8 tips on choosing windows for an apartment


  1. №1.
  • profile material
  • plastic profile
  • wooden profiles Wood-aluminum windows
  • Aluminum windows
  • №2.Characteristics of glass unit
  • №3.Type of glass in glass unit
  • №4.The shape of the window
  • №5.Direction of opening
  • №7.Airing
  • №8.What else to consider when choosing a window?
  • In conclusion,
  • Sooner or later there comes a time when old wooden windows need to be replaced with more sophisticated modern structures, and here anyone can be shocked by the diversity that pleases the modern market. Manufacturers offer windows made of different materials, with different types of glass, of different thickness and configuration. In order for to correctly select a window for an apartment, you need to be familiar with what the market offers us, be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of different types of structures. This will be discussed.

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    profile material. First of all, attention should be paid to the profile material, since it depends on what characteristics the window will have. At the moment, manufacturers offer the following options:

    • plastic profile;
    • wooden profile;
    • aluminum profile;
    • wood-aluminum windows( wooden windows with aluminum lining).

    Plastic profile

    Plastic windows - a real hit modernity .Such windows are massively installed in apartments, private houses, cottages, enterprises and in public buildings. The profile is made of polyvinyl chloride and reinforced with steel , which gives it the proper strength. Inside the profile, is divided by partitions into several cameras: some of them are hollow, some are filled with reinforcing material or are intended for fittings. The more cameras in a plastic profile, the better its heat and sound insulation properties.

    The features of the structure of the plastic profile make it possible to talk about the , the weight of the advantages of plastic windows:

    • high level of tightness of the .High-quality plastic windows are able to retain heat and keep out street noise;
    • durability .Such windows will last at least 20 years, as they are well tolerated by the effects of precipitation, sunlight, and temperature drops;
    • fire safety .The plastic profile is difficult to ignite and has self-extinguishing properties;
    • aesthetic appearance .The profile can be made in any color, and thanks to laminating films it can imitate the surface of wood or stone. The form can be not only standard, but arched or round;
    • ease of care .PVC profile does not require the use of special detergents, it is unnecessary to handle it with protective agents;
    • security .Plastic windows are absolutely harmless to human health, do not emit toxic substances into the air.

    Among the shortcomings of the plastic profile we note:

    • the inability to pass the air and maintain the optimum humidity conditions, so additional ventilation will be required. In fairness, it is worth noting that even more natural wooden windows, although they let the air through, but this is still not enough;
    • lack of repair .If there is a scratch or other damage, it will not be possible to get rid of it;
    • high electrostatic PVC profile , so it will collect dust more intensively than other types of profiles.

    Experimental data suggest that, with the same thickness, the plastic profile is inferior to the wooden one in terms of heat and sound insulation.

    Wooden Profiles

    Wooden windows are a timeless classic and standard. True, modern wooden windows are different from those that were universally used a couple of decades ago. The profile of the wooden windows consists of three-ply laminated timber , and not solid solid wood. The wood fibers in the layers are arranged in different directions, and safe water-repellent adhesives are used to join. The finished profile is much more durable and tough than an array profile. The most commonly used wood is pines, oaks and larch.

    Key benefits:

    • naturalness .In order not to negate the unique natural properties of wood, it is important that the varnishes, impregnations and paints used are environmentally friendly and safe;
    • chic appearance natural wood;
    • excellent performance heat and sound insulation, higher than that of plastic counterparts;
    • high strength ;
    • durability and maintainability ;
    • tree does not attract dust .


    • high cost ;
    • heavy weight ;
    • need to regularly treat material with protective agents so that the tree is resistant to negative environmental factors;
    • the ability to maintain burning, even if the material was treated with compounds that prevent burning.

    Despite the fact that today wooden windows are usually understood as glass constructions, there is still traditional wooden windows , which are fundamentally no different from those used a hundred years ago. True, now these windows are supplied with sealing contour , which allows you to get rid of the sealing for the winter, the large distance between the individual window sashes makes it possible to speak about quite good heat and sound insulation properties.

    Wood-aluminum windows

    Wood-aluminum windows are a kind of wooden windows , but they should be considered separately. The feature of this profile is the presence of an aluminum lining on the outside. They reinforce the structure and protect the tree from the negative effects of the external environment. Some windows have not just an aluminum lining, but are made of two frames, aluminum and wooden.

