Where do cracks appear on the ceiling and how to prevent them

Cracks in the ceiling are a common problem that can be easily dealt with. But you need to remember that hiding it will not be enough. To finally solve the problem, it is enough to identify the cause of the cracks and get rid of it. It is for this reason that repair is started after its diagnosis.

What cracks appear from?

As practice shows, cracks can appear even when using the highest quality materials and the latest construction technologies. In addition, not all builders perform their work in a high-quality manner. There are four main causes of cracking:

  1. The house is sagging. This usually happens with new buildings. The subsidence process lasts from 1 year to 3 years. During this period of time, not a single crack may form on the ceiling.
  2. Temperature differences.
  3. Improper finishing work.
  4. Incorrectly prepared ceiling surface.

How to prevent cracking?

If you purchased an apartment in a new building, it is better not to repair the ceiling for 2-3 years or at least one winter. However, most people want to make repairs as soon as possible. To do this, you must strictly adhere to the rules of construction work.

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When plastering the ceiling, it is important to properly prepare the mortar. Observe the proportions set by the manufacturer and thoroughly beat the mixture. When the plaster is applied, make sure that it is not blown by a draft.


To protect the ceiling from cracks, it is important to prepare the surface for work. To perform a quality repair, remember the following tips:

- The ceiling must be clean and dry. You also need to prevent dust and other small particles.

- Wisely approach the choice of material for putty. Usually, gypsum-based mixtures are used for interior decoration.

- Reliable protection of the ceiling can be provided with a mesh for reinforcement. Fix it on the ceiling, and then begin to apply the solution.

- High ceilings can be sheathed with plasterboard. First of all, the frame is attached at a distance of no more than 5 cm from the ceiling. Once the frame is fixed, you can proceed to the casing. Most often, sheets are 9.5 cm thick.

- Another option is to make stretch ceilings. Cracks do not form on such ceilings, in addition to everything, the ceiling will look beautiful and stylish.

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