Disadvantages of stone countertops for the kitchen

Many advantages have modern composite materials, but do not rush and, believing in advertising, urgently order an artificial stone countertop in the kitchen. Certain disadvantages of such a product also exist. They are definitely worth exploring beforehand so you don’t regret your choice afterwards.


There is a lot of truth in the advertising statements describing the stone countertops for the kitchen. The material is actually very durable and quite durable. In addition, the decorative possibilities of artificial stone are simply huge, the appearance of the products is very beautiful. There will be no seams on a competently designed and high-quality table surface.


However, all types of artificial stone have a common drawback - high cost. For more accessible materials, they definitely lose in terms of price indicators. Significantly cheaper, you can order a countertop not only from wood boards or stainless steel, but also from porcelain stoneware or even wood. Only natural granite, marble and quartz will cost more, and even then, if we are talking about top-end options for such products. Several tens of thousands of rubles will have to be laid out for a long bar counter or countertop for a headset in the kitchen, if you choose an artificial stone. The exact price depends on the size and shape of the product, the brand of the manufacturer, the chosen color and material.

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The problem of acrylic stone of any brand is also known to all owners of this type of countertops. Scratched surfaces are very easy. On plain glossy versions of the material, this is especially noticeable. Dark colors are the most moody and vulnerable. More practical will be light acrylic countertops. It is optimal if any splashes or even stains will initially be present in the coloring and texture. The next minus is that acrylic does not withstand high temperatures. Stains will remain on the surface from any hot pan.


In fairness, it should be noted that restoring acrylic is also not so difficult. For this, the product will not even need to be dismantled. How a new surface will look after polishing, the cost of which is not so high.


Countertops made of agglomerate can no longer be scratched, since it is a durable and dense material. But at the same time, it is also not recommended to care for such products with abrasive detergents, since micro-scratches are formed. It will be more difficult to restore the beautiful shine of the stone, since it requires certain knowledge and special equipment to polish it.

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