Baytril and other preparations for chicken broilers, application instructions

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Chickens hatched broilers, left their sterile home and ended up in a world where it is not as cozy as in an incubator or under the wing of a hen. They will come to the aid of a new antibiotic, Baytril, instructions for use for broiler chickens, enclosed in packaging, must be observed. This variety of chickens is obtained by crossing meat breeds. Without timely veterinary care, crosses are doomed to death, their environmental resistance is not developed.

How to grow broiler chickens without losses

Often, infections and diseases affect the fragile body due to improper care. Therefore, it is important to know the most dangerous symptoms of diseases and the rules for the care of a livestock. So the chicken should be transplanted into a brooder with a temperature of 30 C and with fresh air, as with a lack of oxygen the chicken will fall ill. The temperature in the brooder, the lighting is maintained in accordance with the schedule of development of pesky.

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It is important to remember that in the first day the chicken is sterile not only from the outside, but also inside. He does not have enough enzymes and bacteria to digest food. Therefore, food and drink are given without excess, so as not to rot in a weak gastrointestinal tract.

If you survive the regimen, vitaminize the feed, chickens grow quickly, increasing weight 50 times per month. For 1 kg of weight, you will need to spend 2 kg of feed. For rapid development and health, prevention is carried out. But with the slightest suspicion of the disease, the chick is isolated, the struggle for survival begins.

Medical first aid kit for broiler chickens

Preparations intended for first aid should not be used in vain. This is especially true for antibiotics.

Disorderly use of medicinal forms leads to addiction, violates its own immunity, refuses to work the gastrointestinal tract.


All antibiotics, used in accordance with the instructions for use for broiler chickens, Baytril - too.

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The preparation Baitril is sold in the form of a 10% solution of a yellowish color. The microbes are destroyed by the active substance - enrofloxacin.

The drug acts on gram-negative and gram-positive microbes. To such diseases carry:

  • colibacillosis;
  • enteritis;
  • mycoplasmosis.

Used in the amount of: 50 ml of the drug diluted in 100 liters of water. With a small number of livestock - 5 drops per liter of water. After three weeks, if the disease goes into a chronic form, the dose is doubled.

Instructions for the use of Baitrile for broiler chickens prescribes watering with antibiotic for 3 days, after a week break, the next 5 should be given vitamin complexes to restore the microflora intestines.

The drug is effective for infections of mixed type, salmonellosis, but not applied to streptococci, as not effective.


You can not simultaneously use:

  • microlides;
  • tetracycline;
  • chloramphenicol;
  • Marek's vaccine.

Store and apply the drug in strict accordance with the instructions.


The dual composition includes 4% trimetaprine and 20% sulfademizine. On farmsteads, this low-toxic drug treats cocksdiosis and eimeriosis in broiler chickens. The two components act in turn, mutually reinforcing each other. For broilers, the drug is used for foaming and intramuscular injections. In this case, there is no inflammation at the site of the injection, the decay products are taken out within 24 hours.

Advantages of Ditrim:

  • effective means for treatment;
  • pathogens do not produce resistant strains, can be used for preventive purposes;
  • Low toxicity, belongs to the 4 group of danger.

Calcium Borgluconate

The drug is used at the first sign of vitamin deficiency. When the broilers fall on their legs without the attendant signs - curd extracts from the eyes, dirty feathers. Calcium boron gluconate for broilers is a complex preparation, sterile, for subcutaneous injections. Contents in 1 liter:

  • calcium gluconate - 200 g;
  • boric acid - 1, g;
  • complex salt of 10-water tetraborate - 13 g.

The drug with a subcutaneous injection does not have an irritant effect. Its administration stimulates metabolism, has an anti-inflammatory effect and makes the heart muscle work better.


The drug in powder is dissolved in water from the calculation of dilution for the first day of treatment 2 g per 1 liter of water. On days 2, 3, the concentration is reduced by 2 times. If the symptoms do not go away, the sedimentation continues for another 2 days.

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Apply the drug Tromexin in infectious diarrhea:

  • bacterial enteritis;
  • colibacillosis;
  • salmonellosis.

If you follow the dosage, there are no side effects. It is necessary to follow instructions exactly.


The drug is a narrow action. It is used to heal and prevent coccidiosis of broiler chickens and young chickens. The drug is a water-soluble complex powder comprising 30% of the active ingredient and 70% of lactose. The active substance amprolium remains effective for 5 years provided it is properly stored. Apply the drug as an additive to dry food. Powder destroys parasites of the coccidic series by replacing the close vitamin B1, thereby violating the carbohydrate balance. Cells of the mucous tunic of the avian gastrointestinal tract do not let the active substance inside, and it is excreted from the body with feces.

For chickens, the powder is added to the feed or water, in accordance with the instructions.


The drug is available in the form of a powder or tablets. The active substance dissolves well in water. For the soldering of chickens it is better to purchase a powder form. Metronidazole has no side effects, but effectively destroys the infection - Trichomonella. The drug is advised to use for the prevention of trichomoniasis.


The drug is indispensable for the prevention and treatment of all forms of coccidiosis. The active substance tetrazuril acts selectively on pathogens in all stages of development, even in the intracellular period. The composition is added to the drink and feed, even in conjunction with vitamin preparations. Use Baikos, according to the instructions for use for broilers, together with other drug complexes, as directed by the veterinarian. It is prescribed at the level of coccidia in the litter of 10-20 thousand / g.

For drinking, use 1 ml,% Baikos solution per 1 liter of water. Use the solution for 2 days.

After 48 hours, fresh solution is prepared. If the improvements are minor, after 5 days treatment can be repeated.

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Apply the drug for the treatment of coccidiosis. Ingestion of the drug slows the metabolism in the body, blocks the production of nucleic acids, microbes are killed. Diseases are cured:

  • pasteurellosis;
  • coccidiosis;
  • colibacillosis;
  • salmonellosis.

Trisulfone is used to add to the drink. Dilute 200 g of powder per 100 liters of water or 1 ml of suspension per 1 liter of water.

Vitamin preparations

When there is a lack of vitamins when feeding broilers, non-infectious diseases begin to occur, expressed in various external signs. Therefore, the use of tetrahydroquitone and trivitamin P for preventive and curative purposes is mandatory. The composition contains vitamins - A, D, E, which are most significant in the development of chickens.

Vitamin A increases the body's resistance to external factors. Vitamin D is required for good assimilation of calcium. E - improves eyesight. Trivitamin II is added to the feed, as it is absorbed in the oil medium.

Tetrahydrovit serves to treat vitamin deficiency, additionally contains vitamin C. Boilers vitamins are added to drinkers, with a lag in the set of masses. Take the drug on condition of a balanced diet, under the supervision of a veterinarian.

The listed medicinal substances should always be in the medicine cabinet, but they should not be abused.

Veterinary first aid kit for broilers - video

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