Mold - These are mushrooms that breed on the walls. This is very harmful to the body, since inhalation of mold spores can carry quite serious illnesses.
- The best drugs for mold and mildew ↓
- Means “Olympus stop mold” ↓
- “Abedis 06” ↓
- “Fongifluid Alpa” ↓
- “Biocide - S.” ↓
- “Dali” ↓
- Folk remedies ↓
- How to avoid? ↓
- Space requirement ↓
- What to do if fungus or mold appears on the walls? ↓
- Tips & Tricks ↓
For example:
- allergies
- bronchitis and tracheitis;
- dermatitis and stomatitis;
- thrush and conjunctivitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- rheumatic and articular diseases;
To avoid this, it is urgent to clean the room from dampness and treat it with special means. When mold appears, it is necessary to at least treat it with homemade means. Because, the older the fungus on the walls, the more difficult it is to remove. Often you have to remove the surface of the wall to completely get rid of the problem.
Causes of fungus and mold on the walls:
- The main reason for the appearance of mold and fungus on the walls is considered damp and warm.
- In older buildings, this may also be due to poor insulation of the interpanel seams.
- Walls may get wet during slanting rain.
- The lack of insulation of rooms.
- There were violations of wall drying during repairs.
- Oddly enough, plastic windows can also become a cause.
All this leads to the accumulation of condensate on the walls, and, consequently, to the appearance of spots of black, green, gray. Since living in such a room is harmful, it is necessary to find out the cause of the occurrence, which will have to be fought.
The best drugs for mold and mildew
Milk products are called antiseptics and are sold in any of the stores.
For example:
- “Metas - BIO”;
- “NEOMID Bio” and other means;
Some of them are presented in cans, others in cans. Before using them, it is necessary to take safety measures, wear work clothes, safety glasses, a cap or a scarf on your head.
For example, concentrate is useful for processing walls and surfaces. They work with it according to the instructions, most often they spray it on the walls and then clean it with mold.
It is best to clean the mold to the base, so clean it to the base of the walls, after which an antiseptic primer is applied.
Means “Olympus stop mold”
Suitable for processing apartments, basements. Colorless solution safe for animals.
It is possible to process surfaces:
- from a brick;
- walls covered with paint and plaster;
- from stone, wood, ceramics and drywall;
Cost: 1 liter - 100 rubles, 5 liters 360 rubles. Very good drug, copes with the problem quickly.
“Abedis 06”
The drug against the fungus on the walls. Divorced in a ratio of 1: 2. It contains chlorine, so you need to be careful in use.
It is applied with a brush to the affected areas, after which it is left for 24 hours and washed off with water.
Cost of funds: 85 rubles for ½ liter.
“Fongifluid Alpa”
Helps with mold and fungi, a very effective remedy. Suitable for work both outside and inside the house. Already divorced, so you can immediately process the walls at the rate of 1 liter per 5 square meters. m
Cost: for 2 liters 550 rubles.
“Biocide - S.”
Cost: for 10 liters 840 rubles. Consumption of 100 ml per 1 square. meter. It is necessary to dilute 1: 3.
Universal antiseptic. Suitable for all surfaces. Very strong and effective tool.
Cost: 550 rubles - 6 liters, 150 rubles for 0.6 liters
Folk remedies
To combat mold, folk remedies are often used, as well as chemical compounds:
- bleach;
- borax;
- ammonia;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- creosote;
Let's consider in more detail:
- Bleach Suitable for processing tiles, wood, glass, bathtubs. It is necessary to dilute it in a proportion of 1:10. Before use, pour into the spray bottle and work with gloves and a respirator. After processing, do not rinse. Chlorine can whiten the surface, so be careful with expensive items.
- Bleach destroys all types of fungus and mold spores.
- Buru apply to the surface in the ratio of 1 glass to 2, 5 water. Suitable for application on walls.
- Vinegar - destroys all types of mold. Put in a spray, apply on the surface. Leave for an hour, then rinse with water and dry.
- Peroxide - A 3% solution is useful, which can be sprayed until the walls are completely impregnated. Leave for 10 minutes, then clean off with mold and rinse.
- Ammonia - diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 with water. Spray, remove with mold.
- You can use tea tree oil. It will take 1 hour. spoon of oil in a glass of water. Apply to mold and leave.
- Homemade solution: trisodium phosphate 3 table. tablespoons and 100 ml. bleach, all this must be diluted in 4 liters of water or 2 tablespoons of acetic acid in 10 liters of water and half a kilogram of copper sulfate.
How to avoid?
To avoid the appearance of fungus, it is necessary:
- Clarify whether heating and ventilation function correctly in the house.
- Ventilate the wet room, leaving the bathroom door open.
- When damp in the basement, waterproofing.
- Clean flowers: violet and geranium, which can cause mold.
- To process walls with a special tool against mold.
You may have to take urgent measures to process the surfaces and replace the ventilation, waterproofing and even plastic windows. It all depends on what exactly caused the appearance of mold. If the room freezes, it is necessary to insulate it. When the leaking roof is to blame, it is necessary to isolate the materials.
Space requirement
So that mold does not bother, it is necessary to carry out the necessary work to isolate the basement or panel seams. In addition, changing plastic windows to swing models, they are considered the best option.
It is advisable to provide additional ventilation, if possible.
Preventive treatment of the room from mold and fungus:
- It is necessary to treat problem areas with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.
- It is necessary to ventilate the room more often.
- If there is a basement, then it is necessary to check the level of meltwater and groundwater, to ensure the inaccessibility of moisture from them entering the room.
- Install hinged windows.
- Allow wet rooms to dry overnight.
What to do if fungus or mold appears on the walls?
If vinegar and peroxide do not help get rid of mold, then it is better to treat the walls with Biotol spray or Dali antiseptic.
The kitchen and bathroom must be installed ventilation. Wipe the walls and floors with an antifungal solution, homemade or ready.
What you need to do first:
- Carry out a mechanical cleaning of the places where the fungus appeared.
- Surface treatment with a purchased or homemade product.
- Throw things that turned out to be affected by the fungus.
- Provide good ventilation to the room.
- Eliminate all sources of humidity or provide ventilation.
A step-by-step guide to addressing the causes and preparing the surface for processing:
- We remove the wallpaper and clean the walls.
- Mold should be applied to the exposed areas and left to dry for at least 5 hours.
- After that, the walls are treated with a dry brush.
- It is necessary to wash the walls with water and dry them again.
- Apply a deep penetration primer.
- Plaster and dry the surface.
- Primer walls and sticker new wallpaper. The glue is needed with antifungal properties moisture resistant.
Tips & Tricks
It is best to choose better products, despite the fact that they are more expensive. For example, Dali immediately helps with various types of mold and fungus. Does not require rinsing. Let the cost for processing a one-room apartment come from one and a half thousand rubles, but you can immediately remove all harmful fungi, mold and even mosses.
When working with any means, you must carefully protect yourself from getting them on the skin and in the respiratory tract, and also if you need to dilute the product in the right concentration.
Before treating walls and other surfaces, it is sometimes necessary to clean them.
The faster and more thoroughly the processing is carried out, the longer the mold will disappear. With a large amount of fungus, a complete disinfection of the room is used. This work is best entrusted to professionals.
Of course, some people think that you can cope with mold with the help of whiteness or Domestos, but it’s better choose more professional means, as they will more effectively cope with the problem and destroy the fungus forever and ever.