7 tips on how to whitewash the ceiling and walls with lime, chalk, water-based paint


  1. №1. Whitewash Benefits
  2. №2. How to bleach: lime, chalk or water-based paint?
  3. No. 3. How to determine what was done whitewashing?
  4. №4. How to wash off the whitewash and prepare the surface?
  5. №5. Preparation of whitewash solution
  6. №6. How to whitewash the ceiling and walls: brush, roller or spray?
  7. №7. In conclusion about safety measures

Today, the shelves of building shops are bursting with a variety of finishing materials. Different kinds of wallpapers, decorative plaster, stone, tiles - choose whatever you want, but with all thisold kind whitewash does not lose popularity. Among the main reasons cheapness, ease of application and environmental friendliness. These qualities are sometimes enough to close your eyes to the low durability of the coating. We'll figure out how to whitewash the ceiling and walls with lime and chalk, determine whether the water-based paint refers to the whitewash, and what material is better than it shows.

№1. Whitewash Benefits

Whitewashing ceilings and walls is not the most modern way of finishing, and is by no means the most fashionable. What makes thousands and tens of thousands of people across the country still whitewash in the old fashioned way?

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Benefits of whitewashing are enough:

  • low price- this is the main argument in favor of this type of finish. When the budget is limited, and it is necessary to put the room in order, the choice falls precisely on whitewashing. For this reason, in hospitals, schools and other public institutions, gypsum and chalk are still being actively used to finish ceilings and walls;
  • ease of application.With whitewashing, a person without special training will cope - no special skills, skills and tools will be needed;
  • neat appearance. Of course, by its intricacy and decorative features, the whitewashed ceiling is inferior to the tension system, and whitewashed walls are finished Venetian plaster, but if you apply whitewashing correctly, you can eventually get a fresh white surface with an even matte finish color. If desired, a dye can be added to the whitewash solution;
  • harmlessness, ecological cleanliness, the ability to pass moisture and air. The usual whitewashing in this respect is much ahead of vinyl wall-paper and a ceiling tile from expanded polystyrene, therefore in some cases it will be even more preferable;
  • lime whitewash possessesbactericidal properties, so it becomes an additional protection against mold and fungus.

Amongminuseslow durability (1-3 years), uncomplicated appearance and dirt when applied.

№2. How to bleach: lime, chalk or water-based paint?

When talking about whitewashing, most often mean exactlycalcareous whitewash. Lime (this is calcium oxide) is quenched with water to get the material that is used in the finish.


The main advantages of calcareous whitewash:

  • bactericidal properties of the material, so this decoration is used in kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, even in wet rooms. Antiseptic qualities of lime also allow active use of it in the arrangement of cellars and chicken coops. For the same reason, calcareous whitewash treats the bark of trees;
  • If the lime solution was prepared and applied correctly, the coating will last about 3 years and even more;
  • resistance to temperature changes and increased humidity. That is why lime can be used to decorate bathrooms, if other materials are too expensive;
  • excellent adhesion with almost all materials, including brick, wood, plaster and concrete;
  • ability to fill small cracks;
  • low price, which is typical for any whitewash.

With all the advantages of lime is different andshortcomings. The main one is the possibility of getting a burn, so all work should be done with gloves. Chalk in this respect is much safer. In addition, there is a chance to leave stains and divorces. Allergic patients should not use this finish.

a piece of chalkLike lime, it is inexpensive and environmentally friendly, and among its additionaladvantages:

  • safety in work;
  • a deeper white color, which many like more than the color obtained by calcareous whitewash;
  • possibility to use in the premises where allergy sufferers live.

Chalk when interacting with water is able to accumulate it, which leads to the appearance of cracks on the surface and rapid exfoliating the whitewash layer, so in the bathrooms, kitchens and other damp rooms chalk whitewash taboo. If the technology of application is violated, it is possible to obtain not only stains and divorces, but also bubbles. In addition, chalk whitewash stains.


