Why does not warm the microwave "Panasonic"

The microwader often began to not heat the food, while it works, but it does not heat (when this happens, the lid of the device is heated very outside), was given for repair, something changed there, money was taken for work, but the problem remained, it just didn’t always warm up, and sometimes it’s true that it’s been through time. The company Panasonic, written on the door in English - "Investor".
Specialist's answer
Hello! Microwave with or without grill? During the work with a grill the cover will heat up anyway.
How did you determine that the microwave works? In order for the products to heat up, a high voltage must be supplied to the magnetron from the high-voltage step-up transformer. If the magnetron is not turned on, then there will be no heating at all, only the stand for food will rotate.
At home it is better not to climb inside the device, it is dangerous to life. It is better to find a normal authorized repair service center. Such “jambs”, as you indicated, they do not allow, but on the contrary, can give a certain warranty period.