DIY plastic windows installation

A few years ago began the massive replacement of wooden windows with plastic, this is not at all surprising, given the many advantages of double-glazed windows. Thanks to them, there is no longer any need for annual repair and painting of frames, and it is precisely the plastic windows that save on heating.
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Additional advantages of PVC windows are that there is no need to insulate windows, stretch gauze or nets to protect against insects. As for the cost, if you take a wooden window and a plastic one, which will be the same size, then the wooden one will be a little cheaper, but it will not be glazed. That is, you have to spend more on glazing, and even this requires time. Plastic structures are already ready for installation, and you can do this yourself.


Subtleties of installation

First of all, it should be understood that plastic windows, in fact, are not universal. They should not be used in rooms that are not heated, that is, for a garage or gazebo this is not the best option.


Installing PVC windows is not such a difficult process as it may seem at first, but this applies primarily to cases when they are installed in private houses or on the ground floors. On average, it takes about 2-3 hours to install one window.

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For work, you will definitely need a whole set of tools, among them there must be mounting wedges, a jigsaw, a drill, galvanized iron sheets, a silicone gun and a construction plumb.


Installation steps

After you have bought plastic windows of the required size, you must dismantle the old structure along with the windowsill. The frame is marked for subsequent mounting, fasteners are attached directly to the frame. The plastic structure is leveled strictly according to the level, and then it is fixed in the window opening.


Next, the initial adjustment of the fittings and installation of the tide. Between the window and the frame the cavities are filled with polyurethane foam, and after that the window sill is installed. After all this, the finishing adjustment of the fittings occurs.


Of course, each of these stages should be considered in more detail, this is only a general principle of installation, but nevertheless, it helps to understand that, in fact, there is nothing complicated about it. If you decide to refuse the services of a specialized team of installers, then you should definitely have an assistant, or better yet two.

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