- №1.Material performance frame
- №2.Characteristics of the "profile"
- №3.Parameters of glass unit
- №4.Type of glass in glass unit
- №5.Sealers wooden eurowindows
- №6.Airing of wooden eurowindows
- №7.Accessories
- №8.Design features
- №9.The best manufacturers of wooden windows in the worldIn addition to a more noble appearance, such windows are distinguished by better air exchange, a warm, pleasant surface, they attract less dust, and in terms of environmental friendliness and naturalness they have no equal. In order for the installed window to bring only joy and fully comply with the operating conditions, you need to take a responsible attitude to the choice of a wooden window, its main characteristics and the name of the manufacturer.
frame material The frame of wooden eurowindows is not made of solid wood, but their three-layer glued timber .Such a design provides the window with the greatest durability and resistance to negative environmental factors. A frame made of solid solid wood is hardly ever found today, but if suddenly someone suggests something like this, then you shouldn’t choose this option.
One of the most important parameters of the frame is the wood species, , on which the window properties largely depend. The most commonly used species are:
- pine .Coniferous wood costs less, but does not differ in record durability. Pine due to the presence of resin tunnels will exude a fresh forest scent, which has a positive impact on the indoor climate. According to the degree of resinousness, there are two types of pine: tar and duck .The first option is resistant to moisture, therefore, recommended for use in areas with high humidity. Conifers are also distinguished by increased softness: on the one hand, this is a minus, since dents can remain, but, on the other hand, softness allows the frame of any configuration to be made of pine;
- Oak is the hardest and strongest breed that will ensure maximum durability of the structure. The disadvantages include a lot of weight, so the thickness of this profile should be as low as possible. Oak wood is worse than conifers, retains heat. The process of preparation of the material involves the drying of wood, it is a technologically complex process and the correctness of its performance affects the durability and many other performance indicators. Since when buying it is impossible to understand how correctly the drying was performed, it is better to trust your choice only to proven manufacturers;
- Larch has become the most popular choice today, as it combines the advantages of the two previous options. It is lightweight wood with high strength and low price. An additional advantage of larch is that if there are irregularities in the process of wood processing, cracks and deformations immediately appear, which are visible to the naked eye, therefore, it is much easier to choose a quality larch than a quality oak.
№2.Characteristics of the “profile”
It is very difficult to call a wooden frame a profile, so this word is used in quotes. In this case, a profile is understood as a whole set of parameters, incl.wood species, the thickness of the timber and the use of additional linings.
In the production of wooden windows, a three-layer glued laminated timber is used, which makes it possible to get rid of deformations under the influence of negative environmental factors, as well as to provide increased strength and durability. For domestic conditions it is better to choose timber with a thickness of at least 78 mm .
In the production process, the wood goes through three stages of drying, after which the culling takes place. For the manufacture of a window frame it is unacceptable to use a tree with knots, cracks, resin pockets and a core part. The processed and selected board is spliced on length, and then on thickness. For bonding using water-repellent glue , and the boards are placed so that the fibers are in different directions .Thanks to this technology, wood receives additional strength, does not deform in conditions of high humidity and with temperature drops .Compared to a frame made of solid wood, the strength of glued laminated timber increases by 80%, and its rigidity increases by 40%.
Many performance qualities depend on wood drying quality. In most cases, this option cannot be checked upon purchase, so the name of the manufacturer and the availability of the certificate are so important. When selecting, you can evaluate another quality parameter of the tree - this is the surface feature of the .It should be smooth, without roughness, uneven joints, and the paint should be applied in a uniform layer.
It is important that in the manufacture of construction used environmentally friendly and breathable primers and paints. Some manufacturers propose the use of aluminum lining , which protects the tree from the effects of sunlight, protects against negative weathering and does not allow the wood to absorb could. Such linings will be useful in cases where the region has a constant high humidity, temperature fluctuations and frequent precipitations, or there is an increased amount of smog and smoke in the air, which is typical of large cities.
