How to make a hole in a tile without using a special tool

Sometimes, when laying tiles, you may need to make a hole in the tile, under various communications. But often, the necessary tool is not at hand. And what to do in such a situation? It is impossible to stop the work in any way, the glue can freeze, and it is quite problematic to mount individual elements of the tile in the future. Consider the method of making a hole in the tile, which will be no worse than when working with a special tool.


The main thing that you need to remember when working with tiles, it is a rather fragile material. This means that it is impossible to make holes using various power methods. If special nozzles for the drill are not available, then you can use a drill. But not a simple steel product, but a concrete one - victorious.


This method of drilling a hole in the tile is quite laborious. So you have to be patient, since there is no option, buy a special crown. But it is worth noting that you can make a hole in this way, of any size and diameter.


Work process

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To begin with, on the back of the tile, mark out the place where you need to drill a hole. Find the center point and draw the circle of the required hole. Next, in this circle, draw another one. The distance between them should be equal to the diameter of the drill, but it is better to make a small margin of about 1 mm.

If the back surface of the tile is glossy and the drill bit can slide on it, it is better to glue a piece of masking tape first. To eliminate the possibility of chips on the outside of the tile, also stick the adhesive tape in place of the intended hole.

Now move on to creating the hole directly. Drilling should be without the use of strong pressure and impacts. Try not to go beyond the outer circle. Having drilled one hole, proceed to making the next one, in close proximity to the first. And we continue at the same pace, moving around the circle.

Next, using a screwdriver or a steel pin, we break the partitions between the holes. This must be done from the back so as not to damage the lining.

It remains only to polish the resulting result with sandpaper with large graining. It takes a little time and diligence. That's all, the hole in the tile is ready.

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