Cons of live wallpaper, what you should know before buying

Repair always brings a lot of trouble, takes a lot of effort. Therefore, people often try to postpone it as long as possible. But, of course, one or another finishing material can wear out pretty quickly. Often this applies to wallpaper, of course, expensive models do not wear out so quickly, but still this can not be avoided.

From a recent moment, liquid wallpaper, which has both its strengths and weaknesses, has been causing consumer interest.


I must say that no matter how quickly the wallpapers wear out, they are considered a classic option and attract interest. Each person is accustomed to such a finishing material, it is simple to glue it and there is practically no need to care for it. Not so long ago, it could not have occurred to me that a standard roll can be replaced with something. But with the advent of liquid wallpaper, everything has changed dramatically. Such material cannot be seen in a rolled up roll, because the wallpaper is a mixture of natural ingredients. The composition contains cellulose and silk fibers, natural silk and glue.

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The advantages of such a finishing material:

  1. The complete absence of smell, this is due to the fact that natural materials are used;
  2. Resistance to high humidity. In case of contamination, a certain area can be washed with water without fear for the condition and appearance of the material;
  3. Ease of care;
  4. Practicality;
  5. Soundproof characteristics;
  6. Act as thermal insulation;
  7. Antistatic;
  8. Complete absence of seams;
  9. If damaged, the necessary area can be removed with a regular brush and re-apply the mixture;
  10. You can apply the composition to any surface;
  11. Hidden bumps and wall defects.

Of course, there are several drawbacks that you need to familiarize yourself with before purchasing.


The first thing that in some cases discourages the buyer is a rather high cost. Given the fact that one package covers no more than 4 square meters, the repair is expensive.

At the moment, a large number of colors is not provided, all because the manufacturer is not sure that such wallpapers will be in demand in the future.


As already mentioned, the wallpaper is moisture resistant, but still you do not need to wash it with a mop, you should handle the finishing material with care.


Before applying it is important to thoroughly treat the surface and remove all elements, even the smallest and most insignificant, and special attention should be paid to metal parts.

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