    Aluminum windows

    Not so long ago, aluminum windows were used only in non-residential premises, as they could not boast proper thermal insulation and decorative properties. Now the situation is radically different. Aluminum windows are made by hot pressing from aluminum alloy with magnesium and silicon .Profile wall thickness is 1.5-2 mm. For non-residential premises, single-chamber aluminum profiles are used( cold profiles ), which cannot boast of normal thermal insulation. A warm profile has been developed for residential premises, in which a polyamide layer 1.5-4.5 cm thick is placed between two aluminum profiles, thereby ensuring an adequate level of heat and sound insulation.

    Advantages of aluminum windows :

    • strength .The profile is able to withstand the glass of any weight, so it is used for panoramic glazing;
    • lightness .Even the most massive structures will weigh a little, without creating an additional load on the supports;
    • security ;
    • Fire Resistance ;
    • durability .Windows can last 70-80 years, and analogs are ahead in this parameter;
    • ease of care ;
    • Weather Resistance ;
    • maintainability ;
    • plasticity of , allowing to create windows of any shape;
    • variety of design .The profile is painted in any desired shade, with the help of painting the texture of the wood can be simulated, and the best option is the use of decorative veneer lining for the inside of the profile.

    Disadvantages :

    • cost .It is not so high, but higher than that of plastic counterparts, although it is fully justified by its durability and practicality;
    • aluminum windows do not pass air , additional ventilation is required.

    # 2.Characteristics of the glass unit

    The glass unit, the transparent part of the window, occupies the largest area, therefore the characteristics of the whole structure directly depend on it. The glass unit is designed to protect from noise, heat and cold, as well as to be a barrier to attackers, so manufacturers are constantly improving the strength and insulating qualities of their glass packs.

    The glass unit consists of several glass panes, and the space between them is called cameras. The edges of the glass are enclosed in a common frame, and many manufacturers additionally use hygroscopic granules to absorb excess moisture that seeps through the glass inside the glass unit.

    In terms of the number of cameras, glass units are divided into single-chamber, two-chamber, three-chamber windows, and sometimes even 4- and 5-chamber double-glazed windows can be found. The more cameras, the better the insulating properties of the structure. In the conditions of central Russia, it is not recommended to install single-chamber double-glazed windows.

    The two-chamber double-glazed windows are the most demanded, and the thickness of all glasses in it can be not only standard( 4 mm), but also increased( 5-6 mm), due to which additional insulation is achieved. The distance between the glasses in a double-glazed window with two or more cameras can also be unequal, which has a positive effect on sound and heat insulation. On the characteristics of the glass says its formula .For example, the formula 4 * 16 * 4 means a single-chamber double-glazed window with 4 mm thick glass and a distance of 16 mm between them, the formula 6 * 14 * 4 * 14 * 4 says that you have a two-chamber double-glazed window with an external glass 6 mm thick, and the formula4 * 16 * 4 * 12 * 4 suggests different distances between the panes.

    The space between the panes can be filled with one of the following substances:

    • dry air is the most common and most affordable option;
    • hexafluoride sulfur is rarely used, but provides a higher insulating properties of the glass;
    • inert gas. The cheapest is argon, krypton is more expensive, but it has the best properties, and xenon is rarely used because it is expensive. Inert gas is used to create low-emission glass: it not only prevents heat transfer, but also protects the coating of i-glass. Thermal performance of a double-glazed window filled with argon is 24% better than that of a double-glazed window filled with air.

    Choosing a glass unit with an inert gas, you need to understand that it will have to be re-injected every 10 years, because even with the very best sealing, it evaporates at a rate of about 3% per year. Unscrupulous manufacturers may issue dried air for inert gas, since it is impossible to verify this when buying.

    №3.The type of glass in glass

    The properties of the glass used will depend on the properties of the entire window structure. The following types of glass can be used:

