Original folding partition for zoning

Folding-type partitions, unlike stationary ones, allow, if necessary, to quickly divide, combine, expand zones, making certain actions in them more comfortable. They differ from sliding ones in the absence of a parking place, and in compactness when assembled.


Among the folding partitions there are products made of soft (have a frame) and hard (without a frame) materials. Among the latter, more often plastic, glass. They are usually equipped with rollers and wheels from the bottom, which simplify the movement and folding. The latter is produced, as a rule, by the type of accordion.


Partitions that fold include a sheet, guides, and fasteners. The canvas consists of narrow or wide vertical slats (lamellas) fastened together. The latter is performed by flexible plastic elements, metal loops, fabric or leather strips. The first of these are the most unreliable and short-lived.


Lamels are light (plastic, MDF, chipboard), heavy (with a paneled or thyroid structure). Their height is 2-3.5 m. You can do more for the order. The length of the canvas is limited to 6 m. Towels are arranged twice longer, they fold in opposite directions. Sometimes oar doors cut into wide partitions.

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A guide is usually a U-shaped profile that is attached to the floor and ceiling with a shelf. In the latter case, it has an additional shelf inside, along which the supporting slats move, or some other design.


The lamellas can be mounted on a support, suspension. In the latter case, the guide is located on top, it is also the supporting structure. If the canvas is heavy, then a special guide is attached to the ceiling, and the canvas is equipped with a more reliable roller mechanism.


The lower support is attached to the floor. She perceives the main load. The profile on the ceiling in this embodiment serves as a guide. The opening mechanism is installed on the bottom of the slats, on top they are equipped with one roller or rod, which are included in the groove of the rail. The design of the paintings include a stopper. It allows you to fix them in the right position and does not allow you to accidentally move.


The advantages of folding wings are space saving. They allow you to separate any area in the room, easily and quickly transforming it. Among the minuses: low sound insulation; the “running gear” quickly fails; inconvenience in the room with the guide located on the floor.

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