Engineering surveys for construction projects: the essence, tasks and composition


  • 1 Objectives of surveying
  • 2 The need for geological surveys
  • 3 Environmental surveys - a component of engineering research
  • 4 Engineering Engineering Reporting

Scope of work during environmental, geological and geodetic surveys. Features of the passage of state examination.

The construction process begins long before the purchase of bricks, concrete and reinforcement. Engineering surveys for construction and justification of technical solutions - these are the previous stages of the project. The group of companies "Promterra" carries out geological, geodetic, environmental studies of the area with taking into account the current requirements on the methods of work, processing the results and reporting documentation. Regardless of the purpose of the object for its functional purpose, engineering surveys are an obligatory stage according to the regulations.

Objectives of surveying

Land is not always suitable for construction. To determine this, it is necessary to conduct geodetic surveys to obtain accurate information about the terrain for the following points: relief, the presence of buildings and structures, the location of green spaces, places of utilities and other

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engineering survey

This area of ​​research requires the availability of equipment with up-to-date metrological control, SRO approval for the contractor, and skills for the contractors to perform:

  • removal of design points in kind;
  • cadastral, geodetic and topographic surveys;
  • geodetic support of construction;
  • measurement work;
  • development of sub-bases;
  • drawing up floor plans and sections;
  • drawing up a topographic plan, etc.

The need for geological surveys

The construction of new buildings, reconstruction of old or major repairs are accompanied by geological surveys. If earlier they were already implemented and there are stock materials, they are used for the initial analysis of the land. The main task of engineering and geological surveys is as follows:

  • determination of physical and mechanical properties and soil composition;
  • determination of the hydrological regime of the area;
  • laboratory analysis of soil and groundwater;
  • seismological risk assessment;
  • predicting changes in the geological situation.

Geological surveys allow you to correctly choose the foundation, which will be resistant to the influence of soil and groundwater. And this is a guarantee that the object will be reliable with minimal risks of deformation processes, destruction and operational safety.

Environmental surveys - a component of engineering research

The implementation of construction and the ecological situation of the area are closely interconnected. The task of specialists is to study the current state, determine the negative technological factors that can cause a disturbance in the balance of the environment.

environmental surveys

In the process of research, wells are drilled for laboratory samples of soil and groundwater. This also applies to open water, air. It is necessary to determine the degree of pollution (if there is such a fact). The composition of the work includes: measurements of noise, vibration, radiation background, sanitary and hygienic examinations, environmental surveys and monitoring.

Engineering Engineering Reporting

The results of environmental, geological and geodetic surveys are made out in the form of a technical report. Its composition and structure are defined at the regulatory level: SP 47.13330.2016, SP 11-102-97, SP 47.13330.2012. The technical report is subject to approval by the regulatory authorities - state expertise. The goal is a positive statement. In the presence of formal errors in design, the absence of copies of the licenses of the executor of engineering surveys and the engineering communications scheme of the territory, obtaining approval is impossible. The technical report has legal force and is part of the design documentation.

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