- Dipping sawn into a hot linseed oil is quite dangerous, so be sure to wear protective gloves and use forceps;
- After complete drying of the linseed oil, it is necessary to cover the bottom of the blanks with hot resin, which will sink into the ground. You can use bitumen, diluted in gasoline;
- If desired, you can artificially age the upper part of the cut, treat it with copper sulfate solution.
When the cuts are well-dried, can start for their installation. Position them as tightly as possible to each other and drive a little into the sand with a rubber hammer. Ensure that all saw cuts are level. It is much easier to lay the track, if you start with the largest elements. If you have enough patience, you can lay out a certain pattern in parallel or alternate pieces of different colors. After laying , in any case, you will have gaps between the circles. They can be filled with sand, fine gravel or decorative fine colored primer. To give a special atmosphere, you can fill the space with fir or pine needles. It remains only to carefully trim the excess geotextiles, and the wooden walkway is ready!