№3.Parameters of glass
Since a glass unit occupies the largest area of a window, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to its characteristics. One-and two-chamber double-glazed windows became the most popular today. is understood as a space between the panes under the camera, which means that in a single-chamber glass unit there are two glass panes, in a two-chamber glass unit there are three, etc. The more cameras, the better thermal and sound insulation properties a window gets. The width of the glass directly affects the ability to delay noise and cold.
The thickness of the glass, as a rule, is 4 mm , the chamber is filled with air, inert gas or vacuum, the glasses are joined with an aluminum frame. In double-chamber glass units, the average glass can have a thickness of 6 mm , thereby ensuring an increased level of insulation. The distance between the panes in a double-glass pane may be the same, or maybe different. In the latter case, it is possible to achieve an increased level of noise insulation. Some manufacturers together with the glass set the usual glass, improving heat and sound insulation. Double frames are used for the same purpose.
single-chamber double-glazed windows are suitable for warm, quiet areas, for more cool and noisy - double-chamber .For the coldest regions or for apartments near busy roads, three-chamber structures can be used, but as the number of cameras increases, the weight and thickness of the window increases.
№4.The type of glass in glass
To meet the ever-growing demands, manufacturers constantly offer all new types of glass. Today, in addition to the most common float glasses, can be used:
- selective glass , which help to maintain an optimal indoor climate under different environmental conditions. Special spraying transmits light rays, but prevents the output of thermal radiation from the apartment, so that the heat will not leave the room in winter. In the summer heat from the street, on the contrary, will not be able to penetrate all because of the same spraying, therefore, it will be possible to keep cool. Currently, selective glass comes in two kinds of : and - glass are more transparent and efficient, but they are afraid of negative weathering, and k - glass are easily tolerated, but their effectiveness is lower;
- glass triplex can boast of increased durability and safety. They are made by combining several glasses and a thin laminating film. An additional advantage of such glass is high noise insulation qualities;
- sun glasses its name give features of the appointment. They are used in cases when the windows face the south side, and excessive sunlight comes into the room. Such glasses are made by dyeing in bulk or by applying special coatings .Coatings are designed to reflect or absorb the sun's rays, preventing the penetration of rays through the glass. As a coating, a thin metal layer or a layer of metal oxides is applied to the glass, which can absorb part of the radiation. Colored in the glass also retains a sufficient amount of solar heat and light;
- tempered glass acquire increased strength and resistance to temperature changes due to special thermal or chemical treatment. With strong shocks, such glass shatters into small non-sharp fragments;
- reinforced glass obtained through the use of metal mesh, they are durable and fireproof, but in wooden windows are used very rarely.
No. 5.
wooden eurowindow seals In order for the window to be as airtight as possible and reliably protect against drafts and other negative effects of the external environment, some of its most critical places need to be compacted. Bona fide manufacturers use a compactor in the following places:
is a zone of adherence of a double-glazed window to a “profile”, it is often also called a bead zone;
- joint zone of glass;
- zone vestibule, i.e.around the perimeter of the opening sash.
A seal of different widths and cross-sectional shapes can be used for all these zones, but this is not as important as the material from which the sealant is made.
As a rule, sealant for wooden euro-windows is made of the following materials:
- rubber. The cheapest material, its service life and some performance qualities significantly depend on additives. The best option is a vulcanized rubber seal and soot filler. However, all rubber seals have one major drawback - at low temperatures, elasticity is lost, and over time, the material is completely deformed;
- The EPDM gasket boasts excellent value for money. The material tolerates temperature drops and other weather vagaries, does not lose its shape with time, is resistant to compression, can be used for about 20 years;
- silicone sealant has a record of durability, resistance to sunlight, moisture, chemicals, it does not lose its properties over time, but it is very expensive, therefore it is used very rarely;
- PVC seals are made from a mixture of polyvinyl chloride and plasticized nitrile rubbers. The material turns out to be cheap, and this is where its advantages end. Among the disadvantages of poor elasticity, rapid wear, low temperature intolerance. Because of these drawbacks, the material is now practically not used, but, nevertheless, not the most conscientious manufacturers continue to use a similar compactor.