In the people there is such a concept aswhitewash with water-based paint. Nothing in common with whitewashing such a finish has and refers to the painting. By whitewashing it began to be attributed, most likely, because of the composition of the materials used - thispaints based on cement and lime. Today, the coloring of mineral water-emulsion paints can be considered the best alternative to whitewashing. Among the main advantages of this option:

  • resistance to abrasion, temperature changes;
  • bactericidal properties;
  • the ability to breathe;
  • safety for humans;
  • easy operation, high drying speed.

However, the longevity of such a coating is also not at an altitude, but the price is much higher than that of a normal whitewash.

No. 3. How to determine what was done whitewashing?

Probably, at least once in my life everyone has heard that it is impossible to mix different whitewashing. If a lime whitewash was applied to the ceiling or wall, then in the installation on top of the Cretaceous in the near future it will be possible to observe ugly stains. Preparing the room for finishing and assessing the condition of the surfaces, it is very important to determine what was done before whitewashing.

It's very easy to check. It is enough to water a small piece of decoration, and observe the reaction. Wet lime will darken a bit, but if you rub your finger with a surface, there will be no white marks on your hands.

№4. How to wash off the whitewash and prepare the surface?

Before you whitewash the ceiling or the wall, you must prepare the room and the surface for future work. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • if possible, take out all the pieces of furniture and decor from the room. What you could not endure, you can cover with a plastic wrap and fix it with a paint tape;
  • shoot an old whitewashit will be easier if you first wet it. Wet the surface better in parts so that moisture does not have time to dry out. Some advise adding a little citric acid or vinegar to warm water, while others use a mild soapy solution. Moisten the surface with a sponge or brush. Simply whitewash simply remove with a spatula. Fragments that fall off, it is better to try to drop into a separate container, minimizing their contact with the floor. The rests are washed off with a damp sponge. Chalky whitewashing is much easier;
  • if there isvisible spots, the surface must be put in order. Rusted stains are washed with water, and then treated with a solution of copper sulfate (the solution is prepared by adding 50-100 g of vitriol in 1 liter of hot water). Greasy stains can be removed with a weak solution of soda ash: the rag is soaked in a 2% solution and applied to the contaminated surface until the stain completely disappears. Then the area to be treated is thoroughly washed with water. From the soot can help treatment with a solution of hydrochloric acid concentration of 2-3%;
  • application of an antifungal formulation;
  • If there are visiblecracks and dents, then it is better to get rid of them. If the depth of irregularities within 1 cm, then for leveling, you can take a filler, if there are cracks to 3-5 cm, then it is better to take plaster. Shpaklevku can be found ready, you can - in dry form, it will need to be closed with the amount of water indicated on the package. Apply the mixture with a spatula, it is also leveled. If there are large deviations in the vertical, you can use the building rule. Many experts consider it illogical for cheap whitewash to put expensive shop putty, soprepare the composition independently. The simplest recipe: mix gypsum, chalk and mortar glue in the ratio 2. The glue solution is prepared by adding 30-50 g of glue to 1 liter of water;
  • After the putty dries, it must be rubbed with sandpaper to get a smooth smooth surface;
  • priming application. In principle, you can take any ready-made composition, but you canprepare the primer on your own. One of the most simple and suitable recipes: in 3 liters of hot water, dissolve 50-100 g of linseed oil and 200 g of laundry soap, sliced thin chips, separately, 4 kg of water is diluted with 3 kg of slaked lime, then the two solutions are mixed and diluted with water to a volume of 10-11 l;
  • After the primer has dried, you can go to whitewash. The drying takes about a day.

If you have only a taskrefresh whitewashed surface, then in the presence of small defects, they can be sealed with putty on the basis of cement, and then proceed to apply a new layer of whitewash.

№5. Preparation of whitewash solution

Since lime is used more often, we will start with it. The process of preparing the material is simple, but still requires care. So,how to dilute lime for whitewashing?

