Rattan is a relatively new material that is gaining popularity in the market. It is made from natural raw materials - rattan stalks. There are more than three hundred varieties of this plant. Rattan produces high-quality natural furniture: cabinets, sofas, tables, beds, chairs and more. In appearance, they resemble products made of vines or bamboo.

Also on sale there are rolls made of rattan fiber, designed for decorative decoration of walls indoors. They look beautiful, give the room coziness and sophistication. The most organic walls made of rattan cloth will look in combination with furniture from it.
Rattan has a number of obvious advantages. Under observance of operating conditions, it is durable, it can be painted and repainted, and, if there is experience, it can be repaired. A rattan cloth can be used to decorate an entire room or just one wall.

Care Features
However, do not forget that natural material may require more thorough care in the future. The main problems that await the owners who installed the rattan cloth:
- Under the influence of intense sunlight, the rattan can fade, so it is better to shade a room with such walls in the summer;
- It can not be installed in rooms with high humidity, water entering the rattan causes its deformation;
- Too close the location of the heating devices will cause the rattan to dry out and the appearance of cracks;
- If the rattan cloth is varnished, you need to protect it from scratches, which will easily spoil the appearance of the wall;
- To prevent drying out, it is sometimes recommended to wipe the cloth with a damp cloth;
- The small cells of the rattan mesh collect dust very well, you need to clean the canvas with a vacuum cleaner;
- Once a year, it is recommended to wash the rattan with a soapy solution, and then dry it well.

In addition to natural, there is also synthetic or artificial rattan. It is created from cellulose with nylon reinforcement. It does not show scratches, paint does not lag behind, mold does not grow. Caring for it is easier. Stains can be easily washed off with soap and water or alcohol. Such a cloth is more often used for decorating heating appliances or batteries.
However, artificial rattan also has its drawbacks. Under the influence of temperature, it emits an unpleasant "gasoline" smell, which can make staying in the room completely impossible.

When choosing a natural or artificial rattan canvas for wall decoration, the owners should remember the troubles and cares that will bring them care for a beautiful element of decor.
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