    • ordinary float glass ;
    • low emission glass , which at a high level of transparency have improved thermal insulation properties. K glass are made by applying a tin oxide coating on hot glass, the coating is literally baked, therefore it is durable. The technology has been used since the 70s, therefore it is outdated and inferior in efficiency to and to glasses. The latter are obtained by applying silver ions or titanium oxide to cold glass. The coating is sensitive to external factors, so it is used inside the glass unit, and the chamber is filled with inert gas, but the efficiency of i-glass is 1.5 times higher than k-glass. Low emission glass allows you to keep the heat indoors in the winter and cool in the summer;
    • high-strength glass .This includes triplex and tempered glass . Triplex make by pressing several glasses with a polymer film, the result is a durable impact-resistant material. Triplex is even used as bulletproof glass, such glass does not shatter into sharp fragments - as a result of damage, all parts remain on the film, forming a pattern of cracks. Triplex has unsurpassed noise insulation properties. Hardened glass is produced by applying special paint or enamel on the surface and further processing with high temperature. The color can be any, and the enamel becomes with the glass as a whole, due to which additional strength is achieved. At strong blows splinters with round edges are formed;
    • sun glasses can be a substitute for blinds and curtains. At the moment there are several types of sun glasses. tinted glass is obtained by adding a colorant at the time of manufacture. Tinted vacuum-coated glass is made by depositing metal oxides on clear glass, and glass-tinted glass is produced by gluing a tinted film onto the finished glass;
    • self-cleaning .New expensive technology allows the window from the outside to always remain clean without human intervention. Organic pollution does not stick to the window surface, but is destroyed by sunlight, the remains are washed away by rain, stains on such glasses do not remain. Self-cleaning glass has not spread, because it is expensive, and not every region regularly shines brightly in the sun and it often rains.

    №4.The shape of the window

    The shape of the window affects the perception of the interior, it can make it unique and inimitable, but depends on the characteristics of the house. If virtually any windows can be used in a private house, apartment buildings assume the use of standard form constructions.

    Modern manufacturers offer the following window shape options:

    • rectangular and square;
    • round and oval;
    • arched;
    • triangular;
    • trapezoid.

    Partitions are created at the discretion of each. Moreover, the double-glazed window in the window can be decorated with with the decorative layout - thin rods, which give originality to the structure and also slightly strengthen it. Another way to decorate a window is to use stained glass .

    №5.Direction of opening

    Depending on your personal requirements, you can choose windows with a different way of opening. Many options:

    • The most common swiveling method allows the flap to open to its full width, freeing up a maximum of space for air circulation. Folds open, as a rule, inside. If the window consists of several doors, then both can open inwards, or one of them may be deaf;
    • folding .It involves opening the sash vertically at an angle of 45 degrees. The variant is used in basements and utility rooms, when there is no space for a swivel opening;
    • tilt and tilt method is familiar to all of us and involves the opening of a window in different positions with the same handle. Allows you to get rid of the vents and transoms, increasing the transparent part of the window;
    • ; the suspended method involves opening the bottom of the window;
    • pivoting on the vertical axis of the .When opening one half of the window goes outside, the other - inside. A great option for round windows;
    • parallel-sliding .The leaves move in parallel, recalling the principle of the wardrobe;
    • folding method resembles an accordion, is used very rarely.

    №7.Airing of

    The high tightness of modern windows does not allow fresh air to get into the apartment and get out of the wet exhaust air, therefore it is better to use one of the following ventilation systems :

    • micro-gap ventilation .At a certain turn of the handle, the sash comes off, forming a small gap. It is sufficient for air circulation, but it does not greatly degrade the heat and sound insulation of the window;
    • combs allow you to fix the sash at the required distance from the frame, providing the necessary degree of ventilation;
    • vents is a long-known and easiest way of airing, but the organization of vents reduces the translucent part of the window;
    • ventilation valves - the most modern and efficient method of ventilation. Allows you to let in fresh air at a certain speed and remove moist air from the apartment. Valves can be automatic and mechanical. Valves of slot-hole and faltsevy type can be installed already on the finished window structure, its aesthetics will not be compromised. If necessary, you can install a ventilation valve in the wall near the window.

    No. 8.What else to consider when choosing a window?

    Attention should also be paid to the choice of fittings and related trivialities for the window. Accessories include knobs, hinges and locks. The shape and color of the knobs can be any, and the functionality depends on the wishes. The handle may have anti-burglary function or may be protected from unwanted opening of the window by children.

    hinges can be standard overhead, mortise or screw. A special kind of anti-burglar hinges, which will be useful for additional security. The window can be equipped with locks or locks .The fittings directly affect the quality and durability of the window, so it is better to give preference to to reliable manufacturers of fittings.

    Do not forget to immediately equip the window construction with a mosquito net - this is protection against insects and debris, can be inserted into the frame or swing open the window. In addition to the window sill and of the platbands, it is also necessary to equip the window with an refill, which will keep the window waterproofing for as long as possible.

    In conclusion,

    A wide variety of windowing materials and their design allows you to functionally and stylishly decorate any room, protect it from drafts and noise. Only once it is worth spending a little time studying the subtleties of choosing a window, so that for decades to enjoy a solid and durable construction.

    Tags: Windows
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