Some manufacturers and sellers are talking about using the rubber-silicone sealant in their windows, which allegedly have the advantages of both materials. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt, and most often under this name lies thermoplastic rubber.
№6.Airing wooden Euro-windows
Manufacturers often record their ability to breathe to the main advantages of wooden Euro-windows. Of course, natural wood is well breathable, but in the production of windows it is treated with a mass of protective agents, varnishes and primers, and these materials significantly reduce its ability to pass air. On average, this design passes 3 liters of air per hour, while only one person needs 60 liters per hour. That is why the requires additional ventilation of the windows, which in wooden eurowindows is implemented by one of the following methods:
- micro-gap ventilation provides a slight opening of the window sash, due to which normal air circulation is maintained, but at the same time, heat and sound insulation is maintained at an adequate level;
- comb allows you to open the window to the desired level. This is the most simple and cheap design, which allows you to leave as the most minimal gap, and quite decent;
- , well known to us from old windows, can provide an excellent level of ventilation in wooden eurowindows. When it opens, fresh air rushes up, providing a soft and effective airing. The only negative is the reduction of the transparent part of the window.
The ventilation valves in wooden eurowindows are usually not used, but for more efficient ventilation, you can use the ventilation valve built into the wall. Its arrangement is more costly and time consuming, but the result is worth it.
No. 7.Accessories
Whatever the quality of the glass and wooden frame, the use of poor fittings will not be durable. Since the weight of the glass unit is quite high, and some wood species are especially heavy, the choice of accessories requires special attention.
The window handle can be made of metal, plastic or wood, and its functions are often not limited to just opening, closing and tilting the window. The handle can be supplemented with a lock that prevents the window from opening, but allows it to be folded back - a necessity when there are young children at home who can open the window, the consequences of which can be disastrous. Removable handles handle the same task. Anti-burglary handles equipped with a special blocking mechanism protect against unauthorized access from outside.
As for hinges, they can be standard overhead: they can be clearly seen, but with a suitable design, they become a window decoration. Screw loops fasten to a shutter and a frame thanks to several probes, providing reliable fastening. Mortise hinges are invisible, they allow you to open the window wide and are being used more and more often today.
If necessary, you can use locks .They will protect against unauthorized entry or will become an additional security measure that prevents children from freely opening the window.
The accessories do not include the mosquito net, sill and ebb, but these are also important design elements. The mosquito net will protect against insect attacks in summer, and in the fall and winter will become a reliable barrier to poplar fluff, leaves, branches and other debris. Many users do not install the reflux, considering it not so necessary, but with it you can keep the waterproofing of the window as long as possible.
№8.Features of the
design The wooden window in any case has a chic expensive appearance, but the besides the standard version can also find many interesting solutions today:
- painting and varnishing. With lacquer, you can maintain the natural color and texture of wood, if necessary. If you want to give the tree some kind of special shade, you can use translucent and opaque paints that allow, while preserving the texture, to achieve the desired color and enter the window into the interior;
- brushing and patinaing allows you to get an aged frame surface that will be most welcome in the Provence style interior, for example;
- carving on the casement will give the window an exclusive look. You can cut both floral ornaments and some symbols, words, etc.;
- decorative layout allows you to divide the window into several parts into thin partitions. Due to this, an interesting decorative effect is created and the whole structure is strengthened;
- stained glass.
In addition, some manufacturers offer custom-made windows: are round, arched, polygonal, with undulating partitions. There is a huge scope for fantasy.
№9.The best manufacturers of wooden euro-windows
The name of the manufacturer also plays an important role when choosing wooden windows. Proven and proven companies will not spoil their reputation with low-grade products.
The company has been operating in the market in Finland since 1977, specializes in the manufacture of wooden and wood-aluminum windows. Today, the manufacturer is considered not only the largest in its country, but also one of the most popular in Europe. The company’s windows are decorated with numerous houses, hotels and manufacturing plants around the world, in completely different climatic conditions. Employees of the company are constantly improving products and conducting tests of finished windows for the level of heat and sound insulation, and the products always show good results. In the assortment of the company there are several model ranges in which the products of different price ranges are represented. Thanks to the developed system of offices, Tiivi windows can be easily purchased in Russia.
