When is it better to abandon natural wood

Wood is a lively and moody material, which is often used in construction and repair work, as it has a high level of environmental friendliness, as well as an elegant appearance. The peculiarity of the tree lies in the fact that it is exposed to negative factors, which often lead to a change in shade, size, gluing and decay. That is why the material is not suitable for use in all conditions.


Speaking about the advantages, one cannot fail to note the strength inherent in the tree, maintainability, as well as a long period of service.

Often, wood is used in decoration by people who are not indifferent to the level of environmental friendliness of their premises. If the material is used in the manufacture of furniture or doors, then they are distinguished by their sufficient strength and elegance.


A significant disadvantage that accompanies any natural tree, regardless of its species, is moisture resistance. This factor is considered the most unsafe, as it can lead to complete unsuitability of the material. Water that has penetrated to the surface is absorbed inward, causing the wood to swell. That is why it is best to refuse to use wood in the bathroom and other rooms with a high level of humidity.

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The high level of combustibility inherent in wood does not allow its use in places of high temperature or fire hazard. Rapid flammability can lead not only to the complete destruction of the material or product, but also damage the life and health of people.

The organic nature of the origin of wood contributes to the fact that timber is often the food for insects, rodents and even mushrooms. That is why wood is not suitable for use in open space without special processing.


Wood is a fairly practical material from which various products can be made. It lends itself well to tooling, adheres well and is not capable of emitting harmful fumes. In addition, the tree is easily painted and has an attractive appearance. When considering the use of wood in decoration or construction, it is very important to consider disadvantages and features, since untreated wood does not tolerate the influence of some factors.

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