Hood for a kitchen without duct: pros and cons, tips

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Features hoods without duct
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All elements of the kitchen space must be chosen with special attention. A hood without an air duct is just as important as the hob itself and the refrigerator. Kitchen without it in the modern world is simply dysfunctional! A careful selection of the necessary equipment will ensure a long service life. Therefore, do not relate to the purchase of kitchen items after the sleeves. Of course, in the event that there is no desire to return the equipment for repair in a few months.

Good kitchen appliances can serve for years, as well as create a complete image of the kitchen. Her choice should be taken seriously, as this is a very functional and necessary device. Since it is engaged in the purification of air from various odors and smokes that may occur during the preparation of various dishes. The classic version of the hood are dome models.

Cooker hood without duct
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They are quite voluminous and hardly suitable for a small apartment, most often they are bought for a large area. And in the event that the kitchen is not very large, choose more miniature models. These options just include equipment without a duct. It is tiny, it has a very thin base and a control panel, which is ideal for a small room where you need to create comfort for cooking.

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Principle of operation

How the hood works without a duct
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Such options work very simply: a very good motor is installed in them, which draws in all the air, which then passes through a special filter inside. Then this air goes back to the kitchen. Without an air duct, hood models are called recirculation hoods due to the operating principle mentioned above. Inside it is an excellent filtration system. All smoke and air passes through two degrees of purification.

The first filter cleans the air of grease and other particles, the second is designed to eliminate bad odors. Such models use metal plates for the first stage of air purification, and the second consists of coal.

The filter elements in the hood are replaced individually. Their service life is also very individual. It depends on how often cooking is done, as well as on the amount of scale and fat that gets into the mechanism. Typically, coal filters change after 3 or 6 months of operation. Metal is replaced much less frequently. It is advisable to change them after a year of operation.

Types of hoods without duct for the kitchen 

These models do not differ in variety. There are only 2 types of recirculation hoods: one that runs in a very flat body, and one that is built-in. They are not much different from each other, but still have some distinctive advantages.

Flat body electric coal models

Description of the hood
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It features a larger case panel, internal fan and filter system. It is very compact compared to the classic dome. It takes up less space in the kitchen, so it’s ideal for a small room. But despite its small size, the system has excellent performance. It filters the air from various particles of plaque, grease and unpleasant odors. And then it releases air back into the room. Its installation is quite simple. The device is placed under kitchen cabinets - air is removed there better. But it is important to consider that the outlet is located at the installation site.

Embedded Model

The second kind is the built-in appliances. She has the same filling. The difference is that the installation is done in the kitchen cabinet - only the control panel can appear in front of the household. Both of these models can be purchased with sizes of 50 or 60 cm. Such dimensions are not chosen by chance, because they are specially calibrated to get into the standard size of the kitchen cabinet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Different opinions exist regarding the acquisition of these hoods. Some users are negatively tuned about this technique, because it does not have a duct. It is often called useless in the kitchen space. Other people consider such models to be very modern, with a reliable filtration system, which, in their opinion, replaces the duct. It is worth talking about their positive qualities so that anyone who is going to buy a hood without a duct can make the right decision.


So, the positive characteristics:

  1. How the hood works
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    The air circulation in the kitchen and in the house is not disturbed at all due to the lack of an air duct in the hood, since the openings through which the air duct is usually installed are always free. And in the event that the equipment is installed in accordance with all the rules with a pipe, during shutdown, the passage of air, on the contrary, can be difficult.
  2. A system without an air duct is very light in weight and also very tiny. This allows you to freely buy this model and bring it to your home yourself, without spending a lot of money on delivery. She also does not need any additional equipment in the form of pipes and any structures for fasteners.
  3. It can be located absolutely in any part of the kitchen, and also it will never interfere due to large volumes.
  4. She is very simple. It is installed in a cabinet, and then connected to a house power system with a simple tool. This electric range hood is just great for the kitchen. A plus is the fact that you do not need to purchase any additional adapters.
  5. A positive point is the price of the design. These species are much cheaper than traditional ones that have an air duct. Of course, the price will also depend on the manufacturer, its brand and characteristics. But when compared with traditional models, they have a much lower cost.
  6. The device also does not require any specific and special care. It is only necessary to wipe it from dust, and also to change the filter elements in time. Sometimes it may be necessary to replace the bulbs on the panel, but this is done very simply. No more complicated than changing a light bulb on a chandelier.
  7. The filtering system on these models is very good. As mentioned above, filtration elements consist of two parts: metal and coal. Coal will have to be replaced more often than metal, but the plus is that they are very easy to remove. The positive feature of metal filters is that they can also be easily removed and washed with water, after which they can be put in place. And also the metal filter can easily be placed in the dishwasher for quick cleaning.
  8. A system that does not have a large exhaust pipe may be suitable for a small kitchen. And also suitable for such a room, where the installation of a bulky pipe structure can be costly. The duct can disturb the appearance of the room. Such a hood without a bulky pipe will solve this problem, and the removal of dirty air will be just as effective. A similar type of range hoods is installed in apartments where a minimalist or high-tech style prevails. Since the equipment has a very concise form and does not take up much space.


