Warm floors in the house, this is an important step in comfort and insulation. Laying such floors is quite expensive and many people want to do the work themselves, without resorting to the help of masters. Warm floors are divided into electric and water. Water systems, more expensive and more difficult to install, but already in 3-4 years, will fully pay for themselves. In order for the heat transfer to be complete and the system to work correctly, pipe insulation is required
If the pipes are not insulated for some reason:
- Given the length of the pipe, heat will be lost. By heating the floors and giving off heat, cooled water will enter the radiator and the room will warm up much less.
- An uninsulated pipe, at low outdoor temperatures, will heat the screed. And this can lead to cracking of the floor tiles and damage to the screeds themselves.
- At risk, pipe joints and seams will fall.

According to all regulatory documents, insulation of water heating pipes is required.
With a screed of 10 cm, you can use a corrugation or corrugated pipe over the pipes. It can be taken in two colors, for the convenience of determining the supply and return piping. Corrugated pipe, on top of the main one, will perform insulating and protective functions.
Installation of corrugations and one more insulating layer is allowed at the same time. Between the corrugated pipe and the main one, another insulating pipe is laid. In this case, the heat transfer saving increases. And it is allowed to make a screed 3 cm less. This will save time and money.

Also, for insulation materials are used:
- Soft and comfortable "foamed polyethylene". Easy enough to use, stacked in pieces, fastened with ordinary construction tape.
- Mineral wool, a material with a low degree of thermal conductivity. Not subject to ignition. The only drawback is the high price.
- The most suitable for insulation of pipes in the floor is polystyrene foam. Represents, two layers repeating all bends of a pipe. Equipped with special grooves for fastening.

To be relevant, it should be noted that in apartments, complete pipe insulation is not needed. The pipe should give heat up. But down, heat should not be wasted. Therefore, as a rule, only the lower part of the pipes is insulated in the rooms.
When working with any of the listed materials, it should be remembered that the insulating material is laid as tightly as possible to the pipes. Be sure to hold it together well.
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