Installation of the built-in dishwasher: complete instructions

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DIY kitchen repair
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How to install a dishwasher in the finished kitchen
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The dishwasher helps many housewives to get rid of their unloved work, while saving personal time. Having bought furniture, the question arises, how to integrate a dishwasher into a countertop and is it possible to install it yourself?

The advantages of the technique are that the consumption of water with a dishwasher becomes several times less, and at current utility tariffs it is very beneficial. In addition, after several years of operation, the cost of this unit will fully pay off.

Built-in dishwasher in the kitchen
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Varieties of Dishwashers

Dishwashers are divided into three types: built-in, tabletop and freestanding.

  1. Desktop machines are the smallest models that are installed directly on the countertop.
  2. Freestanding machines can be mounted in the kitchen or in a separate module. It is enough to connect them to communications and electricity.
  3. Built-in models are suitable for a small kitchen, as they save space. Despite the fact that it is much more difficult to install and connect to communications than previous devices, they have a great advantage. The general aesthetics of the interior of the room is not violated, since the dishwasher hides part of the box of the kitchen set.
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Where is the finished kitchen installed in the dishwasher?

Dishwasher installation
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Before you install the machine, you need to find a suitable place for it. The main thing is that the water supply and sewerage are located next to the equipment, and the heating system is far away, since exposure to heat can harm it. Typically, a built-in dishwasher is installed under the countertop. The device is made with a standard and non-standard type of mount.

  • When installing appliances with non-standard fasteners in the finished kitchen, you should carefully study the passport. The passport indicates what type of mount is suitable for this box design.
  • Niches in modern kitchen furniture are equipped with built-in appliances with standard fixtures.

How to install a freestanding dishwasher under the countertop? We select the section where the equipment will be installed, remove the shelves and disassemble it. If there is a need, then using a screwdriver, the straps for fastening inside the box can be rearranged to another place.

Basic installation rules

The standard built-in dishwasher has a depth of 550 mm, a width of 450 to 600 mm, and a height of 820 mm. A simple DIY installation guide is attached to each model. But you still need to know the basic rules:

  1. Behind the rear wall of the device there must be a space for air - at least 50 mm.
  2. Manufacturers of built-in dishwashers subtract a few millimeters from the standard sizes of furniture so that they do not have to change its size and shape. Boxes are made with a small margin, which are designed for built-in appliances.
  3. You can find out in what places to make holes for decorative doors of the box using special templates, which are indicated in the installation diagrams.
  4. Keep in mind that the control panel is located on the side of the machine.
  5. Correctly setting the built-in dishwasher to the desired level and adjusting the legs tightly to fit it to the box will help.
  6. Using the mounting brackets included in the kit, the device is rigidly fixed to the box with screws.

How to install a do-it-yourself dishwasher 

Installation of a dishwasher
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Installation in the finished kitchen is a laborious process. Not everyone knows all the details and installation rules. But having done the installation yourself, without involving a specialist in the work, you can save money. To do this, the installation instructions for the equipment that comes with each model will help. The dishwasher is selected according to the depth and width of the kitchen set.

For installation you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Set of screwdrivers, gas wrench and pliers.
  • Tape measure and building level.
  • Hose for draining and supplying cold water (usually supplied).
  • Sewer tee and tie-in for drainage.
  • Euro socket and cable with a cross section of 1.5 mm (three-core).
  • Corrugation, nipple, angle tap and adapter.
  • Corner, metal clamp, three-pass valve.
  • Siphon, filter for water purification, aquastop system - if not in the machine.
  • Tow and mounts.

Electrical connection

The first thing to do is to ground the sockets in the apartment, if they are not grounded. A specialist is called for this work. Typically, in multi-storey buildings, the ground wire is connected to a dead neutral line. You can’t connect the machine to a simple outlet, so another one is installed at a height of 250-350 mm from the floor. To connect the equipment, only Euro outlets are used. They are equipped with a safety ground wire. Using a 16 ampere machine, the equipment outlet is diverted from the main contact connection.

To ensure that the appliance is safe during operation and its warranty period does not disappear, it is impossible to independently replace the standard plug with another model on the wire.

