If you have a desire to make ceramic tile lining, it is important to choose a good glue for this. Without it, all the work will be in vain, because the resulting coating will turn out to be short-lived. At the same time, the glue should not only be of high quality, but also suitable for the performance of your task.

Until recently, few people were looking for special glue for ceramic tiles, because people used cement-sand mortar, paint or even bitumen. However, today on the market there are many products designed specifically for laying ceramics. So, modern adhesive compositions include sand and cement, as well as various emulsifiers, synthetic substances and other additives. This composition allows you to achieve the most elastic consistency of the adhesive composition. It is also interesting that some ceramics adhesives contain natural bone meal.

Regardless of the nature of the additives, manufacturers of adhesive mixtures guarantee that their products are completely harmless to the body. That is, all adhesives can be used in rooms where people live. If this is undesirable, then the manufacturer must inform about it on the package.

Every tile adhesive has a high level of adhesion. This makes it possible to choose a composition for a particular purpose. The degree of adhesion on the package is usually indicated in MPa. The higher this indicator, the more reliable the tiles on the wall will be held.

Using compounds with weak elasticity, you should be prepared for the occurrence of microcracks after they dry. The elasticity indicator is also indicated on the package. If you need to stick a glass tile or mosaic, it is recommended to give preference to the most elastic mixtures.

For installation of light and small tiles, glue of the "economy" class is also suitable. In this situation, additives and special ingredients are not particularly important. But it is better to lay a massive tile on glue from the category "standard". Universal adhesive composition is more expensive, but with its help you can perform a wide range of works, including the installation of natural or artificial stone.

When choosing glue, you need to pay attention to such conditions:
- 1. Temperature and humidity - for example, for a sauna and a bath a special moisture-resistant glue is required.
- 2. Adhesives can be designed for interior or exterior decoration. In the latter situation, the product must contain special components that make it resistant to weather and temperature extremes.

Choosing a good adhesive for ceramic tiles is not particularly difficult, given these rules.
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