Finishing house facades with modern materials, photo gallery of options


  • 1 Types of decoration of facades with modern materials
    • 1.1 Decorative plaster
    • 1.2 Clinker tiles and bricks
    • 1.3 Porcelain Tiles
    • 1.4 Front cartridges
    • 1.5 Siding
    • 1.6 Natural and artificial stone
    • 1.7 Panels
    • 1.8 Wet facade
    • 1.9 Tree
  • 2 Video
  • 3 Photo of the facades of houses finished using modern materials

After the completion of large-scale construction stages, it is necessary to think about what materials will be used to finish the exterior surfaces of the building. The construction market is replete with a variety of offers, offering a huge selection of decorative designs. Therefore, the decoration of house facades with modern materials, the photos of which are collected in a selection, can be performed in a completely different style and direction.

Types of decoration of facades with modern materials

More recently, the main conditions were reliability, durability of the facade of the house. Today, there is a significant increase in requirements for materials, the main task of which is the decoration of house facades whose photos are presented in a selection.

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Basic operating conditions:

  • strength - outside the design is not subjected to destruction even during the strongest gust of wind;
  • frost resistance - high-quality finishing materials for the facades of private houses do not crack as a result of external influences;
  • water permeability - the outer layer should not interfere with the removal of excess moisture;
  • presentable appearance - decorative facades can decorate any residential building.

Modern materials for decorating the facade of private houses have the ability to counteract any negative factors and at the same time perform a decorative function. How to decorate the facade of the house? Consider the most popular options for finishing the facade of a private house.

Wooden facade - imitation of a bar
Facade cladding material
Finishing house facades with modern materials

Decorative plaster

Used as a decorative facade of the house. Qualified specialists, using the finishing material, create unique relief planes that mimic natural raw materials.

Stuccoing the facade of the house with stucco is carried out using cement-sand mortar, it contains special additives that provide excellent protection to the surface. To finish the facade, it is necessary to arrange heat and waterproofing, for which insulation will be required.

Recently, the decoration of the facade with a bark beetle has gained great popularity. The latest finishing technology allows you to achieve excellent results in the shortest period of time. For this, manufacturers suggest choosing a ready-made solution in buckets, a dry mixture in bags. The decoration of the facade of a private house by the bark beetle is carried out together with the insulation of the external walls. Recently, the decoration of the facades of a private bark beetle house has become increasingly popular.

For decorative processing of the renewed surface, various types of acrylic-based paints are used - this helps to ensure maximum protection of the building facade, creates a durable external coating. Facade decoration of private houses, photo selection contains the most popular types of plaster.

Decorative plaster for the facade of the house
Decorative plaster
Finishing facades with decorative plaster

Clinker tiles and bricks

A new element of decoration, created from refractory types of earthen clay. In the production process, clay is subjected to heat treatment at the highest temperatures. Thanks to this, the facing brick for the facade becomes strong and durable.

Decorative brick has a number of positive qualities: heat resistance, environmental friendliness, a variety of shapes and ease of care. The surface can be matte, glossy, rough or have an antique look.

A variety of colors allows the use of clinker brick for decorative decoration of facades, socles of country houses, combine the frames around the interior or entrance doors, arched openings. The photo clearly shows the decoration of the house with a brick.

Clinker tiles are small clay plates. Building materials have a similar shape, size range and colors, the similarity allows the design of the house with clinker tiles. Clinker tiles of the photo of which are presented below, you can decorate the facade of any house.

Unique decorative elements will help to create a beautiful pattern on the corners of the walls. The most attractive look of the facades of single-story houses, clinker tiles, photo selection is presented below.

Clinker tile for facade decoration
Do-it-yourself clinker cladding
Modern facade design with clinker tiles

Porcelain Tiles

Long-lasting building material is made of artificial materials by pressing powder from a slip, followed by firing at elevated temperatures. Facade decoration with granite has gained particular popularity due to the presence of a certain number of positive properties in the finishing material.

Porcelain tile has a large margin of safety and weakly reacts to external mechanical influences.

The good appearance of the material is ideal for exterior wall decoration. The basement can have bright colors, rainbow stains or imitate natural stone, various species of trees.
Finishing of building facades with granite is carried out in two ways:

  • ventilated - the plates are securely attached to the frame of galvanized or aluminum rails;
  • “Wet laying” - porcelain tile is attached to the surface of the walls with special glue.

Which way to choose, everyone decides for himself.

Porcelain Ventilated Facade
Facing of facades with porcelain tile
Porcelain stoneware

Front cartridges

These materials belong to the facing group, thanks to which you can easily transform an apartment building, office building or a small shopping pavilion. Suitable for various materials for the decoration of the facades of private houses.

Composite cassettes are complete designs with curved edges. When installing the walls, a continuous coating is obtained. Strong and reliable material successfully resists various mechanical influences and negative environmental conditions. Fastening cassettes with a facade can occur in various ways. First of all, it depends on which profile will be used. There are two options for connecting elements: hidden and open.

When the fastener is hidden, the profile of the upper element is securely fixed to the profile of the lower. This type of assembly allows you to create a fairly durable lining for a short period of time.

During the open fastening, each finishing tile for the facade is fixed at the corners on the supporting frame. This method provides a perfectly even continuous coating. Finishing house facades with modern materials, a photo gallery of the best design solutions is presented below.

Ventilated facades
Front cartridges. Facade decoration of public buildings
Front cartridges


A variety of typesetting panels is made of vinyl polymer materials. The advantages of the material are:

  • ease of construction;
  • ease of assembly;
  • low cost.

