Alignment of walls always begins with finding the most convex point. Bulges on the wall may not be visible to the eye. But when plastering walls or wallpapering, can bring enough trouble. Wallpaper on the site of the bulge will peel off due to air access. When plastering, more material will be required, the application will not be the same thickness, this will also lead to technical difficulties. Also, they are looking for bulges to install beacons on them, along which, subsequently, the entire wall is leveled. Finding the most convex point on the wall is quite simple, there are several ways to do this. The most common way to "helicopter." Use this method, under the power of an ordinary person who is not a specialist in construction.

To the place that seems convex, you need to press an even short bar. Start scrolling it. If the bar is caught in some place on the wall, then this hook will be more convex than the starting point. To a new place, a larger bar is applied and scrolls again. A new bar hook, this is another more convex place. Continue the procedure throughout the wall. The last hook will be the most convex place on the surface. The largest mounds are usually confused. But some are simply plastered. On a perfectly flat surface, which should be a wall, the bar should freely rotate, without clinging to anything.

Using the construction level, it is also mono to define a convex location. If the level is pressed firmly against the wall, then all tangible differences will be noticeable. Finding them is not difficult. A good specialist will be able to identify tubercles. Even with the usual ruler.
To make measurements more accurate, a laser level is used in construction. With the help of a grid created by laser beams and measurements of the indentation of the wall from the beam, it is possible to immediately reveal all the bulges. To identify such points, you will need a level and a plaster rule, with linear marking applied to it. The level is used in many construction areas. But for a beginner, it’s better to choose a simpler method.

The ability to find convex points quickly, with the help of improvised tools, determines the high quality of the master. But if the repair is done independently and something did not work out or there is no certainty as a result, you can use the devices or seek help from specialists.
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