Traditionally a special subject of reflection is the decoration of the walls in the kitchen. There are many specific features of wall covering in this room. A kitchen is a room where furniture and decoration are affected by a high level of importance and frequent temperature changes. During cooking, specific odors inevitably form there, which can be absorbed into some materials. At one time, ceramic tiles were considered the best material for decorating this room, but today they are losing ground to more modern plastic panels. Why is this happening?

Plastic panels are a great option, which, like everything new, still causes some concerns among buyers. But there are many advantages to this type of finish. First of all, this is the most practical material. Modern technologies have made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of polyvinyl chloride and products from it. Such panels are assembled very easily. If necessary, you can replace them yourself.

Plastic panels perfectly tolerate moisture. This material does not absorb water or odors. In addition, he is a dielectric. For a long time, such wall decoration will retain its attractive appearance.

Certain disadvantages, of course, are available in all finishing materials. Nothing ideal exists yet. If we are talking about plastic panels, then among the disadvantages they can be identified rather low resistance to mechanical stress (they are deformed even with little effort), as well as a high degree fire hazard.

There are several types of plastic panels for the kitchen on sale. This can be large sheets resembling ceramic tiles or slats. All of them have their own characteristics. You need to choose a specific option according to operating conditions, tastes and financial capabilities.

Rack-mounted plastic panels for installation and appearance are somewhat reminiscent of a wooden lining. This is the most popular option. They are mounted on a frame that is mounted in advance. The sizes of plastic tiles for finishing the kitchen can be different. The sides can vary from thirty centimeters to one meter. This is a great option for creating a kitchen apron. In large kitchens, it may be more convenient to use sheet panels. They are mounted on the walls, a special crate for this material is not required.

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