What type of sandwich panels is the best

Sandwich panels are a versatile material often used in construction. They can be divided into two main types - wall and roofing. Wall panels consist of a strong base, outer layer and insulation. The wall surfaces lined with them retain heat longer, do not allow moisture to enter the room and make the temperature in it optimal for a comfortable existence.


Roofing panels are used for roofing. They prevent leakage, the formation of condensation, mold and fungi.

Types of sandwich panels and their features

The type of panels is characterized by the filler used in their manufacture. The insulation may consist of different materials.

The most common are:

  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Mineral wool;
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Fiberglass.

Expanded polystyrene is characterized by durability and the ability to withstand moisture, temperature extremes and damage. It is also quite strong in compression and practically does not change its size under strong pressure or other negative factors.


Polyurethane foam has good thermal insulation qualities, due to which it is used in the process of decorating walls of residential buildings and office premises. Also, such sandwich panels can be used in the process of decorating the walls of freezers and warehouses. The initial temperature in any room - high or low, will remain for a long time, without requiring the use of additional equipment - heaters or air conditioners.

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Mineral wool is a non-combustible material. Such panels should be used for decorating the walls of workshops and industrial premises, in which there is a high probability of a fire source.


Fiberglass has qualities similar to mineral wool, but differs in greater density and elasticity. It has a high temperature threshold for melting and does not emit toxic substances when exposed to open flame.


How to choose a sandwich panel

The choice of material directly depends on the scope of its further application, climate and potential load. In this case, it is worth focusing on the initial characteristics of the sandwich panels, the method of their installation and indicators of resistance to external factors.


If the task is to build a frameless structure, then you need to give preference to sip panels. They differ from the “sandwich” in that they can be used not only as a finishing, but also as the main - supporting, building structure element.

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