  • to begin with it is necessary to prepare all necessary ingredients in the required quantities. We need 10 liters of water, 2-3 kg of hydrated lime, 150-200 g of aluminum alum, 50-100 g of large salt, which is soaked in advance, and a teaspoon of blue (if white whitewash is required) or 400-500 g dye;
  • in a small amount of warm water (about 1 liter), dissolve all the components, then bring the volume of the solution to 10 liters and mix thoroughly;
  • if you cookcolor whitewash, it is better to immediately prepare such a quantity that it will be required for finishing the entire surface. Otherwise, the shade will be almost impossible, no matter how accurately you measure all the ingredients;
  • if you bought or you just have at your disposalquicklime, then you can pay it off at home. It is enough to mix it with water in equal proportions and stir thoroughly for 15-25 minutes. It is advisable to leave the lime for 15 days in a closed container after this, so it will lie flat as much as possible on the surface;
  • consumption of lime whitewashdepends on the type of tool used for the application, and the features of the material. Average consumption, l of solution per 1 m2 of surface.

Now let's look at howdilute whitewash on the basis of chalk:

  • in 5 liters of warm water dissolve 30 g of carpentry glue, 3 kg of sifted chalk, 15-20 g of blue to enhance whiteness. This amount of solution is enough for approximately 10 m2 of the surface;
  • the consistency of the solution can be checked with a knife. If you douse the blade and pull it out, the solution should not completely drain off it. If it drains, completely exposing the blade, then you can add a little more chalk, and it is better to do this in small portions.

Note that in the sale there are also ready-made dry mixtures, where lime or chalk is already mixed in the required proportions with other components - you just need to fill with the necessary amount of water. Such mixtures are more expensive if you take all the ingredients separately, but the difference is small.

№6. How to whitewash the ceiling and walls: brush, roller or spray?

Theoretically, whitewash can be done with such tools:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • an airbrush;
  • vacuum cleaner with air blowing function.

Just note that the first two options are more applicable - using a vacuum cleaner and a spray gun makes sense with a large surface area to be whitewashed.

Whitewash Brushtake a special, made of natural bristles 15-20 cm wide. After work, the brush can be washed and later used again. For whitewashing a brick wall, you can use a brush with a natural bristle. It is advisable to soak it in water several hours before use. In this case, the wooden handle swells a little and holds the bristles well, which will not fall out during the whitening process.

Before applying the mixture, it is important to mix again well, so that the shade is uniform. The first layer is applied perpendicular to the window, the second - parallel to the frames. In this case, the bands from the brush will be minimally visible. Experts recommend a little to moisten the surface of the ceiling and walls before applying the mixture.

Roller for whitewashing is better not to use. When the layer is only one, this tool still fits, but when the second layer is applied, the dried one can fall off. If you act carefully, you can get a beautiful matte surface.

Spray and Vacuum Cleanertake only when it is necessary to trim a large surface. The solution consumption increases, it is applied in a thicker layer, but it will be possible to disguise small defects. If there is a nebulizer, then there are no questions.

It is also possible to apply whitewash with a vacuum cleaner if it has a blowing function. Among the numerous baits in such models should be a polyethylene lid with tubes. This cover is a nebulizer. It must be put on the jar and connected with a hose with an outlet in the vacuum cleaner. It turns out that when the air is blown out with a vacuum cleaner, air gets into the atomizer, tightens the solution from the jar and splashes it through the nozzle. Typically, a special opening is provided on the atomizer, covering it to obtain the required supply of solution. Apply the solution better in a circular motion, spraying at a distance of 70-100 cm.


№7. In conclusion about safety measures

That after whitening did not have to be treated, it is better to take care of safety precautions in advance. The respiratory tract is protected by a respirator, a wet bandage or a protective mask. It is necessary to protect your hands with rubber gloves and your eyes with glasses.


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