G9 base for halogen LED

A huge range of different models of lamps for lighting can be difficult the choice, especially since their cartridges can differ significantly in design, for example, the G9 base and E27. Therefore, before buying lighting devices, make sure that they have the type you need.

In extreme cases, you can buy another adapter, but this is not the best solution.

Different types of socles
Different types of socles

There are two most common types of socles - screw and pin, we will describe in more detail about each of them.


  1. Type E (screw)
  2. Type G (pin)
  3. Advantages of Ice (LED) Type Sources
  4. DIY LED lighting source
  5. Home-made lighting source powered by 220V

Type E (screw)

The marking of this type is as follows: EXX, where:

  • E - type cap, from the English Edison Screw type, which literally translates as Edison screw;
  • XX - two digits indicating the diameter.

In everyday life, the most common models are E27 and E16 (minion), these are the socles that ordinary incandescent lamps are equipped with.

Types of lamps E27
Types of lamps E27

The figure shows:

instagram viewer
  • a - incandescent lamp;
  • b is a halogen light source;
  • C - LED;
  • d is luminescent.

It must be warned that electronic switches and dimmers are designed to work with incandescent lamps, and therefore LED, halogen and fluorescent sources are not suitable for them.

Despite the fact that the socles E16 and E27 are most common, there are other models, for example: E05, E12, E40, etc., but they are practically not used in everyday life.

Type G (pin)

This type is characterized by the fact that the light source is attached to the cartridge using a pin connection system, This base is indicated by the letter “G” and a digital value indicating how far the pins are from each other. friend. The most common types are:

  • G4 - this connector is widely used in lamps for decorative design, as well as in built-in lighting devices, light sources can be luminescent, halogen or LED type, designed to work with a voltage of 12 or 220V The small size of this cartridge opens up wide prospects for use;
Halogen and LED source
Halogen and LED source
  • G9 - previously used only for halogen light sources powered by a voltage of 220V, relatively recently, LED lamps with a socle of this type began to be produced. The latter energy-saving characteristics are much better, if halogen sources are used, it is desirable to replace them with diode ones;
Lamps G9 Ecola halogen and LED type
Lamps G9 Ecola halogen and LED type
  • G5 - using this type of socle, tubular luminescent light sources with white or cold color of the spectrum are connected. Recently they began to produce LED analogs for this cartridge.
Luminescent and LED light sources under a cartridge
Luminescent and LED light sources under a cartridge

There are a lot of varieties of pin bases, we have given the most common of them. It is advisable to buy a lamp, take with it its analogue, installed in your chandelier or lamp, so that you can compare them on the spot.

Video: G9 LED bulbs, halogen size comparison

In addition, when choosing light sources for a G-type cartridge, it is necessary to pay attention to the voltage for which they are designed. Connecting low-voltage devices to a 220V network will be fatal for them.

Advantages of Ice (LED) Type Sources

Base lamps, in which an LED acts as a light source, have become quite popular. They can be installed in main lighting fixtures or used in sconces for night illumination.

Small baseless (capsule) models are widely used in position lights, brake lights, instrument lighting, etc.

LED lamps have many advantages over analogues of other types, we will name the most significant:

  • long term of operation (exceeds 50,000 hours);
  • low energy consumption, when compared with an incandescent lamp of the same intensity of the light flux, the ice type lighting source consumes 90% less electricity;
  • if several elements (LEDs) fail, the lamp will still function.

Separately, it should be noted that LED lamps do not contain any harmful substances, such as in halogen and fluorescent lighting sources containing mercury.

A significant drawback of LED lamps is their relatively high cost, which somewhat stops their widespread use. But the manufacturing technology is constantly being improved and, according to experts, in the near future the difference in cost will be insignificant.

It is believed that LED lamps often fail due to overheating. This is partly true, but this statement applies to products of unknown Chinese manufacturers, which to reduce the cost of design using low-quality element base in the electronic circuit devices.

To solve this problem, a chandelier with more spacious shades is selected so that the lamps have the ability to cool, or products from well-known manufacturers are used, with which such problems are not arises.

DIY LED lighting source

It is not difficult to make an LED lamp on your own, we will consider two design options for a 12V and 220V power supply. Let's start with a low-voltage light source, as a simpler one.

The scheme of the 12V light source is shown in the figure.

Connecting LEDs to a 12V power supply
Connecting LEDs to a 12V power supply

We need 20 LEDs, five resistances of 1 Ohm, a burnt halogen lamp, from it take a ceramic or plastic base (the cartridge can be of any type, from E16 to G9).

Actually, all the work comes down to making the board the size of the lamp and soldering the diodes correctly, observing the polarity.

Home-made lighting source powered by 220V

The circuit will not be much more complicated than for a 12V source, its image is shown in the figure below.

220V diode lamp circuit
220V diode lamp circuit

Parts List:

  • D1-D54 - LED, smd5050 model was used, since there are three of them in one case, 18 elements are needed;
  • VD1-4 - you can use almost any rectifier diodes, designed for a current of at least 1A, we recommend taking the DB107S diode bridge;
  • R1 is a resistor with a nominal value of 100 Ohm, for the LEDs used in the circuit, an element power of 0.125 W is sufficient;
  • C1 is an electrolytic capacitor with parameters: 4.7uF 400V, its task is to protect the LEDs during voltage surge in the power network.
  • C2 - dielectric capacitor 0.47mkF 400V;

As a case where the assembled circuit will be located, you can use a burnt out halogen or fluorescent lamp with any base. All elements are quite miniature, so creating a printed circuit board for their placement is not difficult.

The assembled circuit does not need to be configured. As practice shows, the assembled light source practically does not heat up, which allows it to be used in lighting devices with small shades. The made lamp surpasses the products of Chinese manufacturers in its characteristics.

As for the service life, it is about the same as that of lighting sources of well-known brands like Ecola and Osram. The details from which the lamp is assembled are quite common; it will not be difficult to purchase them in any city, whether it be St. Petersburg or Chelyabinsk.

Given the low price level of the assembled structure, it is possible to replace halogen and fluorescent lamps installed in the cap G9, G4, E16 or E27.

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