DIY night light: video, photos, charts - Asutpp

Night table lamps and sconces, in addition to their direct functional purpose, play an important role in the interior design of a room. At the same time, self-made constructions will favorably differ from mass samples in their originality.

We will tell in detail how to make a night lamp with your own hands from improvised materials (for example, plywood, disks, paper, capron, etc.). But before proceeding to the design, we start with the main thing - the electrical circuit of the device.


  1. Options schemes nightlights
  2. LED circuits
  3. Charging for the phone as a power supply
  4. Sound control of the night lamp
  5. Starry sky

Options schemes nightlights

If it is planned to install lamps under the E27 or E14 base as light sources in nightlights or sconces, then the standard connection scheme will be applied, which is so simple that it does not need explanation.

The simplest scheme for connecting a lamp in a lamp
The simplest scheme for connecting a lamp in a lamp

Adjusting the level of the light flux is a rather useful function for a night lamp, an example of the implementation of such a device (dimmer) is shown in the figure.

instagram viewer
Dimmer device
Dimmer device

Used items:

  • D1 is the DB3 dinistor;
  • D2 - BTA12 Trinistor;

Resistors and capacitor:

  • R1 - 500 kOhm rating;
  • R2 - 4.7 kOhm, in many similar schemes the resistor power is 0.125 W, which leads to overheating, given that this resistance is used as a quench, 2 W is the minimum for it;
  • C - capacity 0.1 mKf 250 V.

Note that with the implementation of this scheme, flickering of the lamp and stepwise brightness adjustment are possible. This usually indicates a problem with the dinistor. Actually, the scheme is far from perfect and is given as an example of the simplest implementation.

It should be noted that the level of lighting can only be adjusted if an incandescent lamp is used. Given the power of such a light source, the implementation will be unprofitable. An alternative is LEDs.

LED circuits

Making a LED night light with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems, especially since the miniature of such the source allows you to mount it in almost any beautiful decorative lampshade, for example, a house from tree. An example of such a performance is shown in the figure.

Creative children's DIY night light lamp made at home with LEDs and paper
Creative children's DIY night light lamp made at home with LEDs and paper

The layout of the LED luminaire will be a little more complicated than that of a night lamp, where an incandescent lamp is used. An example of such an implementation is shown in the figure.

Transformerless LED night light circuit
Transformerless LED night light circuit

For the circuit shown in the figure, the following radio components will be required:

  • D1 - D4 - any rectifier diodes designed for a minimum voltage of 400 V and a current of 400 mA can be used;
  • VD1 - VD4 - any type of superbright LEDs, rated for voltage from 3.0 to 3.6 V;
  • C1 - non-polar capacitor with a capacity of 0.15 μF and a voltage of at least 250 V;
  • C2 - electrolytic capacitor of 10 μF 50 V;
  • Resistors: R1 with a rating of 680 kOhm, R2 - 560 Ohm.
  • S1 - any switch.

You can make the nightlight automatically turn on when the room becomes dark. To do this, you will need to slightly complicate the circuit by adding a key based on the transistor into it, as shown in the figure.

Nightlight with automatic inclusion at nightfall
Nightlight with automatic inclusion at nightfall

Elements added to the scheme:

  • D5 - any zener diode under a voltage of 15 V;
  • RF1 - photoresistor, for example, FSK -1;
  • R3 - variable resistor 470 kOhm, adjusts the threshold;
  • R4 - 2.2 kOhm;
  • VT1 - transistor KT315G or equivalent.

Note that for the normal operation of the circuit, it is necessary to make sure that the light from the nightlight does not get on the photoresistor.

Video: how to make an original do-it-yourself nightlight v = iMuHItEKTnI

Charging for the phone as a power supply

If you have left charging from the old phone, then it can be adapted to power the LED night light. In this case, it will be necessary to supply only the limiting resistance, as shown in the figure.

Diagram of a night lamp with a power supply based on a charger
Diagram of a night lamp with a power supply based on a charger

To calculate the resistance R1, you can use the formula derived from Ohm's law:

R1 = (Uist- Urub) / Irub;

Explanation of the formula:

Uist - the voltage of the source, the charger, as a rule, 6 volts;

Urub - the consumed voltage, for typical LEDs from 2.8 to 3.6 volts, for calculation it is necessary to take the minimum value, that is, 2.8 V;

Irub - current consumption, for one LED about 20 mA, respectively, for three - it will be 60 mA.

In our case, the resistance is R1 = (6 - 2.8) / 0.06 = 53.33, the nearest resistor is 56 Ohms.

Sound control of the night lamp

The sound switch for a night lamp is not so difficult to do with your own hands, an example of such a circuit is shown in the figure. Thanks to this device, you can turn on the nightlight without leaving the bed. If you install such a device in the room for newborns, it will turn on the light as soon as the baby begins to cry.

Simple sound switch
Simple sound switch

List of used radio components:

  • resistors: R1 - 5.6 kOhm, R2 - 3.3 megohms, R3 - 33 kOhm; R4 - 1.8 kOhm, R5 - 47 kOhm, R6 - 330 Ohm, R7 - from 39 to 150 Ohm (depending on the supply voltage, the calculation is also performed as described above for charging phone);
  • capacitors: C1 - 0.1 μF, C2 - 4.7 μF 16 V;
  • VD1-VD3 - any superbright LEDs with a consumption current of 20 mA and voltage from 2.8 to 3.6 volts;
  • transistors: VT1 and VT2 - KT315G, VT3 - KT818B (you can use other transistors with similar characteristics);
  • MIC is a regular microphone from headphones.

Note that this device can be used to control devices operating from a 220 volt network. To do this, remove the resistor R7 and the LEDs, instead of them a relay is installed, a coil which is connected instead of LEDs, and install a diode in parallel with the relay, for example, 1N4007 or its analogue.

The table lamp, wall lamp, floor lamp, garland, LED can be connected to the sound switch tapes, as well as any household electrical appliances, up to the hood (for example, you can connect the treadmill simulator).

Once you have chosen a scheme for a night lamp, you can proceed to design the device, here it all depends on your imagination. We show an example of the original performance.

Starry sky

A do-it-yourself nightlight projector will project a starry sky onto the walls of the room.

Lamp "Starry Sky"
Lamp "Starry Sky"

You can make such an original lampshade for a night lamp from an ordinary can or a plastic bottle.

For this we need:

  • plastic bottle (it is better to take an ordinary glass jar with a volume of 0.5 liters);
  • dense foil;
  • scissors and awl.

Manufacturing process:

  1. from a piece of foil we cut a rectangle (so that it, rolled into a tube, fits into a jar) and a circle with a diameter equal to the bottom of the jar;
  2. with an awl, we pierce holes in the foil that will imitate the stars, you can make several constellations, for example, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. To make the constellations better recognized, cut the lines of the stretch between the stars in the foil;
  3. place the cut circle on the bottom of the jar (you can use glue to fix it);
  4. We put a rectangular piece of foil into the jar so that it completely covers the walls.

The lampshade for the night light is ready. The electronic circuit of the device can be placed in a plastic lid from the can.

As you can see, using almost improvised materials, it’s easy to make a night lamp with your own hands. You can come up with your own original and unusual designs, for fantasy there are no restrictions.

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