Bituminous tile - why choose this material?

Bituminous tile - a roofing material having a long history, a modern variety of which is in quite great demand. The operational characteristics of the roof during its use are very high. This feature, combined with affordable prices, are the main reasons for the demand for bitumen shingles.


Already in the nineteenth century in America, roofing sheets began to be impregnated with oil derivatives. Initially, the bitumen layer was applied on a roll material resembling cardboard. Shingles are individual parts of the shingles that began to be cut into rolls in the early twentieth century. That is how this material appeared. The colors and shapes were initially offered a little. These were gray or red pieces in the shape of a hexagon or rectangle.


Modern bituminous tiles differ little in appearance from traditional ones, however, their operational characteristics are higher.


Popular material is much easier to mount. You can use bituminous tiles on a variety of roofs, as it is flexible. The slope should be twelve or more degrees. Figured elements and elevations do not pose any problem.

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The bituminous tile is made on the basis of fiberglass. As the name implies, bitumen is also present in the composition. It acts as a binder. A crumb of slate or basalt is applied to the outer layer to protect the roof from the effects of precipitation and sunlight.


The service life of a roof from a bituminous tile makes several tens years. This is explained by the fact that both temperature changes and rain or snow cannot harm such a coating. The material goes on sale in the form of sheets of standard size - a meter by thirty-three centimeters. They are packaged in separate packs. Depending on the type of shingles, the weight of the pack can be from twenty-five to thirty-eight kilograms. Additional impregnation with bitumen is present in the heavier material - a three-layer tile.


A roof made of such a material does not let water through. A viscous binder seals all joints of individual elements. Many roofing materials are inferior to bituminous tiles in soundproofing characteristics. The material is refractory, despite the fact that bitumen is a combustible substance. This is explained by the presence of basalt powder, which prevents the flame from spreading.

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