Home-made right money business

The art of Feng Shui is gradually becoming a part of our life. According to him, a person will become rich if he has a money tree at home. In shops selling souvenirs, there are a lot of similar talismans that differ in size, shape. But if you make the tree yourself, then a piece of your own soul will remain in it, which will enhance its magical actions.


One of the variants of the money tree is a topiary, which differs from the traditional crown, which is made round. She is in the talisman is the main emphasis, because it is made in size larger than the diameter of the pot. The height of the tree is approximately three diameters of the crown.


The trunk in the topiary is made thin, and the base-pot is filled with heavy material. The latter is necessary to ensure the stability of the tree.

For the crown, as the basis, it is easiest to use polystyrene. And to get it perfectly round, you should look for a foam ball. Its size is selected according to the number of coins that are available, if desired. In this case, take into account that the surface of the ball should be completely covered with coins.

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First, the ball is pasted over with paper towels. They will make the surface non-slip, it will be better to stick coins to it.

Coins of small diameter are suitable for the topiary. For their gluing use PVA glue or thermal gun. The latter provides a more reliable connection.

Coins are placed on the surface of the ball, forming a scale. At the same time, each lower coin is covered with two upper ones, which partially overlap it and come into contact with each other at the level of the upper edge of the lower one. After the whole crown is varnished, which enhances its shine.


At the bottom of the ball they leave a place empty - the topiary trunk is attached to it. The latter is made direct, for example, from a stick for sushi, or winding, using a thick cable with aluminum core. The trunk is painted with gold paint or wrapped with paper, tape of the same color.

Next, the money tree is collected. A small volume plastic cup is prepared, filled with plaster. Glue the barrel to the crown or insert it into the hole arranged earlier. The lower end is “planted” in plaster. After drying, the latter is closed with coins. It can be painted with golden paint, sprinkled with sparkles. You can add a decor from beautiful lace to the pot.


The mascot is made of a traditional form in the form of an elegant small tree with branches. A beautiful falling crown is formed from the wire. At the ends of the branches, through the holes, golden coin leaves are attached.


Money tree is made in the form of a picture. It is formed flat, the branches are glued to the cardboard, to their coin ends. All paint in gold color.

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