Often, errors that were made during the construction of a house, repair of its sections and, in particular, the installation of a chimney, can lead not only to undesirable consequences, costs that entail a considerable amount of funds, but also to dangerous situations, for example, to fire, which is very dangerous for of life. Therefore, during installation, it is worth adhering to the basic rules and norms that are established by specialists in their field.
- Optimal shape
The chimney in the classic version should not have a bizarre shape, but be simply cylindrical - this is the optimal form for smoke removal, without any barriers.

- Horizontal length
It should be borne in mind that smoke always moves vertically, that is, from bottom to top, and any horizontal taps, extensions and transitions should not exceed a length of one meter. Excessive length will be the main cause of poor traction, soot deposits and heat.

- New heating systems
When restoring an old heating system or stove, many owners install new modern systems heating, for example, gas, briquette, solid fuel and others, while old smoke is used to remove brick chimneys. This can lead to sad consequences, and in order to get rid of them you can insert a regular sleeve made of acid-resistant steel and once and for all forget about possible problems.

- Installation savings
When installing the chimney, there should be no talk of material savings. There are certain norms and rules of installation, which must be adhered to. With improper installation and use of incorrect materials, repairing the chimney and the house itself, as a rule, is more expensive than installing it several times.

- Excessive length
The length of the chimney should not be too long, as this can not only hinder the exit of hot smoke, but also further cleaning the chimney itself from constantly accumulating soot.

- Material saving
Saving on the material of the manufacture of the chimney can lead not only to undesirable, but also tragic consequences. Instead of asbestos, aluminum and cement pipes, chimneys made of stainless steel, ceramics and cermets should be used.

- Installation of an additional furnace
In no case should you independently combine the chimneys from different heating systems into one, so for this requires accurate calculations of the diameter, size, length and shape of the chimney, which can only be done professional.

- Selection of the required length
In order not to get back draft and turbulence of the air flow, which will direct the smoke back into the furnace, it is worth paying special attention to the choice of the length of the chimney. There is a special formula for this.

- Poor thermal insulation of the chimney walls
In the cold season, poor thermal insulation of all chimney walls can lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the entire heating system. Flue gases cool quickly, not having time to warm up the entire system.

- Old brick chimneys
When using an old chimney design, it is recommended to regularly check its functional ability. For this, the usual grandfather method is suitable - the classic whitewash of the chimney will help to detect leakage smoke, this will be evidenced by the appearance of black soot in certain places where there is a crack or chips a brick.
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