A system without a duct has its drawbacks:

  1. Disadvantages of hoods without duct
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    Filter replacement is a prerequisite for long-term operation of the equipment. The filters must be constantly monitored so that the operation of the air purification system does not fail. Some people may think that the constant replacement of filters will cost a pretty penny. Another type of people thinks that such a technique imposes unnecessary obligations, and therefore they will rather choose traditional ones, which are much simpler, in their opinion. But the pros are still more significant than the cons. Due to its small size and simplicity, the equipment can be easily repaired in the event of a breakdown. Repair traditional hoods will cost much more.
  2. Some people think that a system that does not have a duct can do much worse with its direct responsibilities in the kitchen. But this opinion is fundamentally wrong. It is only necessary to monitor the condition of the filters, and its operation will not be disturbed. And in terms of performance, it is in no way inferior to the traditional model.
  3. The design of the system is uniform, it has a rectangular shape. The design is most often horizontal. There is no way to somehow decorate your kitchen with the help of such hoods. You can vary the design only by choosing a color, which is provided in large quantities. But this is a very minor drawback, because it serves to purify the air, and not for decorative elements.
  4. A system without a duct has mixed reviews. Some people are happy with the choice, others prefer the traditional model. You just need to get used to it, because it is a very modern air purification system.

Right choice

To buy a suitable model, you need to know a few nuances that will help you choose a very decent system with great functionality.

  1. Modern hoods
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    Each model has its own set of functions. This must be considered when choosing. First you need to carefully study the characteristics. In order not to be mistaken with performance, you can use a simple formula that will help you calculate the right productivity: you need to multiply the area of ​​the kitchen by its height, the result that you get, you need to multiply at 12. This will be the performance of the selected hood. Typically, manufacturers indicate in the passport the size of the kitchen with which the equipment will handle. Therefore, it is worth carefully reading these documents so as not to make a mistake. In addition, the stores have competent consultants who will be happy to help you choose the right model.
  2. An important parameter is size. In most cases, it is equal to the power of the model, that is, the higher and higher it is, the louder it will work. In the event that the kitchen is small and it is not necessary to cook very often, it is better to opt for small systems that will be less noisy. It is better to choose the latest models of hoods, that is, the latest copies. This will allow you to buy the most modern model, which will be less noisy than the previous ones. And also the new hoods have much more functionality. Modern hoods are even specially equipped with a control panel.
  3. There are so many brands. Therefore, people often face a problem when choosing. They don’t know which brand is best for their home. In this case, there is one universal tip: you need to see what other equipment of a brand is at home. After that, you just need to ask yourself: do I like how this brand handles the job? If the answer is yes, then without hesitation you can take the goods of the same manufacturer.
  4. The price is very important when choosing a hood. If there is a goal to find an inexpensive model, but which has great functionality, it is better to choose a flat one. They are cheaper than recessed ones. But do not worry - they do not differ in the quality of work.
  5. If the task is to find a more original model, then it is better to focus your choice on models with small glass visors in front, since such hoods will look very unusual on the kitchen. Typically, such systems are decorated with wood or an interesting pattern.

Hood model without duct
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Choosing a cooker hood that doesn't have a bulky pipe is a lot easier than it sounds. You just need to understand the characteristics. And then you can appreciate its advantages.

Such systems are well suited for the classic design of the kitchen, in those places where there are concise dimensions of the room. It often happens that the kitchen itself and the arrangement of furniture in it will not allow you to buy a traditional model, which is very large in size. In this case, if you want to maintain a beautiful view of the kitchen without cluttering it with massive structures, the best option would be to purchase this hood.

Video: cooker hood selection 

Photo of cooker hoods without duct

How to position the hood
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Installing hoods in the kitchen
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The principle of operation of hoods in the kitchen
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How to choose a hood in the kitchen
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Types of hoods in the kitchen
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