Interior and Flowers: Design Ideas with Flowers

Flowers help create a cozy atmosphere in the house. Skillfully selected floral arrangements become the best decoration of the interior. They will decorate any room, if their choice is treated with attention. Even the gloomy room into which the flowers are brought is transformed, it becomes more comfortable and warmer. When decorating a room with flowers it is impossible to give a single piece of advice. It all depends on the taste and preferences of the owners of the house.


The choice of colors for the interior

When choosing flowers for decoration, one should take into account the size of the room, its decoration. To create the mood and comfort in the room, it is not necessary to decorate it with lush and expensive flowers. It is enough to put ordinary wildflowers, for example, cornflowers or daisies in a graceful vase.


Fruits and decorative leaves are added to the flower arrangement. To create bouquets, use dried flowers, herbs, branches. Dried flowers perfectly retain the colors of natural plants.

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Indoor plants also enliven the interior. With their help, you can create artistic compositions, planting in low vases and flowerpots.


When choosing colors, the color scheme of the room, furniture, curtains should be taken into account. The requirement of colors to light will also be important. When selecting indoor plants should take into account their biological characteristics. Some love moisture and shade, while others need warmth and dry sandy soil.


Placement of flower arrangements in the room

Bouquets of flowers are placed in various places: on a closet, floor, table, window, staircase, etc. In a small apartment, plants should be placed on partitions that divide the room into zones.

If the living room is large and has high ceilings, then it is safe to place ficus, palm tree or monstera in it. In the bedroom you should not have many flowers and houseplants. One composition or dried flowers in a wicker vase is enough.


In the dining room or kitchen on the table, you can put a small bouquet in a ceramic vase or glass. Flowers in the kitchen are even put in dishes from a table or tea set: (sauce-boat, sugar bowl, salad bowl, etc.). Decorating a table with flowers in everyday life should be modest.


Light-loving plants (azalea, gloxinia, Kalanchoe, camellia) are placed in a room located on the southern and eastern sides. Shade-loving plants (alocasia, begonia, dracaena, epipremnum) will feel good in a room facing the north and west sides.


When decorating the interior, one should not forget about the colors. Indoor plants not only decorate the room, but also clean the air in it. If possible, they should be brought into the house, as they bring great joy.

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