Under the conditions of domestic poultry farming, broiler ducks, due to the high rates of weight gain and low maintenance, are very popular among farmers. Poultry meat has a high nutritional value, contains a large amount of useful macro-and microelements, vitamins, amino acids.
When breeding broiler ducks, it is necessary to follow a number of simple requirements and rules.
Table of Contents
- Broiler Duck Breeds
- Features of
- Crop Drops in
- Cage Features of Home Feeding
- Broiler Diseases of the Ducks
Broiler Breeds Diseases of
Broilers Duck’s access The existing broiler breeds of ducks were obtained by breeding two varieties - the Beijing White and American Musk.
The most common breed of broiler duck in breeding are Peking ducks. In about two and a half months, with proper cultivation, the cross quickly gains a mass of more than three kilograms. The egg production of Peking ducks begins at the age of 25-26 weeks. This species in the poultry industry was used to breed one of the larger breeds, Cheri Veli, which is distinguished by high growth rates and excellent liver and meat taste properties.
Musk Duck Meat is similar in taste to meat of wild relatives. Representatives of this cross can do without ponds, but absolutely do not tolerate sub-zero temperatures, so they are suitable for breeding and breeding only in warm regions of our country. Weight ducks - 3-3.5 kg, drake - 6 kg.
Another popular breed that was bred by French breeders is Mulard. Cross created by crossing Peking and Muskan breeds. Ducklings, regardless of the type of feeding, grow very quickly, gain weight, and adapt well to different climatic conditions. Cross is ideal for intensive feeding. For a successful fattening, Mulardam at the age of 25-28 days pruned claws and beak.
Minard meat contains fat in a minimal amount, has a delicate flavor, it is considered dietary .Cross breeding can only be artificially, as the female is initially sterile. Ducklings of this variety can be obtained by sharing the common ducks and Peking drakes.
On the territory of the former CIS were other promising, productive breeds based on the Beijing and American Musk breed:
- "Medeo".
- Moscow White Duck.
- "Blagovarskaya".
Birds of these crosses are not pretentious to the conditions of detention, quickly gain weight with minimal cost of feed, have high egg production rates. The weight of ducklings by two months is three to four kilograms, which can be considered a very good indicator.
Meat broilers of the Agidel breed, bred by the efforts of domestic breeders, are highly profitable. Cross every year is gaining increasing popularity in the farming poultry industry. You can grow this variety without problems at home, in small farms.
You will also be interested to learn about:
- Incubating duck eggs.
- Description and characteristics of Agidel broiler ducks.
- How to grow mulardov at home.
- How to breed Peking duck at home.
broilers duck perfectly adapt to our climatic conditions , are not pretentious to housing conditions, do not require high-calorie concentrated feed, have high egg production( 120-150 eggs per year), are productive, have a calm character and temper. Breeding is possible in incubators and chicks.
Unlike representatives of other breeds, broilers “Agidel” are not as susceptible to diseases. The survival rate of young stock is 98-99.5%.On the basis of this breed, in the process of selection, two crosses were bred - “Agidel 34”, “Agidel 345”.
The most common breeds:
- Mulard;
- Super M4;
- Agidel;
- Indian Runner;
- Cherry Valley;
- Hungarian Pied;
- Medeo;
- Moscow White Duck.
pen. Features of growing
Growing broilers at home occurs mainly using the outdoor method. For this reason, for the maintenance of birds allocate a fairly spacious in size, dry place. The room must first be disinfected, have a well-established ventilation system.
Pay attention when growing broilers need lighting, humidity, microclimate, temperature mode .During the first week of life, so that the ducklings do not rush in panic, do not injure each other, the room should be lit 24 hours a day. Gradually, the duration of daylight is reduced to 9-10 hours. In summer, good air exchange is very important.
The humidity level in poultry houses is 65-70%, the temperature is not lower than 23-24 degrees. If the temperature is not chosen correctly, ducklings will be slow-moving, lethargic.
Do not keep a bird in small poultry houses. With overpopulation, broilers feel uncomfortable, growth slows down, duck development, and weight gain is poor. Up to one month of age, 16 individuals can be accommodated on one square meter, then the best option for 1m2 is seven to eight ducks.
The floor is covered with a 15-20 cm layer of bedding of hay, straw, peat, shavings. To reduce the level of humidity, as an additional disinfection, lime-pušenka is poured under the litter - 0.5 kg per m2.
