Top 3 best floor tile manufacturers


  • 1 Spanish tile
  • 2 Italian tile
  • 3 German tile

Ceramic tile is the most common facing material, both outside and inside the house. Due to the great demand, a lot of companies have appeared that are engaged in its manufacture, so it is very important to choose a quality product when buying. What is the best tile in domestic markets?


Spanish tile

Such manufacturers from Spain as Novogres, Aparisi, Ceramica, Pamesa are represented on the Russian market. Spanish-made decorative ceramic tiles have been recognized as the best in the market of decoration products for several years. Every year, companies produce a million copies of mosaics and porcelain tiles of a wide variety of colors and textures. For the production of Spanish tiles, white and red clay are used. It is appreciated for its high quality and aesthetic appearance.


Especially noted are the collections of tiles, which combine Mediterranean motifs and Arabic geometry. These are the most original design solutions combined with modern production technologies. Similar collections are found only in Spain.

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Italian tile

Italian designs are distinguished by sophistication and sophistication. It is in this country that fashion trends are emerging for finishing materials as well. Everything is found in the tile collections: mosaics, porcelain tiles, wall and floor finishes. Italian tiles are used in the most famous hotels and bohemian places.


Manufacturers in Italy manage to combine sophistication, fashionable designs and advanced technology when working with tiles. The material of manufacture is white clay, supplied from Ukraine. Verified and popular Italian manufacturers are: Valverde, Tilegres, Saloni.


German tile

Many German goods and equipment are of the highest quality, and tile was no exception. The tiles are high in strength and reliability, German brands are trying to provide their customers with the best finishing material. Therefore, with a large selection of tiles, the demand for German does not fall.


The expensive tile executed under imitation of a tree or a natural stone, perfectly will be suitable for a classical interior. But there are also extraordinary collections, striking with a variety of ornaments and images. Like any high-quality ceramic, German is made of white clay, which has high ductility, wear resistance and reliability. The best manufacturing companies: Boizenburg, Agrob, Boizenburg, Steuler, Jasba.

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