It is difficult to find anything better than Finnish wooden eurowindows, therefore another company from Finland - Lammin IKKUNAT - has entered the list of top manufacturers. Coniferous wood is used for the production of windows; outside it is impregnated with antiseptic under pressure. The customer can choose absolutely every element of the window, creating an ideal construction for himself. The manufacturer proposes to use 2-, 3- and 4-chamber double-glazed windows, it is possible to install selective glass, frame painting, etc.
Gaulhofer - Austrian company , which was founded in 1919 as a small workshop for the production of wooden furniture. Today it is a large international company, whose production is located throughout the world. The Gaulhofer windows are a guarantee of quality and durability, therefore they are in high demand on the European and domestic markets. On the company's account many patents, the field of energy efficiency windows. Wooden windows here are made of larch and spruce, giving buyers the opportunity to create a window according to individual requirements and provide it with the necessary accessories: blinds, mosquito nets, roller shutters, which are also manufactured by the company.
The windows of this Finnish manufacturer are installed annually in hundreds of thousands of homes around the world. When developing new models, the company pays special attention not only to its appearance, but also to its thermal insulating characteristics. Pine wood is used to produce the frame; double-glazed windows are ordered from the British company Pilkington and the French Sain-Gobain. The company guarantees that their windows will serve faithfully for at least 70 years.
SSC Joinex
The Swedish company SSC Joinex has been present on the joinery market for more than 70 years, and during this time a wealth of experience in wood processing has been gained. Today the company specializes in the production of luxury window designs. Excellent technological equipment, the use of innovations and a large number of different proposals allow the company to confidently hold itself among the leaders in this field for several years in a row already. The company offers both standard and special windows, and well-thought-out design solutions along with the use of high-quality materials ensure high demand for products. Oak and pine wood is used, the glazing can be standard, shockproof, mirror, tinted. High quality fittings and double glazing are used.
Another is the Finnish company , which has proven to be reliable and well-thought-out products in all aspects. Wooden windows here have been produced for more than 35 years, and today the company offers a lot of interesting solutions. There are, for example, a series of windows provided specifically for the harsh northern climate. All windows of the manufacturer are equipped with a convenient multi-function handle, with which you can not only open and tilt the window, but also open it inwards, which provides additional convenience, especially when washing.
This is the domestic company with European quality standards. The history of the company "Coastal" began in 2000, when it supplied wood for European petrochemical companies. Later carpentry was mastered and in 2002 the production of wooden windows was started. A little later, the production was equipped with European production lines, which allowed to bring products to a fundamentally new level. In 2012, the company merged with the Austrian company Estfeller, which resulted in the renewed enterprise Stollergroup , which manufactures products under the trademark STOLLER.This allowed the manufacturer to enter the European market and become a leader in the domestic.
A large domestic company , whose offices operate throughout the country. Here the product range is constantly expanding, new solutions are being used, and the main line of production is the elite class windows. For two decades of work, the company's windows have become an adornment of many houses and even managed to “take part” in the television program “The housing problem”.
"Red Hill"
This domestic company was founded in 1994 and today can boast decent production capacity and a developed system of representative offices throughout the country. The technological line is constantly being improved, the range is expanding, all products are certified.
At the end of
, wooden eurowindows are an excellent choice for almost any room, since they combine broad functionality, practicality, elegant appearance, environmental friendliness and durability. To enjoy the beautiful wooden windows for many years, it is worth paying a little more attention to the issue of their choice.
- pine .Coniferous wood costs less, but does not differ in record durability. Pine due to the presence of resin tunnels will exude a fresh forest scent, which has a positive impact on the indoor climate. According to the degree of resinousness, there are two types of pine: tar and duck .The first option is resistant to moisture, therefore, recommended for use in areas with high humidity. Conifers are also distinguished by increased softness: on the one hand, this is a minus, since dents can remain, but, on the other hand, softness allows the frame of any configuration to be made of pine;