The term for growing a broiler duck is three months , after which the bird begins to form "koldochki", which are difficult to pull out. During the first 12 weeks of fattening, the body weight of ducks is 5.5-6.5 kg. The formation of "koldok" occurs in the period of juvenile molting, which begins approximately at the age of 60 days. The need for feed increases, carcasses lose their presentation.
Some farmers, owners of household plots prefer to grow broiler ducklings not at home, in natural conditions - in water bodies for four to five months. This method allows to reduce the cost of feed, but allows for the season to grow only one livestock. With the maintenance of ducks on pasture, it is difficult to achieve the desired weight, embedded in the genotype of the breed.
The construction of the building does not require large financial costs, ideal for the maintenance of broiler breeds. When planning to breed broiler ducks in the cold period of the year, the house is insulated with mineral wool, plastic wrap. Disinfection of floors is carried out, a two-layer bedding of hay, straw is laid, ventilation is arranged.
For walking the birds take away a spacious area in front of the house, protecting it around the perimeter of the fence. On a fenced site, drinking bowls and feeders are installed. Open drinking bowls should not be installed either in duck premises or in walking areas. Ideally, if the site will be equipped with a small pond.
The content of ducklings in
cells According to experienced farmers, in the first 10-15 days of life, broiler ducks should be kept in cells in small groups. This method facilitates the care of the bird, allows you to mechanize the process of feeding, automate the flow of water. This method of rearing, keeping broiler ducks is often used in conditions of poultry farms, poultry farms. Since the ducklings are limited in movement, the increase in live weight increases, thus reducing the cost of feed.
Unfortunately, there are no ready-made special cages for sale with , so if you decide to support ducklings in a similar way in a personal farming environment, you must build your own birdcages.
At the poultry farms, is practicing the cultivation of broiler rolling in the stationary summer “camps” of the , lightweight poultry houses assembled from wooden or metal elements. Given the high consumption of bedding material, use mesh flooring from durable materials.
Peculiarities of feeding at home
For successful development, the health of the broiler breeds from the very first day it is very important to choose the optimal mode, the diet. Ducklings must be given food in the first 16-18 hours of their life. The first feeding is very important not only for the normal development, but also for the vital activity of the young.
For the first feedings, finely chopped boiled eggs are used, developed using a special formula starting feed. In the first week of life, the ducklings are fed seven to eight times a day, gradually transferring the young to 4 meals a day.
As they mature, solid, concentrated ( compound feed), food supplements are gradually introduced into the diet so as not to cause problems in the digestive tract. Food should be nutritious, balanced in content of raw proteins, fiber, phosphorus, amino acids, macro- and microelements.
In the first 20 days in feed, ducklings per 100 g should be:
- 20% crude protein;
- 5% fiber;
- 25% calcium;
- 08% phosphorus;
- 05% sodium;
- wheat - 18%.
According to experienced farmers, should only be able to give concentrated feed to ducklings up to three weeks of age .After that, the bird is gradually transferred to cereal feed with the addition of greenery, since ducks belong to herbivorous species of birds.
If you drastically change the type of feed, transfer the ducks to combined concentrated feed, the bird can lose a lot of weight. You can transfer ducks completely to grain from the third week of their life. If broilers are transferred to grass, they will gain weight more slowly, they may not reach their optimum weight.
It is necessary to enrich food with food additives as the bird grows and develops, tracking the indicators of weight gain. As a nutritional supplements apply special feed, premixes, bone, grass meal, fish oil, egg shells, mash, cooked in skim milk. Diversify the diet of broilers can be boiled roots, fresh greens, vegetables.
When feeding layer ducks, by the time of egg production, the individual should have a normal live weight. Recommend the use of full-feed combined feed. The feed should contain two or three types of grain, 10% of the total mass of proteins, 7% of fiber, up to 10% of grain waste, 4% of animal feed, 5-6% of mineral feed.
Ducks eat well green fodder, root crops, combined silage .The daily energy requirement is 556-605 kcal, 38-46% of crude protein. Feed must be enriched with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.
With a combined type of feeding, the ration of laying ducks should be 45-55% composed of grain solid feed, 55% of feed mixtures. Hens fed three times a day. In the first half of the day give wet food, mash on skim milk, cereal mixture at night.
Amino acid composition can be improved by adding leguminous crops to the feed. With a decrease in productivity up to 55-60%, part of the feed is replaced by grain. After the end of the egg-laying cycle, 30% of the total ration is grain, 70% of the feed.