Compact dishwasher: pros and cons, rating

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The compact dishwasher is a real find. According to statistics, very few people like to wash dishes, and almost every second person dreams of such a machine. But not in all apartments the technical parameters make it possible to place a rather large mechanism. And then a compact dishwasher comes to the rescue.

Mini dishwasher

Does it make sense to buy a compact "dishwasher"?

The most important indicator is the number of members of your family. In mini dishwashers, all sizes are smaller, but for a young family or rarely cooking singles, this will be a wonderful option. In a small dishwasher fits from 4 to 6 sets of dishes. Despite the small size of the modules, any small unit has good functionality with high reliability.

The best option is to buy a dishwasher in white or metallic color, as they fit perfectly into almost any interior. A good option is a top-loading model with a control panel on the countertop. This type is one of the most comfortable.

Therefore, it’s still worth buying a dishwasher, since it has much more advantages than disadvantages.

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Countertop Dishwasher

Advantages and disadvantages

Of the main disadvantages inherent in these devices, the following can be listed:

  • The need to wait for the entire camera to fill. Moreover, today there are half load modes, and in some mini-machines you can start the cycle with 4 sets of dishes.
  • The costs of cleaning tablets, rinses and water softeners. But here you should decide what is more important - saved time or money for unit maintenance.

One of the main disadvantages of the dishwasher before was the increased use of water (up to 26 liters), especially when using the device daily with a full load. Today, progressive models save not only water, but also electricity. For people with water meters in the house, this is the best option. In the future, the cost of a dishwasher (even the most expensive) is necessarily paid off by reducing utility bills.

The compact device consumes even less water and electricity, as it has a small volume of the washing chamber and spends little time on the process. Small dishwashers use no more than 6-7 liters per cycle. Washing dishes under running water today is much more wasteful than in a modern dishwasher.

And the main advantage of the device is saving time and space. You will give the procedure less than 30 minutes every day and up to an hour of your time. In addition, the dishwasher additionally disinfects dishes at 90 or 100 ° C. Usually a person under running water will not be able to perform such a heat treatment in any way, for this you need to make additional efforts.

Built-in dishwasher


Real mini dishwashers are small - 45 * 55 * 45 cm. They can wash up to 6 sets of full-sized dishes in one cycle.

Small-sized dishwashers the dimensions of which are 45 * 60 * 85, are called narrow. Most often, the devices are quite low, for ease of installation. Narrow cars are quite spacious, they cope with 6-10 sets of dishes, which is suitable for a family of three to four people. The main thing is that the depth of the cabinets allows you to accommodate these 85 cm.

Pots and fragile glasses are placed in narrow washing chambers, and the dishwasher will wash and dry everything in one hour. It is these units that use space more rationally and are often built-in. But at a price they practically do not differ from full-size ones and they are purchased even for large families.

Compact dishwasher in the kitchen

Species diversity

Despite the small dimensions, even in the cheapest dishwasher there are up to 5 basic programs: a full cycle, daily, intensive and fast washing, as well as common in modern devices eco mode. Therefore, the compact dishwasher has no obstacles to any dirt, stuck and old stains. In total, there are 2 types of such devices.

  1. Freestanding (solo) that fit on a pedestal, table or sideboard. The desktop appliance is one of the latest inventions. Most often, it is on the surface of the table and up to 4 sets are loaded into it. They cost less than devices of the second type. In some models there is the possibility of subsequent integration due to a removable top panel.
  2. Built into the kitchen, without decorative lining on the sides and top. Such models allow you to preserve the style of the interior, without violating its home appliances. A good idea is a dishwasher hidden under the desk. A classic unit will always cost less than the one you need to build in.

Installation Features

The first thing you should do before buying is to determine exactly where your device will be located and measure everything with a tape measure. The main thing is that there is free access to the dishwasher, and next to it are water supply, sewage and a power outlet. Typically, appliances are placed no further than 2-3 meters from the pipes and up to one meter from the outlet (standard cord length).

One of the most common places is under the sink, due to the proximity of communications. Also, the machine can be hung above the sink on a special shelf or mounts. Usually there is always free space and a dishwasher will not bother anyone.

And the third option is a free stand, if you have one. If before communications more than one and a half meters, then regular regular pipes will not be enough. You have to buy adapters and additional hoses (inlet and outlet).

Installation steps:

  1. If the dishwasher will stand on the ledge, and not on the floor, the first thing to do is to assemble the shelf. Drill holes in the cabinet or wall, drive in the wall plugs and fix the shelf. After laying the rubber backing, install the dishwasher itself and make sure the appliance is stable.
  2. The next step is to connect to the sewer. Turn off the cold water and disconnect the pipe line that leads to the kitchen faucet with an inlet hose. Mount a tap on it (preferably a tee), and leave the outlet free. Then screw the filter to it. Remember to wrap the thread sealant against the thread.
  3. Then attach the siphon and connect the dishwasher. Pull the drain pipe to the siphon fitting, put on the edge of the hose and secure with a hose clamp. Screw the filler pipe to the free thread of the flow filter, check the connection and the unit can be tested.

The best compact dishwashers

Our rating includes European cars that have almost perfect build quality. But their Chinese counterparts are cheaper and they often have some kind of error.

  • Bosch SKS50E32EU

This compact desktop machine has small dimensions - 45 * 55 * 45 cm. At the same time, it treats cold water with up to 6 sets of dishes of varying degrees of contamination. Class of power consumption A + (economical). The door has a Servolock system (smooth opening of the facade), GlassProtec (delicate washing of fragile glasses) and the possibility of incomplete loading.

And the device independently determines the type of detergent, it has sensors for quality and water leakage, and the dishes just creak from cleanliness. The only nuance can be considered the average noise level - 54 decibels. Price - from 21 thousand rubles.

  • Whirlpool ADG422

This is a narrow built-in model (45 * 55 * 82 cm) made in Poland. It is very convenient to place it in the niches of kitchen sets, and on top the equipment is closed with a facade panel. The dishwasher will easily fit into the interior of any room.

Belongs to the latest generation of technology: it works quietly (45 dB) and economically (class A ++). At the end, you get completely dry dishes, and only 9 liters of water are spent on one cycle. It is interesting that buyers can see a certain amount of liquid in the tank of new equipment. The fact is that at the factory before sending it to the store, the equipment must be tested for all kinds of leaks.

Such a dishwasher with an electronic display can hold and wash up to 10 sets. In total there are 7 programs in it, the most innovative ones - delayed start up to 12 hours, the option “beam on floor ”(when the end of work is visible in the built-in appliances), Multi zone cleaning mode and protection against leaks. The device costs from 22 thousand. rubles.

  • Electorlux ESF2400OS

In the Swedish brand, mini-devices are mainly represented by freestanding models. This is the most compact dishwasher among competitors - only 43.8 cm high.

But with the equipment in this device, everything is great - 6 programs, 4 temperature conditions, power consumption class A + and there is even a delay in starting. The dishwasher consumes only 6.5 liters of water. You can buy Electorlux ESF2400OS in Moscow from 19 thousand. rubles.

Electorlux ESF2400OS

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