Before starting to install the flooring, many people think about the question which material is better to purchase. After weighing all the pros and cons, the main criterion, however, remains strength and resistance to mechanical stress. But what kind of flooring has the highest rates in this area, let's try to understand in more detail.

Material durability class
Especially for people who are poorly versed in flooring, a classification of wear resistance of materials has been developed. Thanks to this system, any home master will be able to figure out which floor is best to acquire without any problems. The classification is divided into several categories.

Material for living quarters:
- 21 strength class - floor coverings with this class have extremely low strength. Such a gender will last for a relatively short time, even if you treat it very carefully;
- 22 strength class - flooring with medium strength. With careful use and proper care, it can last up to 5 years. It can be used in an entrance hall and other rooms with average passability;
- 23 strength class - floor covering with good resistance to abrasion and various mechanical stresses. Suitable for installation in corridors and other similar rooms.

Material for commercial premises:
- Grade 31: flooring with low strength. The average life of 3 years, if used in residential premises, can last up to 7 years;
- 32 class: medium strength flooring. It can serve more than 5 years, and when used in an apartment, it will last up to 15 years;
- Grade 33: a very durable floor covering that can last up to 20 years when used at home.

Material for use in industrial premises
These are 41,42,43 classes. Their detailed consideration will be superfluous. Since at home, these floor coverings are not used.
- The most practical flooring:
- PVC tile: floor covering, not afraid of moisture and with good strength indicators;
- Porcelain tile: very durable flooring, almost eternal;
- Bulk floor: flooring with lower strength indicators, but it is well resistant to mechanical stress;
- Linoleum: a very practical and inexpensive material.

Knowing the strength class and its characteristics, you can choose exactly what you need for your home.

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