What finishing materials do not fade in the sun

The issue of the tendency of building materials to burnout is especially relevant for the arrangement of building facades. Not infrequently selected without considering UV resistance, sheathing materials cause additional costs. This is due to the complete loss of the attractiveness of the appearance of the building. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of building materials that are completely devoid of the possibility of burnout.

Quite often, on the casing of modern shopping and business centers, there is such material as metal cassettes. Often they are presented in the form of metal sheets of various shapes with a thickness of up to 8 mm. The material is easy to install, without taking up a lot of time, well hides all the flaws resistant to moisture and flame, durable, lightweight, and also has a wide selection shades.


Absolutely resistant to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and decorative plaster. Its mineral base has a high antibacterial property, which excludes the possibility of reproduction of harmful fungal organisms. Plaster has an inexpensive cost, absolutely not afraid of moisture, does not burn and easily tolerates the effects of various temperatures. In addition, the material is easily updated by repainting.

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Speaking of tiles, I would like to immediately note the universality inherent in it. The variety of colors and textures allows you to choose the material for absolutely any type of room. Facade options are distinguished by a special long-term service, a high level of thermal insulation, ease of washing and excellent frost resistance. The exposed rays of solar ultraviolet radiation on the surface of the tile will not be able to change its appearance even for several decades.


Do not fade in the sun and sandwich panels. They are presented in the form of a multilayer material. It includes a special insulation and PVC panels, which have a light weight, as well as a high level of noise and thermal insulation. The material is expensive, but its high quality characteristics easily justify the costs incurred.


Corrugated sheets of metal, which is usually called corrugated board, in addition to the positive qualities inherent in all the previously listed materials, have a long service life. Most manufacturers of quality material provide a 25-year product warranty. Decking is quite easy to install. Despite the fact that the material is metallic, it is absolutely not susceptible to corrosion.


The modern market for building materials offers an impressive range of products that can not fade in the sun. In most cases, the choice depends on the type of premises and the financial ability of the buyer.

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