What tricks you need to know when choosing a brick for the fence


  • 1 Types of bricks
  • 2 What to look for when choosing?
  • 3 Features of the brick for the fence

Brick fence - a design that will reliably protect the house area from outside penetration and will become a real decoration of the exterior of the house. Before starting the process of erecting a fence, it is necessary to choose a brick that is best suited for these purposes.


Types of bricks

The main types of bricks suitable for the construction of the fence are:

  • Clinker;
  • Silicate;
  • Ceramic.

Each type of material has its advantages and disadvantages.

What to look for when choosing?

Before choosing a brick, you need to determine the exact design of the future fence and draw up its detailed design. It can be a monolithic fence or consist of brick pillars and sections made of other materials. Often, profiled steel sheet or other decorative elements are used for sections.

For the construction of a solid brick fence, you must first prepare a massive foundation that can withstand heavy loads. Filling should be carried out in sunny warm weather.

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Features of the brick for the fence

The first type - clinker brick, is considered one of the most durable. It is characterized by a low percentage of water absorption and a high rate of resistance to frost. Clinker brick has a large run in size and color, and therefore it can be selected for the construction of any fence. The only drawback is the high cost of the material.


The second type is silicate brick, also characterized by a wide variety of colors and sizes. It is characterized by strength, but has a high percentage of water absorption. For this reason, it is not recommended for use in the construction process in regions with high air humidity.


The big advantage of this type of brick is that its front faces are located on all sides. Therefore, the finished fence does not need additional plastering or restoration.

Ceramic bricks, unlike silicate bricks, have a lower level of water absorption. This type of material has a front face only on three sides, and therefore it is recommended to plaster the inner side of the fence in the future.


Knowing small tricks you can save a budget and build a reliable and beautiful fence that will last for many years and not lose its original qualities.

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