Water connection

How to connect a dishwasher
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Connect the device to the water supply is easy. There are several ways to do this. The simplest and fastest option is to connect a tidal hose directly to the sink tap in the kitchen. The disadvantage of such a connection: externally, the faucet with the hose looks ugly and cannot be used during the operation of the machine. Despite the fact that this connection method is not very convenient, it can be used as a temporary one. The second option is more complex, but much better:
  1. To connect the machine, you need to install a branch with a crane. To do this, use a plastic or metal tee with an angle tap. It is installed on a water riser. It is good if the tee is equipped with a built-in ball valve.
  2. A tidal hose is supplied with the dishwasher, which is connected to the branch. If rigid pipes are used instead of a hose, a filter is installed in front of the stopcock. Otherwise, a blockage will form on the heating part of the machine, which will lead to its breakdown.

How is a dishwasher built into the kitchen if several devices (washing, filters and taps) are connected to the water supply? In this case, install the collector. With one collector, the number of taps in the main pipe will become less.

Trying to save some consumers connect the dishwasher to the hot water system. Do not do this, because from 5 to 10 liters of water is consumed per one machine cycle, which is much more expensive. In addition, due to hot water, a check valve may break down, as it contains many different impurities.

Connection to the sewer system

The easiest way to connect a dishwasher
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So that the dishwasher does not fail due to improper connection to the sewer, you need to know some subtleties. Sometimes with an incorrect connection, all the water from the machine goes into the sewer and the equipment breaks. Or unpleasant odors from the sewer get into the camera’s chamber. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to properly connect the equipment. There are two ways: using a siphon or using an oblique tee.
  1. The most reliable and secure way to connect is with the installation of a siphon. It is he who protects the apparatus from the ingress of sewage odors and eliminates the occurrence of a siphon effect. The regular siphon installed under the kitchen sink is replaced with another siphon model that has one or two additional nozzles. Next, the drain hose is connected to an additional outlet so that there are no excesses. Otherwise, the pump of the device may break. A metal collar strengthens the connecting place.
  2. Connecting using an oblique tee is not the best option. But sometimes he becomes the only one. This method is used if the sink is far from the connected equipment. To prevent additional loading of the drain pump, the drain hose must not be extended. Therefore, a tee is inserted into the sewer pipe (choose the closest place to the equipment). Then, a drain hose is connected to the tee. So that the sewer contents do not get into the working chamber of the machine, the hose is made with ascent and descent. An optional anti-siphon valve protects the equipment from the siphon effect.

Mounting the housing in the kitchen countertop

When the connection is completed, the machine must be installed in level. The adjusting legs will help to adjust the position. Then, detergent is poured into the apparatus without loading dishes and a test run is carried out. A check will show:

  1. What is the speed of the gulf of water?
  2. Heating level.
  3. Degree of drying.
  4. Water is completely drained or not.

How to connect a dishwasher
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In case of leaks, the nuts must be tightened or rewound with an FUM tape. If everything works well, the dishwasher is built into the furniture set. A decorative facade is installed to the apparatus door, which will hide the machine externally. The facade is mounted according to the scheme, which is indicated on special templates that are included with the machine. The decorative door or panel is attached to the machine body with fasteners.

How to integrate: expert advice

The dishwasher will serve for a long time and reliably without emergency situations, taking into account some recommendations of specialists:

  1. The dishwasher and countertop should be on the same level.
  2. In order for the kitchen set to last for a long time, the walls inside the furniture case are covered with vapor barrier.
  3. The furniture case must be durable if its bottom is a support for the device.
  4. The dishwasher is installed away from the electric oven, and it can not be installed under the hob.
  5. The metal plate will well protect the countertop from steam.
  6. With a heavy load, the discharge pump will not work well, so the length of the drain hose should be no more than 2.5 m.
  7. Do not connect equipment through extension cords.
  8. It is necessary to install and connect the equipment with all responsibility, since it works from electricity and there is water. And this is unsafe!
  9. To avoid electric shock, there must be grounding.

Video: installing a built-in dishwasher

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