Interior design in the style of constructivism

Constructivism is a whole trend in art. Proponents of constructivism adhere to the slogans: “Down with any decor elements! Our ideal is expediency in everything! ” However, do not forget that any ideas can be destroyed by stupid attempts to unconditionally observe all the canons of style. When choosing this style for your interior, it is very important to be able to maintain a fine line of balance between the functional and aesthetic components of the desired image.


Constructivism arose at the beginning of the twentieth century, thanks to the advent of many technological devices. In art, constructivism arose as an offshoot of modernity. If you do not go into details, then the resulting style is a kind of example of Art Nouveau, devoid of decor. The architect of Austrian origin Adolf Loos became the ideological inspiration. It was he who became an active opponent of a variety of decors in the interiors.


However, in skilled hands and with a qualified approach, an interior in the style of constructivism does not look so peremptory. This style is distinguished by its own special aesthetics, the so-called aesthetics of expediency. Perhaps this term requires explanation. According to this style, everything that is most reflective of the necessary functional requirements is considered beautiful. Ideal things in constructivism combine convenience, functionality and comfort. Only in this case the item is called stylish and beautiful.

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If you approach formally constructivism, it turns out that what you need is simplicity, practicality, proportionality of forms, without any elegant elements and especially emphasized functionality in to everyone. Forget about traditions and fashion trends, new items of modern progress. But here you are free to choose colors and combinations, shapes and materials. No unnecessary little things, clarity in everything.


Houses built in the style of constructivism look very compact. They clearly separated the component parts. Typically, concrete and glass are used in construction, sometimes brick. The interior is also simple. You will not see any stucco structures on the ceiling and walls, everything is symmetrical, simple and rational. When planning, stationary partitions are often neglected, using the so-called functional zones or portable ceilings. Also in this style there are no corridors familiar to us.


The French architect and artist Le Corbusier described this style more accurately. He called the constructivist house a car for housing. Having finished with the interior of the room, do not forget about furniture, appliances and other equally important household items. It should be noted that here the novelties of household appliances and communications fit well. Furniture also supports the chosen line of behavior. There are no elements of ornament or decor. Nothing extra, bulky - practicality and simplicity. The furniture on wheels looks good. It seems more airy, in addition, it moves easily. Designers like to use chairs with side cutouts in this style and design. Firstly, the lower weight of the item, and secondly, the convenience of stamped production. As for the color scheme, they usually use a variety of shades of black, saturated colors, such as blue, red, yellow. All items should be of maximum convenience to consumers.


Practicality and the possibility of mass production - these are the main characteristics of constructivism. In the choice of fabrics, monophonic materials without a pattern gain an advantage. However, all the same can be said about all other interior items. The uniqueness of objects in this case does not play a big role. Constructivism in its modern presentation allows the use of light, various color schemes and the geometry of free spaces. Modern capabilities make it possible to use all the achievements of technological progress, not excluding nanotechnology.


Recently, furniture and furnishings in the style of constructivism have become the highlight of thematic exhibitions and individual design projects.


However, do not get too carried away by the constructivist style. After all, a living person, in addition to practicality and rationality, still needs elements that can arouse feelings and positive emotions. Therefore, choosing this style for the interior of your apartment or house, do not strive to fully comply with all the aesthetic requirements of the style. It is enough to adhere to the main trends, add technical innovations, possibly made to order. In this case, the result will please you for many years.

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