Why cheap heaters are not worse than expensive

A house or apartment without insulation of walls and ceiling in winter will require much more heating costs. Therefore, you need to think about it at the construction stage. If the insulation is bad in the finished house, then it can be replaced.


High-quality insulation does not have to be expensive. Products of famous brands are sometimes two to three times more expensive. But in construction stores, heaters are widely represented and cheaper. In quality, they are practically inferior in nothing to their untwisted brothers.

When choosing an inexpensive insulation, you first need to look at its coefficient of thermal conductivity, the ability to pass moisture and density. The installation technology is also taken into account: is it possible to put the insulation inside or is it intended only for external use.


Mineral wool insulation will be the cheapest

Glass wool - has a longer fiber length compared to basalt wool, so it is more elastic. The thermal conductivity coefficients are the same. It has non-combustible properties, a long service life, good vapor permeability, and does not shrink. Through glass wool insulation, moist air can escape, which prevents mold and fungus from growing on the walls. It is used in private construction of brick and wooden houses. Inexpensive glass wool is made from waste glass. Natural quartz sand products will be more expensive.

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Mineral wool - is produced from basalt ore by melting. It can withstand very high temperatures - +800 degrees and above, therefore it is used for thermal insulation of stoves and fireplaces. Minvata has a good coefficient of vapor permeability. Experts consider it a good insulation for wooden houses. A significant drawback - it spoils when wet. Moisture sticks voids between the fibers, reducing the coefficient of thermal conductivity. Mineral wool is not suitable for places where humidity is always high. Be sure to install a windproof or vapor barrier. With proper installation will serve more than 30 years. Such a heater is a little more expensive than glass wool, but also affordable.


Polyfoam - at the price the most affordable and good insulation. He has a very low thermal conductivity due to empty cells with air. Styrofoam is dangerous for humans, as it releases harmful substances during combustion. Warm them with wood and aerated concrete, since it completely does not let air through. The plus is that it is mounted on glue and dowels, without a special frame.


Polyethylene foam - available in rolls, may have foil on one side. This makes it capable of reflecting heat inward. For ease of installation, you can find self-adhesive polyethylene foam.


Prices for insulation depend on the manufacturer. Choosing among various brands, you should study in detail their characteristics and properties. The type of room, the area of ​​insulation and the goal to be achieved are also taken into account.

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