Polycarbonate Thickness for Home Greenhouse - Optimal Solution

Polycarbonate has been used relatively recently as a material for assembling greenhouses. But in a short time he managed to squeeze the usual film and glass from cottages and household plots. The use of cellular polycarbonate is justified by its advantages over other materials.


The main advantages:

  • Light weight - of course, the thickness of the sheet plays a role. But the thickest polycarbonate still weighs tens of times less than glass. This eliminates the need for a massive frame for the greenhouse;
  • Good light transmittance is just what you need for plants in spring. Colorless polycarbonate perfectly passes more than 90% of the sun. And the use of a protective film cuts off harmful ultraviolet;
  • Flexibility - it is easy to give polycarbonate any shape, therefore beautiful arched greenhouses are made of it;
  • Good durability - polycarbonate does not tear from the slightest blow, like a film, it does not break into fragments. The greater the thickness of the material, the more difficult it is to destroy it;
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  • Excellent thermal insulation - the honeycomb structure helps to keep heat better, which means that the costs of heating the greenhouse are reduced;
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations, wind and fire;
  • Durability - good polycarbonate can serve up to 15 years. It does not need to be changed every season, like a film.

How to choose a thickness

When a decision has already been made in favor of a certain color and size of polycarbonate, the main thing remains - to choose the optimal thickness of the material. Indeed, it is precisely this parameter that will largely determine the effectiveness and duration of use. It is important to choose not very thin, but not too thick material. Thin is less durable, while thicker will reduce the light for plants.

You need to choose the thickness taking into account the following main points:

  • Wind load in the region of installation;
  • Climate - the height of the snow cover in winter also plays a role. It is important that the material can withstand a significant load of snow;
  • Material of the greenhouse - it is better to make a metal frame for polycarbonate, since it is more resistant to loads;
  • The steps of the crate - if the structural elements are located close to each other, then the thickness of the polycarbonate may be less;
  • Use time. Thin material is also suitable for the fall-spring season, and if the greenhouse is operated all year round, it is worth taking polycarbonate thicker.

To choose the material for the greenhouse of optimal thickness, you can seek help from specialists or buy a finished greenhouse. There are enough such offers on the market.

Calculations can be done by yourself. To do this, you need to take the main characteristics of the material and compare them with the data on the climatic situation in the region, which can be found on the Internet. General rules are as follows:

  • The popular economy version with a thickness of 4 mm is used only in small autumn-spring greenhouses with a small step of the crate. He will not be able to withstand the heavy weight of snow;
  • The optimum thickness for many regions is 6 mm. And if the greenhouse is used in winter, then a sheet of 10 mm is selected;
  • Arched greenhouses accumulate less snow, but very thin material is also not suitable due to the formation of ice on the surface;
  • Thick polycarbonate transmits only 25 to 50% of the sun's rays, which leads to loss of yield and increased lighting costs. For home greenhouses, a thickness of more than 10 mm is not recommended.

If the greenhouse is built with your own hands, then at the planning stage you need to determine the thickness of the material.

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