Everyone since childhood knows the monochrome and boring color of concrete. And always passing by such a building, people feel in it some kind of incompleteness. After all, a light gray tint is poorly associated with a completed and serious structure. However, the world does not stand still and today black concrete is starting to gain popularity. The color of this material is provided by various tones of graphite, so with its help you can realize the most interesting and daring ideas.

A feature of the material is its truly elegant appearance. So applied to various surfaces, smooth or rough, it is able to acquire an aesthetic appearance, and also resembles the texture of wood. At the same time, like a tree, when you change the angle of view, the walls acquire their own unique shade.

The wide scope of black concrete is also pleasing, as it can be used as the main building material, but at the same time as an element of decor. For example, to create a designer extraordinary floor, or other designs that require reliability and an attractive appearance.

The Swiss are famous for their fashion and design solutions around the world. Such modern material was not spared their attention. So, the company Attilio Panzeri & Partners was not afraid to use black concrete in its new projects, and was pleased with the results. After all, according to them, after years of work, they nevertheless managed to create a mixture that could become an ornament for the construction of any purpose.

The main achievement of the Swiss can be considered that the initially cold and even repulsive building material began to resemble the warm and natural structure of a tree. And all this is achieved thanks to wooden formwork, which is the main process in obtaining natural color and texture.

As a result, rooms created using this technology have an interesting design, and the impression is that they are in a wooden house.

The appearance of the building depends on maintaining the production technology. So, a concrete mixture with an admixture of black pigments, after mixing, is amenable to formwork and external processing. However, you should know that for any object, the tone and formwork are made separately, so the structures are always different. Depending on the wishes, by regulating the mixing process, various color options can be achieved, for example, granular, velvet or uniform.

Finishing touches to the material are given by the processing of fine-grained sponges. They contribute to giving a beautiful appearance and do not spoil the created texture. This technology allows you to create real masterpieces in futuristic or opposite to old designs, which certainly speaks in favor of the material. And using glass, metal and wood as additional materials, you can get very interesting projects.

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