Before finishing the basement or walls of the house with siding, the photos of which are presented below, it is not necessary to carry out long preparatory work. Finishing the facade with siding allows you to successfully hide all the bumps and roughness of the surface.

High-quality material during operation is not subjected to deformation, swelling or peeling. Mold does not form on its surface, insects do not start. Due to these positive qualities of the material, finishing the facade of a wooden house with siding is considered the most profitable solution. The most original versions of home decoration siding, photos are presented below.

Sheathed siding
Home decoration siding
Facade decoration with wooden siding

Natural and artificial stone

Stone is considered to be the most reliable type of finish on external surfaces. For cladding, both natural and artificial stone are equally used. Decorative tiles for finishing the facade of natural material creates a strong protective coating, which is comparable in terms of use to the period of use of the building itself. An artificial stone facade differs from its natural counterpart only in a relatively low price and a wide selection of textures and colors. Before choosing a stone as the main finishing material, it should be taken into account that it has a large weight, therefore it can not be used to finish a house with a weak foundation.

If the laying technology is not followed, some stones may fall off during operation, so you will have to regularly restore the original appearance of the surface. Finishing the facade with stone is a complex and time-consuming process, so you should strictly observe the entire installation technology and not violate the stages of facade decoration. The original decoration of the facade of the house, a photo of unique residential buildings.

Facing of facades with natural stone
Natural stone crumb facing
Preparation of the facade of the house for decoration with artificial stone


The range of panels is simply amazing in its diversity. Some types of decorators use to decorate the home interior. Each type of facade panels has its own design, dimensions and installation method.

What is better to finish the facade of the house? To answer this question, you should show options for the most popular panels:

  • metal - are made from galvanized metal sheets, on which a polymer coating is applied with a thin layer. The polymer layer has a different relief and bright color, this allows using a profile to create a unique combined version;
  • fiber cement - the textured surface allows you to perfectly simulate a variety of materials, for example, decorative plaster, brick and masonry or tile cladding. The panels are made of cement with the addition of dissolved pulp and synthetic fiber. Almost do not fade and have special strength;
  • wood - modern panels are made of wood fiber, pressed under high pressure, the composition of the material includes polymer compounds. The selected material is light in weight and has a beautiful surface, decorated with natural veneer. The service life is less than similar models, but at the same time they are much cheaper, this allows you to periodically change the profile and panels;
  • OSB plates - molten paraffin or ceresin is included in the composition of water-resistant OSB panels. The material is produced in large sheets, so you can cut the right size OSB panels in place;
  • SIP panels - a material unique in its properties is a multilayer insulating panel. SIW incorporates a heater surrounded on both sides by OSB sheets. The layers are interconnected with a special polyurethane adhesive. As a heater foam polystyrene is used.
Facing of house facades with metal panels
Facade decoration with wooden panels
Facade decoration with OSB slabs
OSB plates
Facade decoration with SIP panels
SIP panels
Facade decoration with fiber cement panels
Fiber cement

SIP panels are distinguished by the highest degree of thermal insulation, excellent sound insulation. The light weight of the structure allows the use of SIP panels for various substrates, in some cases a finely recessed tape is enough. Thanks to the use of SIP panels, a classic “Canadian” house can be built in a few weeks. SIP panels react poorly to the effects of an external aggressive environment.

Wet facade

The design of the "wet facade" consists of a certain number of layers. Interlayers are called adhesive, heat-insulating, reinforced and protective-decorative, each layer has its own purpose.

Facades of this type have a wide field of application due to the fact that all the components are perfectly combined with each other and are able to show excellent results, high frost resistance, water resistance, vapor permeability.

Finishing a house like a “wet facade” requires certain skills, so you should not carry out laborious work on your own, it is better to contact specialists, only in this case you can achieve excellent results and extend the life of the device for a long time material.

The scheme of the wet facade
Wet facade system


Recently, the decoration of the facade with wood is gaining more and more popularity. The external surface of the building, finished with a board or bar, has a lot of positive qualities and advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • simplicity in leaving;
  • unique design.

A house decorated with natural boards or timber will last much longer if you choose the right kind of wood. Experts advise to give preference only to those trees that grow in your area. This is necessary because they are better adapted to weather conditions and are much cheaper than foreign samples.

It is possible to reduce the impact on the natural material of weather conditions and aggressive external environment by appropriate surface treatment and preliminary preparation of the material.

What is better to choose and how will the construction of a residential building take place? The choice always remains with the owner. Here it is necessary to take into account many nuances, starting with the economic side of the issue and ending with the technical capabilities of the building. Only when all the above conditions are taken into account, you can be sure that the decoration of the facade of private houses whose photos are presented below will be of high quality and durable.

Facing the facade of the house with a tree
Wood facade decoration
Finishing the facade of a log house


The video shows the most popular methods for decorating the facade of a building using modern materials.

Photo of the facades of houses finished using modern materials

The selection of photos contains the most successful projects for the decoration of building facades.

Budget siding for facade decoration
Facade decoration options
Exterior finish
Styrofoam is used to decorate the building facades.
There are several advantages of ventilated facades.
Modern style building
The idea of ​​decorating a country house
Brick for decorating a house from a bar
Brick front tile
Combined facade
Beautiful motley color facade in a modern style
Varieties of facade tiles
Siding - a popular material for facade work
Warming of facades of houses
Facades of cottages
Photo printing on a tile
A wide range of curtain wall systems
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